[情報] 07/03/2022~13/03/2022 Weekly Horoscope
You may find yourself feeling more sociable than usual this week, Moonchild. Take advantage of that state of mind and seek out ways to meet new people. Youare someone who cultivates close friendships rather than just engaging with casual acquaintances, so most of the people you talk to are probably people youhave known for quite some time. You are sometimes resistant to meeting new people. But if you're feeling bubbly now, this is a great opportunity to mix andmingle. Seek out any kind of venue that you enjoy where you might meet otherswho are interested in the same things you are. You may find that you are on adifferent wavelength from someone you are dealing with on a big purchase or in a legal matter. They just don't seem to understand your perspective. But if this is something important, it could become costly if you find you can't communicate effectively with this person. Consider looking for another source for whatever it is that you need. Don't overreact late in the week if a dear friend or family member seems angry. They may not be angry at you, and so you should not make that assumption. If there is no way to help them, find a more pleasant atmosphere in which you can enjoy your weekend.
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/19你現在可能參與著一些你已經失去目標感的事。你曾在參加這件事的時候感覺很好,如果 你不再擁有曾經的熱情,帶著巨大的責任往前是件困難的事。親愛的阿牛,訣竅不是找到 擺脫它的方法,而是重拾那個目標感。回顧一下你的經驗,看看是否能找到你曾感受過的 火花。你很可能做得到這件事,這會幫助你以更大的熱情和興奮向前邁進。 ——7
[情報] 02/20 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Feb 20 2022 你可能沒認知到自己的態度需要調整, 如果環境讓你很失落,魔魔, 你發現你不像平常那樣積極正向, 或有野心,5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/04你最近可能發覺自己正在處理麻煩人所造成的麻煩事。而你對這件事情的態度可能會消沉到冷酷甚至是憤怒,阿牛,但是這並不會帶來任何幫助。若你正這麼想,那麼在你開口之前你需要進入到不同的心境裡。由你的明智讓自己的躁動冷靜一下,並且試著找出事情為什麼演變成這樣的原因。如果你用一個冷靜、專注又平靜的心態來面對,你很有可能會對於結果不只是感到高興。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Jun 4 You may have found yourself dealing with a complex situation made even more difficult by difficult people. Your attitude about this could easily devolve into a harsh, angry one, Taurus, but that wouldn't help things at all. If you are feeling that way, you need to enter into a different state of mind before you begin addressing this. Temper your agitation with wisdom, and try to find insight into why things are going this way. If you approach this in a calm, centered and serene state of mind, you are likely to be more than pleased with the outcome. --3
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/29不要因為拘泥於形式而致使你不跟那不太熟悉的人分享重要的東西。如果你覺得這個人能 夠以某種正面的方式參與你的生活,或能幫助你跟那些能夠助你一臂之力的人產生連結, 那你需要為了這種可能性抱持開放態度。你應該會發現將會受到熱烈歡迎,這個人可能會 是個很好的人選,無論是友誼或是商業關係中。阿牛,不需要感到害羞。 ——