Re: [情報] 泰摩平刀電磨 Kickstarter (不寄台
1. X lite Grinders and Nano Scales Shipping Countries: We would like to remind our backers that our product can only be shipped to Japan, Germany, the United States, and the United Kingdom. If you are not located in one of these countries,please cancel your pledge through the “manage pledge” option. Please be careful not to cancel your main reward, as it cannot be restored once canceled.
2. Shipping Countries for Grinder: We will confirm and announce the final list of countries where we can ship the grinder on the 15th of May. If we are unable to ship to your country/region, we will provide a refund.
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[情報] Apple宣佈和大聯盟簽下轉播合約Apple's Tim Cook just announced a rights deal with MLB. Apple and Major League Baseball to offer “Friday Night Baseball”18
Re: [爆卦] 烏克蘭代表:中國等國將成烏安全保障國我跟你說 每家報社寫的都不一樣 有些是沒有直接列中國 例如加拿大那邊寫的是 They named Israel and NATO members Canada, Poland and Turkey as countries that may give such guarantees. Russia, the United States, Britain, Germany and Italy could also be involved.- 老高的影片有說一個很厲害的預言家 她在她的blog 有關於2022年的預言 有預言 俄羅斯會打烏克蘭
Re: [新聞] 美國為烏克蘭謀求蘇聯戰機 波蘭冷回:不介結果案情翻轉了 今天波蘭要把俄式戰機給美國 請美國代為轉交給烏克蘭 結果遭美國冷回:不介入.... Pentagon says Polish proposal to transfer jets to US to give to Ukraine isn't8
Re: [新聞] 癌症海嘯來襲 健保用藥仍跟不上國際指八卦是喔 美國花這麼多錢 結果預期壽命還輸給台灣 甚至輸中國...2
Re: [問卦] 台灣人均GDP跟主計處月薪對不起來?欸,不是,亂講話也要丟野雞網站數據吧? 隨手Google不敢完全保證正確,但是至少有個根據來說話吧? 剛剛找到的資料,不過是2020年的,有點過期了。 不過我想應該還是勉強湊合著用。 Countries by GDP Per Capita (PPP), Mean Income (PPP)X
[問卦] 請問countries是啥意思?是這樣的,我無聊搜尋了一下從太空看地球的景象 很好奇countries這單字代表什麼意思呢? 會不會被網軍檢舉下架這部影片? --1
[情報] Apple宣佈和大聯盟簽下轉播合約Apple's Tim Cook just announced a rights deal with MLB. Apple and Major League Baseball to offer “Friday Night Baseball”- 代PO請勿回 直接投履歷喔 Position: Export Manager (base in brunei, target market at Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam) Total Vacancy: 1 Male/Female Job Description: