[情報] RUS to MGP

看板FORMULA1標題[情報] RUS to MGP作者
時間推噓66 推:66 噓:0 →:16

georgerussell63 It's official. Next year, I'll be a
Mercedes F1 driver. This is a special day for me
personally and professionally, but also a day of mixed
emotions. I'm excited and humbled to be joining
Mercedes next year, which is a huge career step, but it
also means I'll be saying goodbye to my team-mates
and friends at Williams. It has been an honour working
alongside every member of the team, and an honour to
represent the Williams name in F1. Since I joined in
2019, we have worked tirelessly to push each other
forward and bring the team back up the grid where it
belongs. We've battled for every qualifying position,
every point, and every tenth of a second. No matter
how tough it's been, nobody has ever given up, and
that has inspired me every day. I've loved every
moment in what I'd describe as a true heart and soul
racing team, and I'll be pushing harder than ever to
make sure we end our story in the best possible way.
Looking ahead to next season, I'd be lying if I said I
wasn't absolutely buzzing. It's a huge opportunity and
one I want to grab with both hands. But I'm under no
illusions as to the scale of the challenge; it's going to
be a steep learning curve. Valtteri has set a high bar,
consistently delivering week in and week out, scoring
wins, pole positions and helping win multiple
championship titles. My target must be to reward the
trust that Toto, the team, and the board have placed in
me by ensuring I play my part in continuing that
success and I want to do my new team-mates proud.
Of course, one of those new team-mates is in my
opinion the greatest driver of all time. I've looked up to
Lewis since I was in go-karts and the opportunity to
learn from someone who has become a role model both
on and off track can only benefit me as a driver, a
professional, and a human being. For now, though, I
have nine more races as a Williams driver, and I want to
make sure they are the best nine of my time with the
team. Then, and only then, can I turn my attention to
2022. A huge thank you to Williams, to Mercedes and
to everyone who has supported me in getting to where I
am today. I couldn't have done it without every single
one of you.




A for Anime(X) Algebra(O)
C for Comic(X) Combinatorics(O)
G for Game(X) Geometry(O)
N for Novel(X) Number theory(O)


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※ 編輯: louiss72 ( 臺灣), 09/07/2021 17:04:13

misssuika09/07 17:03

圖 RUS to MGP

chrisplash09/07 17:04事到如今只有終於官宣了這種感覺XDD

zoe8912009/07 17:04恭喜舊舉

BloodNeo09/07 17:05怎麼都沒有驚喜感

ju0608071909/07 17:05Lewis, it's James...

BalaBalaDaBa09/07 17:05一絲一毫驚喜感都沒有^_^

BalaBalaDaBa09/07 17:06明年就是 Lewis it's James vs George it's James了

Kowdan09/07 17:08嗯,真是意外呢(棒讀)

axzs111109/07 17:09RIS:沒有一絲喜悅 不惜粉身碎骨…

karkkunt09/07 17:09什麼!竟然是George去賓士!

KomeijiYuki09/07 17:09B1Y

Wall6209/07 17:10就舉: 我心中沒有一絲一毫的喜悅

KomeijiYuki09/07 17:10如果是OCO去賓士才會嚇人一跳

espressona09/07 17:10期待!!

a2300601010309/07 17:11前面表情就露餡了~

kyphosis09/07 17:12就不要明年賓士新車烙賽就虧大了

FoxtailMille09/07 17:12哇,真是令人大吃一斤呢

zoe8912009/07 17:13

圖 RUS to MGP

likeastar09/07 17:13YAY 等了好久終於!!!

lepidoptera09/07 17:14老漢:終於有趣一點了

JhouHank09/07 17:147777777777

ilovealonso09/07 17:16

PerFrancis09/07 17:18終於

lobabun09/07 17:18十億人驚呆了

nniouu09/07 17:22賓士血流成河 MAX爽翻囉

johnny5408809/07 17:22哇 居然是就舉欸(棒讀

tyytt09/07 17:23賓士明年準備烙賽

hangzer09/07 17:24好像說多年的合約 這幾年BOT都是一年一簽 差超多XD

GonFreecss09/07 17:27we have worked tirelessly 是當時威廉斯超慢的原因嗎

jason013209/07 17:28現在年輕的好像都是簽多年

GonFreecss09/07 17:28(誤) 我的車沒有輪胎,難怪你會勝利,看來我該讓賢了

comeimei09/07 17:28簽幾年???多年的話應該就HAM退休要扶正吧

r5121121409/07 17:29哇 真是意外呢

hangzer09/07 17:31官方只說long term contrat 等看看有沒有媒體揭露

www102509/07 17:32真是太驚喜,太意外了!

karkkunt09/07 17:33簽幾年問Horner

DerekHolland09/07 17:33RUS:驚不驚喜?意不意外?

jason013209/07 17:38horner:我那天就是提早恭喜啊。哈哈 小可愛 當下還裝。

mildred1909/07 17:41有好戲看囉

allenchen10609/07 17:42Let’s Gooooooooooo

showpan198309/07 17:43horner破梗那天,我看糾舉憋笑憋到青筋要爆了哈哈

DarthVader09/07 17:48我要看到Rosberg, Ham等級的血流成河!!!

wtgcarot09/07 17:50紅牛Max賓士Rus紅軍Lec麥隊Nor未來十年就看這四個爭冠

maywrann09/07 17:51車要夠好,不夠好就是一起爛啊

potatoes09/07 17:53威隊起飛 Latifi奪冠(

hangzer09/07 17:54這樣子講這四位年輕人總算有一拚的機會了 之前RUS都只能

Axy809/07 17:54恭喜

hangzer09/07 17:54被套圈(?)

ckjaau09/07 17:59恭喜Rus~

duece092709/07 18:15到底會是George It’s James 還是Lewis呢

wahaha88809/07 18:17竟然簽了RUS!真是太讓人驚訝了!勁爆啊!

alex058909/07 18:19如果賓士席位有開賭盤 RUS賠率應該不到1

kaihon09/07 18:20恭喜 明年比較多新氣象!

alex058909/07 18:23四天王的時代快來臨了

alex058909/07 18:24希望明年大改後GAS和OCO也能加入戰局

clya09/07 18:29賠率不到一的賭盤我開給你下XDD

hangzer09/07 18:30F1官方YT一樣快速放出RUS到MGP的回顧XDD

alex058909/07 18:31賠率不到一就是逼你下別人XD

s568909/07 18:54恭喜舊舉

ken72033109/07 19:01希望四天王時代來臨

banyantree09/07 19:08簽了RUS不勁爆啊,Williams的車手就是賓士的青訓隊

banyantree09/07 19:08車手啊,去年大家就已經在說RUS什麼時候可以上去賓

banyantree09/07 19:08

jason232509/07 19:09樓上你是不是會錯意 大部分都在反串吧 XD

botchbean09/07 19:14支持rus 他真的有能力

jlincredible09/07 19:17RUS真的值得開好車

cumore09/07 20:01賓 牛 法 麥 小牛 alpine各有一個年輕車手,看好之後大亂

cumore09/07 20:01

williamsf109/07 20:19祝福QQ

a2517236609/07 20:26哈斯也有兩個年輕車手呀!

whu32809/07 20:34賓士少主即位

realion09/07 20:44ver lec nor rus可以拚個高下,可憐alb

ryanlu42809/07 21:12Lewis, it’s James

j5a6s7o8n09/07 21:15!!!!

oiuj0609/07 21:30看看就舉的運氣怎樣了…不要一來明年大改賓士烙賽就…

EulerFormula09/07 21:44恭喜就舉

REI317309/08 00:53

圖 RUS to MGP

Vincent802609/08 03:38這還真的是個挑戰XD

nocturnesw09/08 09:58期待老漢各種花式自爆 年紀大了運氣開始不好

bob87050709/08 09:59啊 真是意外啊(棒讀

FoxtailMille09/08 11:17Russell 的衰如何 讓天公子中和,是Toto 的新挑戰

PONANZA09/08 14:55我好期待看到同車隊互撞退賽的場面