[情報] 2/2 Daily Horoscope
Capricorn horoscope for Feb 2 2021
Sometimes you don't dream the biggest dreams that you could dream simply because you don't think it will be worth your while. And if there is no way you could ever achieve what you want so much, then why waste your time thinking about it, and why risk such a big disappointment? But sometimes, Capricorn, you can't know what you can attain if you don't even try. You are so practical sometimes and so bent on being efficient that you don't want to waste or risk anything, but today you can take a big step
toward getting something you want if you aren't afraid to try.
Copyright (c) The DailyHoroscope by Comitic
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[情報] 11/16 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Nov 16 2021 發現自己並不真的喜歡當初選擇參與的事會讓人非常失望, 或許你有非常高的期待,魔魔, 且預想事情運作順利。 同樣地,你不該將這件事視為壞事,9
[情報] 12/10 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 10 2021 有一些你認識的人能想出傑出、瘋狂且令人印象深刻的點子, 你可能驚艷於他們分享自己構想的渴望, 並認為你自己永遠沒有這種勇氣。 有時他們的想法會發展飛速並可能非常成功,5
[情報] 03/31 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Mar 31 2022 在生命中有某個領域你特別缺乏自信, 或許是因爲你曾聽過其他人的回饋, 或是不太討人喜歡的自我評估。 當評斷你自己的時候會變得相當嚴厲,魔魔。3
[情報] 0720 DailyHoroscopeSometimes we choose the softest words so that we can gloss over a serious mess age. Many of us - especially you, dear Capricorn - don't like to provoke a con flict or a confrontation. But when you deliver a message with kid gloves, you don't always convey how passionately you feel about it. Sometimes it is worth the risk of conflict and confrontation to say something that needs to be said.2
[情報] 11/27 the daily horoscopeSomeone may be telling you that you are striving too hard for something that i s going to turn out to be impossible. But you have energy to spare, Gemini, an d nothing will be lost in the trying. Besides, you aren't someone who would ch oose to waste your time, so it is very likely that you have a gut feeling that this is going to work out. Don't let someone's well-meaning advice get you do1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/07/30某人可能會暗示或甚至是直截了當地告訴你,他覺得你在新的計畫上進行得太快了。到你耳邊,阿牛,這可能會被詮釋為那個人覺得你所冒的風險過高,或者是你正在淌一個不值得你的時間的渾水,又或者是他不相信你有辦法去搞定。但是,與其去分析你對他們的話中有話是怎麼想的,在他們的意見或指示對你而言是很有份量的前提之下,怎麼不直接去問清楚呢?也許你能就此消弭他們的擔憂。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Jul 30 Someone may be implying or even telling you directly that they think you are moving too fast with a new endeavor. To your ears, Taurus, this might be interpreted as that person thinking you are taking too big of a risk or getting involved in something that is not worth your time - or maybe they don't believe you can handle it. But rather than analyzing what you think they might be saying - assuming their opinion or guidance is important to you - why not ask directly? Perhaps you can dispel their fears. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.1
[情報] 8/24 the daily horoscopeCan you achieve something that you think is unachievable? That depends, Gemini . If it's something simple and you go through the motions that are necessary, then you probably can. But if you have a big dream, but you don't fully believ e it is possible to attain, then it might be far less likely you will get what you are hoping for. Keep this in mind today if you are about to launch an eff- 月之子,今天不要怕自己想得太遠。 不要害怕要求並相信你可以完全擁有你想要的東西。 如果你限制了自己,那麼自然你只能得到你所限制的要求。 花點時間研究一下你最近對自己期望值較低的嗜好。 難道你不應該得到更多嗎?難道你就不能得到嗎?宇宙是否對你有怨恨?