[情報] HAM獲得巴西榮譽公民

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Ham開玩笑回覆: 我在等我的護照




漢米爾頓獲頒巴西榮譽市民 本週末大獎賽挑戰衛冕
民視新聞/王人瑞、王泰棋 綜合報導





Lewis Hamilton’s Brazilian citizenship confirmed:
‘I feel like now I’m one of you’

Lewis Hamilton has officially received Brazilian citizenship at a ceremony inthe country’s capital, Brasilia.

The seven-time former World Champion was first linked with becoming a citizenof Brazil after winning last year’s grand prix at Interlagos, his third
victory at the venue where he also captured his first Drivers’ title in 2008.

That suggestion was made by congressman Andre Figueiredo after Hamilton held
a Brazilian flag behind him on the podium, his love for the country having
stemmed from his childhood admiration for Ayrton Senna.

Having joked he was “waiting for my passport” in the wake of the offer, the
37-year-old discovered it was a done deal just before this season’s
Azerbaijan Grand Prix in June.

And now that he is back in Brazil to race again, with the penultimate round
of the 2022 campaign taking place at Sao Paulo, the Mercedes driver attended
the Chamber of Deputies in Brazil to receive his honorary citizenship.

“I feel like now I’m one of you,” Hamilton told a crowd at the ceremony,
quoted by Reuters.

Wearing a blue suit, the record 103-time grand prix winner received Brazil’s
legislative medal of merit and a diploma, and he made a speech thanking his
fans and dedicating the honour to Senna.

“I have so many amazing memories of Brazil,” said Hamilton.

“And particularly 2021. Knowing you guys would cheer me on the way was one
of the most special moments of my entire life. I can’t wait for us to
continue to strive ahead.”

Last year, Hamilton experienced a roller-coaster weekend in Sao Paulo but
ultimately began a run of three grand prix victories that put him level on
points with Max Verstappen going into the title decider in Abu Dhabi.

His Mercedes car was fitted with a new engine, and in qualifying he was
0.438sec faster than second-placed Verstappen – only to be excluded from the
results, and dropped to the back of the grid for the sprint, when his rear
wing was found to have been illegal.

In the sprint, Hamilton made up a remarkable 15 places in 24 laps to finish
fifth. That meant, with a five-place grid penalty for the engine change, he
started the race 10th.

But again, he was rapidly quick and after a duel with Verstappen, who forced
him off track at one point, Hamilton came home to win by 10 seconds.


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※ 編輯: Vincent8026 ( 臺灣), 11/09/2022 09:26:48

Raikkonen07911/09 10:18一提到Ham跟巴西 我就會想起08年的Massa 印象太深刻

eureka9811/09 10:20This is how you do it!

bonjour1001911/09 10:46IS THAT GLOCK!? IS THAT GLOCK!?

likeastar11/09 11:00不是前一兩個月就拿到了嗎?

[Sky Sports] Lewis Hamilton 'honoured' by Brazil citizenship offer and says Neymar 'invites me every year' - 2022/4/18 我之前是看過這篇

likeastar11/09 11:00Glock到現在都還要解釋真的沒有故意

ylrafale11/09 11:02應該是今天才正式到議會領取?

grapesnake11/09 11:12Glock真的是有點衰XD

taxlaw199111/09 11:48經典 Glock

taxlaw199111/09 11:50Massa生涯離WDC最近也是最遙遠的一刻 還是在自己老家

※ 編輯: Vincent8026 ( 臺灣), 11/09/2022 12:19:51

kinokonoko11/09 12:31小皮龜到底有什麼問題

kinokonoko11/09 12:31

圖 HAM獲得巴西榮譽公民

Vincent802611/09 12:34基本上就是公關活動,皮龜啊皮龜

david11932711/09 12:34看起來真的慢的不可思議但講真的Glock讓車完全沒好處

david11932711/09 12:34而且還有生命危險xD

Vincent802611/09 12:46如果把HAM弄出去,現在也還是要解釋他不是故意的

AOB12311/09 12:54toyota決定最後不換雨胎直接讓glock知名度暴漲

micbrimac11/09 12:54榮譽公民 可以不拿英國護照入境嗎?


potatoes11/09 13:06

where199311/09 13:20很早就拿到 昨天才有空去領XD

※ 編輯: Vincent8026 ( 臺灣), 11/09/2022 13:32:35

victor0lynn11/09 13:33

chenghow11/09 13:50這樣說GLOCK換一樣落後HAM,沒換反而到今天還會被討論

ben19272611/09 14:22怎麼沒人討論賭城的那場秀?

taxlaw199111/09 17:43換胎就沒人記得Glock 然後Massa陣營少爽幾分鐘吧

milkypine11/09 17:48就看誰當先鋒先發,我懶

milkypine11/09 17:49賭城除了調侃紅牛、天空還有什麼趣事?

maywr529711/09 18:10就PER.HWM.RUS去賭城表演

maywr529711/09 18:11路演給那邊的觀眾看,如果是夜賽其實滿漂亮的

maywr529711/09 18:16而且夜賽時差台灣不用爆肝?

elfsoosuk11/09 18:23西裝超帥

crazypeo4511/09 18:44賭城夜賽大概就是台灣吃午餐的時間

Luvsic11/09 19:30Glock的策略是對的啦,他沒換硬撐的名次會比換來的高

where199311/09 20:24賭城還真沒什麼好po的 除了喬治在那邊調侃以外大概就路

where199311/09 20:24蠻爛的 然後甜甜圈只有Ham有轉起來但差點上牆XD

where199311/09 20:25 跟加燈很帥

圖 HAM獲得巴西榮譽公民

terasono11/09 20:26賓士果然耐操,今年的車拿去路演?紅牛還是舊車XD

Vincent802611/09 20:33還是舊車吧,看前翼端板可以判斷

Vincent802611/09 20:45應該是W11 + 新塗裝

grapesnake11/09 20:45用新車去路演要特別申請 大家省事大都用舊車XD

where199311/09 21:07W13沒資格去路演(誤

Vincent802611/09 21:43W13請把W拿掉 (x

kobe76090311/09 22:15那台是舊車啦 紅牛也是舊車

ben19272611/09 23:15滑到不行,好擠

meowbomb11/10 03:37或者改成W13WWWWW(x

taxlaw199111/10 08:37P13 豚跳13

taxlaw199111/10 08:39印象中紅牛幾乎都是拿RB9出來表演 賓士的車比較新 但

taxlaw199111/10 08:39都不是現行款

Vincent802611/10 10:15Mercelose-OMG F1 W13 E Proposing

Vincent802611/10 10:18是說賓賓尾翼側面的FTX出事了

maywr529711/10 15:33加密貨幣咩

where199311/10 17:05W13ㄢㄢㄢㄢㄢ