[情報] 07/05/2022 Daily Horoscope
Cancer horoscope for 星期六 5月 7
It is likely that you will have the chance soon to strike up a friendship with someone who has great influence. This may become a very close connection with an individual in a position of power who could actually help you finally make a certain dream come true. The key will be in recognizing this individual first, and then in being free and open about who you are. Speak from the heart, dare to be as creative as you can be, and show your passion - they will understand and feel the same way, Moonchild.
[情報] 29/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou are often misunderstood, Moonchild. And you are someone who absolutely abhors being misunderstood! That may be because most people don't have the capacity to fully understand someone so deeply intuitive, emotionally rich, sweetly sensitive, and oh so creative. You are a complex creature, and it takes time to know you well. But there is someone in your life, perhaps someone new6
[情報] 10/05 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 05 2022 你想對某人敞開心胸, 告訴他這段關係中困擾你的事, 但你也擔心這麼做會以某種方式傷害你們之間一起擁有的東西。 但如果你們不能好好討論這個,5
[情報] 20/08/2020 Daily HoroscopeThe confidence you have in your ability to complete a certain mission is enviable, and it may even give you an advantage with those who can help you boost your mission. But at the same time, Moonchild, it may be a lot to take on by yourself. There could be someone else, though, who both envies and admires your prowess but lacks the confidence to take on the5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/12/10可能有人向你尋求幫助,而你也同意了。你是樂於奉獻且充滿愛心的人,因此你相當認真 地對待你做出的承諾。但那個人可能忽略了為你提供所需的資源來幫助你履行承諾。這不 是你的錯,也可能不是任何人的錯。不要因為這件事就覺得自己很失敗。透過一些充滿創 造性的腦力激盪,你將有辦法想出一個替代方案來完成這個任務,阿牛。不要放棄。 ——2
[情報] 12/01 Daily HoroscopeYou may be tempted to make a knee-jerk judgment about someone who has recently appeared in your life. Something that they did or said may have caused you to frame them in a certain way and to assign them to a less-than-positive catego ry. Give it some more time. Give yourself a chance to observe more of who that person is and what they have to offer. Rejecting someone so easily could deny