Re: [閒聊] 歡迎收看FAPL武漢肺炎疫情特報

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Boris Johnson首相首度表示:

為控制武漢肺炎傳播 考慮暫停國內各項體育賽事


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DrFrogo03/13 02:24他是說暫時不取消體育活動 但一直納入考量中

woodgatel03/13 02:25Coronavirus: UK government considering banning spor

woodgatel03/13 02:25ting fixtures

woodgatel03/13 02:25The UK government is considering banning sporting f

woodgatel03/13 02:25ixtures amid the coronavirus outbreak - but it will

woodgatel03/13 02:25 not happen immediately.

woodgatel03/13 02:25On Thursday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the

woodgatel03/13 02:25UK will move to the "delay" phase of its plan to ta

woodgatel03/13 02:25ckle the virus.

woodgatel03/13 02:26There have been 596 confirmed cases across the UK.

woodgatel03/13 02:26"We are considering banning major public events lik

woodgatel03/13 02:26e sporting fixtures," said Johnson.

woodgatel03/13 02:26"The scientific advice is this has little effect on

woodgatel03/13 02:26 the spread - but it does place a burden on other p

woodgatel03/13 02:26ublic services."

Muarean03/13 08:43哇靠 英國600例了