[情報] 勇士計劃聘請Terry Stotts和Jerry Stackh
The Golden State Warriors are planning to hire Terry Stotts as lead assistantcoach and Jerry Stackhouse as an assistant, sources tell ESPN. Both come to Steve Kerr’s staff with significant head coaching experience.

勇士隊計劃聘請 Terry Stotts 擔任首席助理教練,聘請 Jerry Stackhouse 擔任助理教練。兩人都擁有豐富的執教經驗。
我雲 這兩位教防守如何
三餵之祖 穩了
ts 認識 另一個沒聽過
Ts阿拓老朋友 進攻有料 另一個不熟
這個臉我有印象 但真的忘了XD
罰球蹲超低的牛排屋啊,所謂蹲得越久 腳就越酸
Terry Stotts 進攻很強
terry stotts的進攻戰術好像還不錯
牛排屋只聽過球員時代的 執教時代的完全不熟
有助教都好 別讓kerr一個人玩
活塞一哥 很強
然後拿過DL 最佳教練
TS就勇士之友 看到我們就變西瓜哈哈哈
暴龍發展聯盟養成有名的就Siakam Vanvleet Poeltl 都是
Ron Adams還在吧,防守應該沒問題
本來還在想 有沒有在找助教 前面我知道
但是防守助教咧? 不找我哥嗎
史代課老師 好久沒見到了
[情報] 湖人主帥最終候選名單:Stotts,Atkinson,H相關連結: 湖人主帥最終候選名單:Stotts,Atkinson,Ham Sources: Finalists for the Los Angeles Lakers head coaching job: Bucks assista爆
[情報] Kenny Atkinson不接黃蜂總教練了ESPN Sources: Kenny Atkinson has decided he won’t become the Charlotte Hornets’ head coach and will remain with Golden State as top assistant. After being offered job during the NBA Finals, further conversations led Atkinson to believe it would be best to remain with Warriors. Kenny Atkinson決定將不會接黃蜂總教練的工作爆
[情報] Terry Stotts 正式被拓荒者解雇After a fourth first-round playoff exit in five seasons, the Portland Trail Bl azers and coach Terry Stotts mutually agreed to part ways on Friday, sources t old ESPN. 美國時間週五,阿拓正式和Terry Stotts 正式分道揚鑣。83
[情報] 公鹿助教Terry Stotts 辭職Terry Stotts has stepped down as an assistant coach with the Milwaukee Bucks, so urces tell ESPN. Stotts returned to coaching after two years away to join Adrian Griffin’s new staff but has decided that he won’t continue in that role. Stotts had been the Portland Trail Blazers head coach for nine years, advancing to the postseason in eight consecutive seasons before departing in 2021.81
[情報] 湖人總教練最終人選Milwaukee Bucks assistant Darvin Ham and former Trail Blazers coach Terry Stotts are among candidates who've advanced to the final round of interviews for the Los Angeles Lakers’ coaching job, sources tell ESPN. 分別是公鹿助教Darvin Ham跟前拓荒者總教練Terry Stotts殺進了最終名單52
[花邊] 湖人隊面試 Mark Jackson, Terry StottsThe Lakers interviewed former Portland Trail Blazers coach Terry Stotts for the franchise’s coaching job this week, sources tell ESPN. Stotts made the playoffs in eight straight seasons with Blazers, including two trips to conference semifinals and a berth in conference finals.26
Re: [情報] Quin Snyder下台 (初步候選人)Sources: Among initial candidates for Utah’s open head coaching job: Knicks assistant Johnnie Bryant, Jazz assistant Alex Jensen, former Trail Blazers coach Terry Stotts, Celtics assistant Will Hardy and Raptors assistant Adrian Griffin.15
[情報] 溜馬將在這週進行總教練面試The Indiana Pacers are beginning head coaching interviews in Chicago this week, including Steve Clifford, Brian Shaw and Terry Stotts, sources tell ESPN. 溜馬這週會在芝加哥進行總教練面試,人選包括Steve Clifford、Brian Shaw和Terry Stotts Pacers are putting a premium on head coaching experience in search. Stotts and Clifford have been consistent playoff coaches in recent years, and Shaw -- now coach of G League Ignite -- has history as a former top assistant with Pacers.13
[情報] Jason Terry將成為爵士隊助理教練The Utah Jazz are finalizing hiring NBA G League Grand Rapids head coach Jason Terry as an assistant coach on Will Hardy’s staff, sources tell @TheAthletic @Stadium 猶他爵士將聘請Jason Terry擔任助理教練 加入Will Hardy的教練組13
[情報] Borrego加入鵜鶘 Stotts加入公鹿ESPN Sources: James Borrego has agreed to become New Orleans’ associate head coach. Borrego spent four seasons as Charlotte’s head coach, including back-to-back play-in berths. Pelicans are eager to incorporate his offensive philosophy. James Borrego加入鵜鶘的助教團,鵜鶘希望他能幫忙提升球隊的進攻 Terry Stotts is finalizing a deal to join Adrian Griffin’s new coaching staff with the Milwaukee Bucks, sources tell ESPN. Stotts won 402 games and made eight straight playoff trips as Portland’s coach. He was the Bucks’ coach for 146 games, ending in 2007.