[情報] Juri Vips因種族歧視被紅牛青訓禁賽

看板FORMULA1標題[情報] Juri Vips因種族歧視被紅牛青訓禁賽作者
時間推噓28 推:30 噓:2 →:27

兩位紅牛體系的F2車手Juri Vips及Liam Lawson在Twitch直播玩射擊遊戲






原文新聞 :
Juri Vips: Red Bull suspend junior driver amid investigation into alleged
racist slur

Sky Sports - F1 news

Red Bull are launching an investigation after suspending Juri Vips over an
apparent incident of racist language on Twitch; Vips apologies on Instagram,
saying: "I deeply regret my actions and this is not the example I wish to
set. I will cooperate with the investigation fully"

圖 Juri Vips因種族歧視被紅牛青訓禁賽
Juri Vips drove for Red Bull's F1 team last month during FP1 at the Spanish
Grand Prix

Red Bull has suspended junior driver Juri Vips after an apparent incident of
racist language on the gaming platform Twitch.

The 21-year-old, who is racing for Hitech Grand Prix in Formula 2 this
season, will be investigated by Red Bull after the Junior Team member
allegedly used a racial slur.

Red Bull said in a statement: "Red Bull Racing has suspended junior driver
Juri Vips from all team duties with immediate effect, pending a full
investigation into the incident.

"As an organisation we condemn abuse of any kind and have a zero-tolerance
policy to racist language or behaviour within our organisation."

Vips joined the Red Bull setup back in 2018 and drove for their F1 team last
month during FP1 at the Spanish Grand Prix.

The Estonian apologised on his personal Instagram account, adding that he
would "fully" cooperate with the investigation.

"I wish to unreservedly apologise for the offensive language used during a
live gaming stream earlier today," Vips said.

"This language is entirely unacceptable and does not portray the values and
principles that I hold.

"I deeply regret my actions and this is not the example I wish to set. I willcooperate with the investigation fully."


Juri Vips車手介紹:


賽事成績為2017 ADAC F4冠軍、2018 歐洲F3第四

2019 F3第四、2019澳門F3亞軍、2020升上F2並在紅牛體系擔任F1試車手




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※ 編輯: Vincent8026 ( 臺灣), 06/22/2022 07:29:10

potatoes06/22 07:48RBR的人常常在歧視性言論上出包呢…

※ 編輯: Vincent8026 ( 臺灣), 06/22/2022 07:49:59

Vincent802606/22 07:52直播當下勞森應該還有機會救他,切直播就好

Vincent802606/22 07:53不過速度要夠快,然後上去把整個項目切掉

potatoes06/22 07:57他自己也笑了,根本不當一回事怎麼會想到要救他朋友XD

potatoes06/22 07:57 而且看他反應JV也不是第一次講這種話了

Vincent802606/22 08:06搞不好是故意場外搞掉對手^U^ (?

jlincredible06/22 08:12Lawson有Vips 這麽強大的競爭對手

jlincredible06/22 08:12為了自己能爬上去 搞不好本來就不想保他(X

whrth200206/22 08:13沒有EMI概念的人真多,嘆

Vincent802606/22 08:14是說其實接下來紅牛有希望的是Daruvala跟豪哥

MilkTeaMan06/22 08:32太好 少一個對手了

Vincent802606/22 08:34本來以為角田出PIT烙賽已經很慘了,結果有人毀掉自己

Vincent802606/22 08:34職業生涯

j5a6s7o8n06/22 08:40RB人才濟濟 Vips沒洗白就沒戲了

UncleRed06/22 09:02馬大少:會被這種小事搞掉就是你天賦不夠(茶)

UncleRed06/22 09:04你看只有沙皇才搞的掉我

StrikeThree06/22 09:19就是他不夠快而已 如果他有Max的速度紅牛讓他凍一陣

StrikeThree06/22 09:19子就輕輕帶過了

Vincent802606/22 09:23速度有但不穩定,而且也還沒有駕照

grapesnake06/22 09:31Vips速度不錯 但就真的不穩而且RB有潛力的人太多了

kobe76090306/22 09:41種族歧視這種就是根深蒂固的觀念

ya7892806/22 10:00想請問角田出pit 是什麼事啊???

grapesnake06/22 10:05就剛出pit油門踩太大力失控了吧

Raptorjet06/22 10:05角田上周出pit催過頭撞牆阿

grapesnake06/22 10:05Sainz還是誰有說那邊地面有一小塊隆起

grapesnake06/22 10:06他自己也差一點失控

yvo041306/22 10:33但同樣有種族歧視的言論結果卻不一樣......

KomeijiYuki06/22 10:37正賽在笨蛋灣上牆要直接紅旗了吧

ccucwc06/22 11:21只有你哥能喊你哥

SCLPAL06/22 11:41=w=

lobabun06/22 11:45笨蛋彎wwww

david11932706/22 11:45其實能進到最高殿堂體系中的人一定都有速度..

david11932706/22 11:45最重要的一定是穩定跟操駕風格

Evnqrse06/22 11:58笨蛋彎哈哈哈哈

yanzistart06/22 13:53傻傻的

Ned110706/22 14:32這樣推文也能有牛黑,真是不懈怠

victor0lynn06/22 14:39聽說解約了?

Vincent802606/22 14:42好像是耶,再等等新聞

rattrapante06/22 14:51粉紅色真的很gay啊

victor0lynn06/22 14:58解約也好 紅牛最不缺人

alan061106/22 17:09Ned好像很急著洗地欸

kevin01501506/22 17:14Gay感覺還好,n就很gg

alanwang55506/22 18:09對紅牛來說真的是慢走不送 紅牛青訓體系不缺人

sean061006/22 19:13有夠無聊,這種事也能禁

yanzistart06/22 19:27紅牛青訓這種青紅不接的時候機會最好

dbwu06/22 19:44Gay比較偏刻板印象,會被批評但不至於生涯掰掰

dbwu06/22 19:44N word就不用想了,一腳踩進禁區

WoOfMeOw111006/22 23:50歧視仔下去

wen85206/23 09:31倒是豪哥是誰呀?

SlayerLIS06/23 09:57Dennis Hauger 2021 F3冠軍 目前F2排名第五

Vincent802606/23 10:47他今年沙烏地阿拉伯衝刺賽被因為溝通誤會在SC期間

Vincent802606/23 10:49誤入PIT,從領跑變沒分,不然排名會是第四

Vincent802606/24 07:51紅牛青訓的官網已經把VIPS除名了

ylrafale06/24 14:08直接步上Dan Ticktum的後塵

c78041206/26 00:33車就好好開 這年頭直播很容易炎上 後台不夠硬很容易就再

c78041206/26 00:33見再聯絡

Vincent802606/30 08:50更新消息 : F2席位有留住

Vincent802606/30 08:51但是跟紅牛那邊的部分被拔掉了

Vincent802607/07 23:13再更新:只是F1預備車手被拔