[情報] CP3 預計缺席四到六週

ESPN Sources: After undergoing surgery to repair a fracture in his left hand in the coming week, Golden State Warriors guard Chris Paul is expected to miss four-to-six weeks:
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早日康復 真的愛上看他打球
早日康復好好休息 季後賽等你回來(希望有
還是希望能早日健康回歸 真的不是很想看CJ
[情報] 勇士巫師交易 Poole去巫師/CP3去勇士KemADg ESPN Sources: The Washington Wizards are finalizing a deal to send Chris Paul to the Golden State Warriors for a package that includes Jordan Poole and futu re draft assets.爆
[情報] 太陽隊做好CP3將缺席G3-G5的準備Phoenix Suns guard Chris Paul is expected to be re-evaluated in one week after M RI on his groin injury today, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. Suns are prepa ring to be without Paul through Games 3-5, sources said 預計今天做MRI爆
[花邊] 小手套將缺席3-5週Golden State Warriors guard Gary Payton II will be sidelined 3-to-5 weeks with an elbow fracture, league sources tell @YahooSports, @NBAonTNT. MRI結果出爐,左肘骨折的小手套將缺席3-5週 Sources: MRI on Warriors guard Gary Payton II showed slight ligament damage al爆
[情報] CP3左手骨折,要動手術KemADg Warriors guard Chris Paul has a fractured left hand and will undergo surgery. CP3左手骨折了,要動手術。 剛好有個練武奇才要回來了爆
[花邊] Lonzo Ball 左膝半月板撕裂 缺席4-6週Chicago Bulls guard Lonzo Ball has been diagnosed with a small meniscus tear i n his left knee and is evaluating treatment options, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium. Sources say there is hope Ball can monitor knee and play through it, but if he爆
[情報] 小手套將缺席3-5週Golden State Warriors guard Gary Payton II will be sidelined 3-to-5 weeks with an elbow fracture, league sources tell @YahooSports, @NBAonTNT. MRI結果出爐,左肘骨折的小手套將缺席3-5週 Sources: MRI on Warriors guard Gary Payton II showed slight ligament damage al82
[情報] Robert Williams預計四到六週內回歸ESPN Sources: After undergoing surgery for a torn meniscus in his left knee th is morning, Boston Celtics C Robert Williams is expected to return within 4-to -6 weeks – a timetable that could land him back in the lineup as soon as the second-round of Eastern Conference playoffs.35
[情報] R.Williams 左膝關節鏡手術Boston Celtics center Robert Williams is undergoing arthroscopic procedure on his left knee and is expected to need 4-to-6 weeks for recovery, sources tell ESPN. Williams had meniscus surgery in March and played through the playoffs 預計四到六週康復35
[情報] D’Angelo Russell 將接受左膝手術消息來源: Woj Twitter 內容: ESPN Sources: Minnesota Timberwolves guard D’Angelo Russell will undergo arth9
[情報] Chris Duarte將休4-6周Pacers guard Chris Duarte has suffered a Grade 2 ankle sprain and is expected to miss four-to-six weeks, sources tell ESPN. Woj推特: 溜馬 Chris Duarte腳踝扭傷 將休4-6周