[情報] Liam Lawson繼續替代Ricardo直到傷勢復原

看板FORMULA1標題[情報] Liam Lawson繼續替代Ricardo直到傷勢復原作者
時間推噓17 推:17 噓:0 →:5

Alphatauri IG

We are delighted that Daniel's surgery went
well and that he is now on the road to recovery.

We hope to see him at the track again very
soon, but until he is fully fit, we can confirm
that Liam, who did a good job in difficult
circumstances in Zandvoort, will continue to
drive alongside Yuki, starting from our home
race this weekend in Monza.



Sent from JPTT on my iPhone


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※ 編輯: andy30093 ( 西班牙), 08/29/2023 01:06:34

ronnie82120208/29 01:24加油,繼續累積經驗

grayair08/29 04:25臨時上陣跑得還不錯

taxlaw199108/29 07:15Lawson可以下贊助了 Lawson+日本人角田

ten022708/29 07:29超商哥加油

alan061108/29 08:26便利商店如果跑得不錯的話我看明年RIC直接掰了

ocean92070408/29 09:05我以為明年本來就沒有他的位子欸

alex058908/29 09:17RIC本來就是墊檔的

AressGreen08/29 09:28話說回來,明年會有席位空出來嗎?

tiesto0620208/29 09:35結果中平只跑一場就GG

tiesto0620208/29 09:36而且還被撞

tiesto0620208/29 09:36換人(X) 代班(O)

milkypine08/29 09:49很難不懷疑是德芙在作法害人

ShaNe199308/29 10:53帶跑兩場大概可以把全部狀況都經歷了

karkkunt08/29 13:57畢竟是碎片主場,有奇怪的磁場也是正常的

RBaldelli08/29 17:52不過SF還沒結束耶

RBaldelli08/29 17:5810/27-29還有SF

shingatter08/29 18:01Dev還是可以代開小牛,Law應該sf為先吧?

VL100308/29 18:02Lawson 有 SF 比賽還是以那邊為主吧? 畢竟還有機會爭冠。

VL100308/29 18:03反正離 10/27 還久,要找其他人補時間很充裕了。

MediaPlayer08/29 18:45三樓有梗推

Vincent802608/29 19:14尾翼大字XD

PONANZA08/29 20:06那要看敢不趕得上日本站 這贊助一定要拉啊