[閒聊] RealT美國房產STO
What are the benefits of tokenized real estate?
RealT sells real estate property through the internet, and thus, any real estate can be purchased from anywhere in the world (with some exceptions). Additionally, RealT properties are fractionalizable, so that anyone can invest any amount that fits their needs. Additionally, RealT has reduced the time to purchase realestate from a minimum of 30 days and numerous steps with third parties, to just30 minutes and on your phone or computer.
What problems does tokenization solve?
Now, real estate investments can be made affordable to anyone, regardless of their net-worth. Real estate is also a notoriously illiquid industry. By turning real estate into digital tokens, real estate can be accessed by far larger numbers of potential buyers, both due to fractionalization of the tokens, and the potential reach of internet-based markets.
恩 樂見更多州和國家配合電子房產證 目前看來只有密西根州
更正 非全州 只有之前破產的車城 底特律市 算城市活化 XD
股票STO化 拜託拜託 下一步就是24小時P2P交易惹
IHT 認識一下 看這什麼鳥價格
[情報] 羅里奇Josh Roenicke宣佈引退jroprimetime As my baseball playing days have come to an end, a new endeavor b egins! am proud and excited to announce this opportunity with Fine Properties and joining the @juliefranklinteam Please don't hesitate to reach out and allo w me to help you with your real estate needs! #juliefranklinteam #fineproperti es #flarealtor #buyersagent #sellersagent34
[情報] Schroder在LA購置房產來源: Last November, German basketball superstar Dennis Schroder was traded to the Lakers following stints with the Atlanta Hawks and Oklahoma Thunder. Records reveal the 27-year-old Braunschweig native — who is currently eyeing a17
[情報] 營造工程物價指數持續創新高 之前就說直接漲基本工資就又上去了 然後明年確定還要+3%以上基本工資 這個還沒算到4月電費開漲14
Re: [新聞] 外資怕有戰爭賣超台股?謝金河曝兩岸不會稍微查了一下 根據DAVID LE BRIS的Wars, Inflation and Stock Market Returns in France,1870-1945 文中說明到二戰時期的法國市場並非自由市場導致股價上漲 1.二戰時期法國國內的資金只能購買國有資產和公債 World War I and World War II differ in the level of capital freedom.7
[選校] Columbia MSRED v.s. UMD MSF幫朋友代po 大家好 我今年申請了美國的財經跟不動產碩士,目前正在考慮的是Columbia MS Real Es tate Development 和 UMD MS Finance 學校優缺點如下 Columbia MS Real Estate Development5
[請益] 請教關於ARK7這個美國房地產投資平台?剛剛在YT上看到這段影片(非打廣告) 裡面有提到ARK7這個美國房地產的的投資平台 看了一下網站裡的幾個房地產物件的圖表資料 感覺美國房地產價格也是長期向上2
[問卦] Virtual Real Estate??女口是頁 剛剛看新聞被一個字給炸到 "Virtual Real Estate" 直接翻譯是虛擬房地產 可是這什麼蓋念?1
[問卦] 經濟火車頭的英文是這樣對吧!我最近學了火車頭的英文: Locomotive! 馬上來造句! The dried mango market and the real estate market are the twin powerful locomotives of Taiwan’s economy ! 這樣子句子上有什麼錯誤的嗎?1
[請益] VNQ持股第一名的資產是什麼?如圖 第一名是Vanguard Real Estate II Index, 感覺是基金類型的東西, 請問VNQ為什麼要買這個,