[情報] 28/03/2022 Daily Horoscope
『停下來聞聞玫瑰花 。』
在你的日程表中加入 『聞聞玫瑰』的時刻,就像你做那些家務和其他義務一樣。
Cancer horoscope for 星期一 3月 28
The phrase "stop and smell the roses" has become a bit of a clich To those who already know the value of this, they don't need a reminder because they incorporate these moments into their lives routinely. But to those who don't understand, they may just think, "How on earth can I stop for anything? There arechores to do and places to be, and there just isn't time to stop!" But you can find a way to stop and savor the moment. Add it "smelling the roses" into your schedule, just as you do those chores and other obligations. It's important!
[情報] 17/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may feel like you are fighting an uphill battle just to do a little better than you have been doing.You have a beautiful vision for your life and the way it should be, but it may seem impossible to attain right now.Perhaps you have even lowered your expectations - but that is a mistake.When times are tough, it can be more difficult to keep picturing and believing in a better day,7
[情報] 6/18 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jun 18 2021 There might be a simpler solution than the one you can see someone opting for. You may have offered advice that has been rejected, and that may feel personal. But there could be reasons other than what you are imagining for someone to take the tougher route. Stubbornness, for one. If you have offered7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/13今天停下來思考目前自己的幸福指數吧,阿牛。你幸福嗎?你滿足嗎?或你根本沒想過真 正的幸福是什麼呢?你非常清楚最近在解決的問題,但可能你根本沒有想到它們是如何影 響你的。如果你把經常評估自己的幸福指數當成一個重點,你就能從頭到尾都保持著相當 高的幸福感。只要意識到自己的感受,你就能找到方法讓自己的感覺更好。今天要牢記這 點。2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/03你對於他人想獲得的東西看起來比他們還熱心,或許會感到受傷或幻滅,但這並不是你能 改變的事,阿牛。你能像往常一樣,讓對方知道,在傾注心力為一個可能根本不在乎的人 付出之前,你需要更深入了解對他們來說什麼是重要的事。但如果你退一步,可能會感到 訝異。這件事對他們來說可能比你想得還要重要。 ——