[情報] 03/01/2022 Daily Horoscope
祝你新年快樂。願它成為你所希望的一切! 萬事如意
If you are feeling bored or stuck in the same old routine, this could be a great day to start planning something new and special. Perhaps there is an idea you did not dare explore before, maybe because of life circumstances or even due to a fear of change. But you should be feeling braver and bolder now, Moonchild, and you can use that energy to explore what's possible. Anything you start now should flow. What would you most like to do? Whatever it is, good fortune is with you.
Wishing you a happy New Years. May it be all that you hope it will be! All the best
Happy New Year!
[情報] 11/25 Daily HoroscopeWhen you look for the good in all areas of your life, that's when the good com es to you. It may be much easier to do the opposite - to worry and fret over t hings that are not going your way. But there really is a kind of magic involve d in seeking out and believing that the best can be, and that there is always something happy beckoning you. Today, Leo, if you seek out the good, and you l8
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/30你現在應該感到精神振奮、樂觀且非常正面。如果沒有這種感覺的話,親愛的阿牛,那就 想辦法達到目的吧。雖然你目前可能正遭受挫折或困難,但你肯定能感受到正面的浪潮正 流經你的生活中,並向你提出不該拒絕的建議。利用這段時間讓自己置身其中、充滿希望 ,並決定自己的下一步將會是美好的。力量就掌握在你的手中。 ——7
[情報] 11/15 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 15 2021 你現在可能有一些對於金錢的困擾, 或某種程度上對財務感到有一點不安全感。 無論你是擔心已經犯過的錯誤, 或需要增強開源能力,魔魔,7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/06/07牛牛,你的生活出現了什麼問題嗎?這對你來說或許並不出乎意料,因為你可能已經不斷 的思考你現在所面臨的問題。可是去細究並且擔心它們並不會改變任何事情,對嗎?但有 些事物卻可以。 當你選擇樂觀時,去保持你臉上的微笑,懷抱那些快樂並且充盈著希望的想法。 -即使你必須讓自己去做到這些。6
[情報] 14/10/2021 Daily Horoscope一件長期的事情終於要告一個段落了。 這是你生活中涉及過渡和轉變的事情,儘管你可能還沒有完全意識到它。 現在,月之子你可能會有委屈、沮喪、擔心,甚至恐懼。 你可能會擔心你沒有完成能做的一切的事情,而且這不會像你希望的那樣回報你。 但你的信仰在哪裡?信仰現在絕對是一個組成部分。6
[情報] 06/29 the daily horoscopeThe closer you get to a big goal, the more frightening it becomes. It should b e the opposite, Gemini. The excitement and anticipation should be building. Yo u should be imagining how wonderful everything will be when you finally get th ere. You should be feeling very proud and happy about how far you have come. S o, what could make it feel any other way? Maybe it's the pressure of living up2
[情報] 11/24 the daily horoscopeLife is too short not to... You go ahead and fill in the blank, Gemini. To be happy? To believe in yourself? To reach for your dreams? Whatever way you choo se to end that sentence, Gemini, is the right way. If you have been thinking a lot about something you want to do but have kept putting it off, you should s eize the moment as soon as you can. Life is short, relatively speaking, and it