[情報] 12/17 Daily Horoscope
Capricorn horoscope for Dec 17 2021
Don't allow a minor disagreement to turn into a major battle today. You don't need that. You might feel inclined to defend your position and to point out to the other party how unreasonable they are being, but that might not do anything but escalate an argument. You do need to assess the person's stance, Capricorn, and figure out how you feel about it personally - but you should find that walking away at this point is your best option. And if so, you can always return to the subject when things calm down.
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[情報] 09/21 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Sep 21 2022 只有一個方法能夠找出新的機會適不適合你, 就是去嘗試看看。 雖然一想到這點恐懼就會充滿你全身, 因為你不想失敗,8
[情報] 6/22 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jun 22 2021 You are someone who is very careful before you accept anything, even a really good opportunity. It is in your nature to cautiously assess the circumstances and your chances of success. But every now and then, Capricorn, there isn't time to do all of that. Sometimes a really big break comes along, and you7
[情報] 12/24 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 24 2020 You can be a perfectionist, Capricorn. There, it's been said. You will probably even acknowledge this. You know that you like things a certain way. You have very high standards. But other people don't always understand why you are so idealistic. Even so, that doesn't mean you should have to lower7
[情報] 8/13 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Aug 13 2021 You are not afraid of new or adventurous situations, Capricorn, but you don't necessarily seek them out either. In fact, you might be more inclined to opt for an activity or pursuit that offers a smoother experience. But every now and then, it is good to go beyond your comfort zone, even if you don't feel6
[情報] 12/21 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 21 2020 When a matter seems urgent, or you are operating under great pressure, you might make a decision that you wouldn't make if you were blessed with having time where there was no urgency or pressure. Today, Capricorn, you may face a challenging matter that seems extremely pressing and urgent, and you might go5
[情報] 1/27 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 27 2021 Your comfort zone might be the easiest place to hang out today, even though an invitation or obligation might be pushing you to leave it. It is always tempting to stay where we feel safe and secure and where we know we won't be challenged, Capricorn, but those are the places that don't usually spur us on5
[情報] 7/5 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jul 5 2021 What would start out as an argument or a conflict today could turn into a positive breakthrough. You may be engaged in an ongoing dispute with someone, so don't be afraid to reveal what's really bothering you. You sometimes hesitate to share what is at the core of your upset because you don't like5
[情報] 12/03 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 03 2021 你不是那種會在沒被邀請的派對現身的人, 無論走到哪裡, 你想知道自己屬於每個地方。 但這些標準不該延伸到那些結果可能會影響到你的對話,