[情報] Horner left perplexed by Ferrari’s

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Horner left perplexed by Ferrari’s split strategy



Leclerc has been hindered by Ferrari breakdowns and poor strategy decisions
at several races this year and Horner, the Red Bull team principal, felt the
Scuderia had got it wrong again.



“I guess so many things happened in that race,” Horner told Channel 4, with
Verstappen having looked set for a comfortable win until running over debris
on lap 12 and sustaining his damage.

“Max fighting so hard to P7 has never been so valuable and I think Ferrari
let us off the hook a little bit with Charles.



“Fantastic for Carlos, he has always been a very quick young driver and he
got the better strategy today.

恭喜Sai 他是很好的年輕車手然後今天有比較好的策略

“Obviously they split their cars. It was difficult to understand why. But
that wasn’t anything to do with us. It was up to them to capitalise on us
and it made Charles vulnerable to Checo [Perez], who was able to get that

他們讓兩台車有兩種不同策略 這非常的讓人難以理解

不過與我們無關 我們可以利用他們自己犯蠢讓lec更容易受到checo的追擊



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luvstarrysky07/05 22:13離間計

where199307/05 22:15你知我知只有法家不知(攤手)

molaloura07/05 22:18又嘴,最近太安靜以為從良了呢XD

不嘴就不是紅牛了啊 去年Marko道歉都忍不住讓我發文驚嘆了一下

BorisGhost07/05 22:18你不要覺得太不滿,今晚仍是場好比賽

victor0lynn07/05 22:25熟悉的紅牛

Vincent802607/05 22:27還是比較喜歡看霍納跟TOTO唱雙簧

同感 單方面嘲諷跟唱雙簧是不同概念的

※ 編輯: MickJan ( 臺灣), 07/05/2022 22:28:31

potatoes07/05 22:27因為法拉利只能單方面被嘴 不夠有趣

Vincent802607/05 22:32感覺就像馮翊綱少了宋少卿,缺了一味RRRRRR

REI317307/05 22:34V大XD

REI317307/05 22:37 這也很經典,開頭直接用Cy

REI317307/05 22:37ril的Last Name 開玩笑XD “Hello I’m Cyril Irritable

REI317307/05 22:37

alex058907/05 22:40Horner: 今年根本不用出招對手就倒了

likeastar07/05 22:42今年就算車壞都沒人能打

ziya07/05 23:15Horner:果然還是只有TOTO能帶給我樂趣

kakashi7107/05 23:16不愧是Horner 哈哈哈

kakashi7107/05 23:21全世界有看F1的都知道Leclerc今年被搞了好幾場比賽了,

kakashi7107/05 23:21就只有法拉利自己不知道而已

shingatter07/05 23:50Netflix :你能怪我塑造紅牛是壞人嗎?

h10014200307/05 23:52網飛感到開心

tfct07/06 00:05關鍵字”split “

tfct07/06 00:06反正合在一起也會想free to fight 更危險 不如split

kbsidd07/06 00:23蝦仁豬心,霍納是個狼人

chinchinhuan07/06 00:23Horner的英式酸人真的都不會讓人失望哈哈

realion07/06 00:30看到哈利波特賽後對lec說教都快炸了

wildzeon07/06 01:58令人更生氣的是無法反駁,真的浪費Lec的機會

spike5081807/06 03:15看到爭冠對手是紅軍就舒服了,都不用出招自己會倒

FormulAn2107/06 08:26最虐心的就是你被嘴還無法反擊

Vincent802607/06 09:43所以霍納的搭檔呢? 沒有搭檔的霍納沒有關注的必要 (X

MickJan07/06 10:06toto表示再給我兩分鐘把車調整好

ben19272607/06 12:59Toto三場比賽後抵達戰場

victor0lynn07/06 21:15toto最近發表都是跟車有關 543很少聊