[情報] 29/03/2022 Daily Horoscope
不要在追求 『比 』的過程中錯過了一段偉大的友誼。
Cancer horoscope for 星期二 3月 29
When you feel like you are in competition with someone, it can be hard to seethat person as vulnerable and as just another person. If you are always trying to get ahead of them in some way and show you're smarter, more talented, andso on, then you fail to see their character in the encompassing way. And thiscan happen even when there is no official competition. You may be comparing yourself to someone else, but there should be no comparison, Moonchild. You each have your own unique gifts. Don't miss out on a great friendship in a quest to be "better than."
[情報] 17/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may feel like you are fighting an uphill battle just to do a little better than you have been doing.You have a beautiful vision for your life and the way it should be, but it may seem impossible to attain right now.Perhaps you have even lowered your expectations - but that is a mistake.When times are tough, it can be more difficult to keep picturing and believing in a better day,7
[情報] 24/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou are the ultimate decision-maker of your life, dear Moonchild. No one else can say what is best for you. However, there are times when it is difficult to be objective about your choices. You may not see certain tendencies of yours in an impartial way. If someone is offering you insight or feedback on an important decision now, then listen. You are the7
[情報] 05/19 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for May 19 2022 你為了生命中的某人做了很多, 而他們看起來不對你的努力感到謝意, 他們可能假設提供幫助對你來說很簡單。 他們更專注在自己的需求,6
[情報] 11/09 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 09 2021 在生命中你視某個人為剋星, 這個人會試著在每個機會都擊敗你。 但最糟的是,魔魔, 你可能真的認為,6
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/10/26今天要記住一件事,你不是在和他人競爭以獲得你想要的東西。沒有別人擋著你,儘管它 看起來是這樣。你唯一的競爭者是你自己,阿牛。如果你允許自己發光發熱,並且展現自 己的天賦,你就會脫穎而出。不要羞於分享你的特殊之處。為了體現你想要的東西,這是 你需要去做的。 ——5
[情報] 07/09/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期二 9月 7 When someone you know is facing a tough challenge, it is easy to say, "everyth ing will be okay." We often say this to loved ones who are experiencing a stru ggle - even though you may not be facing that challenge yourself, and even tho ugh sitting on the sidelines comes with a great sense of security. But believe