Re: [新聞] 外館挺林郁婷盼「撤文」 英媒批:恫嚇
※ 引述《LJer (i'm ok)》之銘言:
: 外館挺林郁婷盼「撤文」 英媒批:恫嚇媒體
: tvbs記者 陳苑婷 / 攝影 謝弘睿 報導
: 發佈時間:2024/08/17 18:55
: 最後更新時間:2024/08/17 18:55
: 英國女權團體日前發文,酸台灣拳后林郁婷「是男生的身高」,對此外交部駐英國代表處「
: 寫信」表達抗議,希望對方撤下貼文,沒想到這動作引發質疑,英國媒體批評台灣政府試圖
: 噤聲當地女權團體,恫嚇言論自由。
Taiwan attempts to silence UK women’s right campaigners in Olympics gender
Exclusive: Criticism aimed after asking activists to delete posts referring
to gold medallists Lin and Khelif as ‘biologically male’
Taiwanese authorities are attempting to censor leading UK women’s rights
campaigners from raising concerns about the Olympics gender furore.
Nicola Williams, director of Fair Play For Women, has alerted the Foreign
Secretary after being asked by the state to delete posts on social media.
London-based officials from the Taiwan representative office also wrote to
The Telegraph to claim reporting “wrongly” referred to their nation’s
boxer Lin Yu-ting, along with Algerian Imane Khelif, as “biologically male
“President Thomas Bach of the IOC has made it clear that Ms Lin Yu-ting is
born as a woman, raised as a woman, has a passport as a woman and has
competed for many years as a woman,” officials added.
Williams, meanwhile, was warned of Taiwan’s “gravest concern” after her
campaign group posted “the IOC has failed women” after “a second male boxer
” became female Olympic champion. Lin, who represented Taiwan under the
title “Chinese Taipei” at the Games, is described in the post as “XY”,
with Fair Play For Women adding that “male power smashes female talent AGAIN
The “Taipei Representative Office in the UK” has now also written to
Williams to accuse her of attacking “a biological female based on unfounded
accusations, misinformation and her appearance”.
“Such action will only jeopardise the solidarity of women and undermine the
genuine spirit of feminism,” the author added. “Therefore, we sincerely
urge you to pull out those inappropriate posts on social medias such as X.”
Williams, a research scientist specialising in human biology, has since
messaged back: “You have asked me to delete these ‘false comments’ because
Lin is a ‘biological female. To help me consider your request can you
confirm that Lin has XX chromosomes and an ordinary female phenotype,
including testosterone levels in the normal female range.”
The Taiwanese Government has yet to reply and neither has David Lammy, the
Foreign Secretary, after Williams raised her concerns to him on Tuesday.
「這種行為只會危害婦女的團結,破壞女權主義的真正精神,」作者補充道。 “因此,
,因為林是‘生物學女性’。為了幫助我考慮您的請求,您能否確認林擁有 XX 染色體和
Recriminations have continued this week after the Olympics was embroiled in
one of the most toxic disputes in its history as Lin and Khelif secured
boxing golds despite both being disqualified by the International Boxing
Association for failing sex tests. The IBA maintains both have XY
chromosomes. Research shows biological males punch around “162 per cent”
harder than females, experts add. Yet the saga has divided sport, with the
International Olympic Committee warning of the pair being “stigmatised”.
Thomas Bach, the IOC’s outgoing president, insists he fully accepts they are
women on the basis of it saying so on their passports.
The letter to women’s campaigners came as other leading figures to speak out
also faced threats. Laura Woods, the ITV and TNT host, has received death
threats since complimenting an article on the furore by The Telegraph’s
chief sports writer Oliver Brown.
The Telegraph had been among the first media outlets to report on the two
boxers previously failing sex tests and the furore erupted into a worldwide
talking point once Italian boxer Angela Carini quit her bout against Khelif
after just 46 seconds. Carini later said she was worried for her own safety
after being struck by the hardest punch she had ever received.
Khelif’s lawsuit against Rowling and Musk
Welterweight Khelif has since filed an online bullying lawsuit naming both
Harry Potter author JK Rowling and billionaire Elon Musk after they referred
to the boxer as a man in posts on the platform X, which Musk owns.
Williams, meanwhile, said she was “genuinely shocked to receive this email
from the Taiwanese embassy”. “Not only are the Taiwanese authorities
wilfully ignoring that established facts about Lin’s male biology are in the
public domain, but it is outrageous for it to label well-founded and
legitimate concerns as ‘harmful’ and an ‘attack’,” she told Telegraph
“Our posts stated that Lin is a male and XY, and I would challenge Taiwan to
find anything genuinely harmful in that statement. It’s laughable that a
country which put a man in the ring to punch women feels entitled to lecture
a women’s rights organisation about the ‘solidarity of women’ and ‘spirit
of feminism’.
“The fact that a foreign government is trying to strong-arm a British civil
society group for not going along with its propaganda should send shivers
down the spine of anyone concerned with UK autonomy and freedom of thought
and speech.”
Emma Hilton, a developmental biologist and Sex Matters trustee, added: “If
Lin is actually female, it would have been very straightforward to
successfully challenge the IBA’s decision through the Court of Arbitration
for Sport last year. We can only speculate about the reason this option was
not taken up.”
阿爾及利亞 覺得言論有問題就直接告阿
台灣告又不告 反駁又不反駁 只敢施壓黑箱刪文
都可以是愛你或不愛你的理由 ▕A6▏
我想你要的是愛 不是理由  ̄ ̄
提出「能否確認林擁有 XX 染色體和
早就說了 公布xx 撇清爭議 或是公布xy 擺明我國認為xy女沒問題的立場2
「 : 寫信」表達抗議,希望對方撤下貼文,沒想到這動作引發質疑,英國媒體批評台灣政府試 圖 : 噤聲當地女權團體,恫嚇言論自由。 :1
其實反擊真的很簡單, 就用台灣的長處,做自己擅長的事就好。 例如結合電視台專題跟報紙, 以及中央廚房自媒體們,做個專題報導。6
===== 這次的新聞 充分地展現了民進黨的兩個特質 一是無能 二是蠻橫 原文的內容大家都知道 我就不多贅述4
1.林郁婷身高175 2.黛安娜王妃身高178 英國女權說林郁婷長的高因為是男性 根據1的邏輯,黛安娜王妃也是男性 阿不是說言論自由11
問題黛安娜生過了兩個小孩 林生的小孩是0 你現在要證明的是 男人或者DSD(含Y染色體)女性能生小孩 才能證明黛安娜 是男的好嗎 而且黛安娜 是現任英國國王前妻
[問卦] 國際拳擊協會主席證實 林郁婷有XY染色體好了啦,不要懷疑JK羅琳了, 國際拳擊協會主席去年已經證實,林郁婷和阿爾及利亞選手哈利芙(Imane Khelif)有XY 染色體。 以下內容引述自《華盛頓郵報》: IBA President Umar Kremlev told the Russian news agency Tass last year the爆
[轉錄] J.K. Rowling的X:關於Khelif跨性爭論1.轉錄網址︰ 2.轉錄來源︰X(原推特) 3.轉錄內容︰ The idea that those objecting to a male punching a female in the name of2X
[問卦] IBA醫師證實林郁婷XY染色體檢測呈陽性更新 → coffee112: 08/06 01:14 林自己要求拳總不要公佈報告的 [新聞] 巴黎奧運》林郁婷捲性別爭議 國際拳總:台灣要求勿透露生理指標57
[閒聊] 南方公園的預言又成真了as title 上面這張南方公園圖大家最近應該很常看到 給大家一張比較少看到的哏圖好了7
[問卦] IBA將頒發獎金給打輸林郁婷的女拳手國際拳擊協會(IBA)將頒發獎金給打輸中華台北林郁婷的女拳手 IBA網站最新消息原文如下 == IBA is to award Angela Carini of Italy with Olympic champion prize money11
[問卦] 油管留言兄弟你真丟臉台灣之恥!罷凌林郁婷一打開youtube就看到推薦的澳洲天空新聞油管影片 身為台灣拳王粉當然要看一下底下留言 留言底下竟然一堆紅脖子在洗林郁婷是男的、打女人 、兄弟你真丟臉之類的仇恨留言, 看到台灣拳王被這樣造謠實在不能忍8
[問卦] 外國朋友說林郁婷為何不公開報告如何反駁外國朋友說林郁婷為何不公開手上的報告 紅脖子友人傳以下IBA造謠抹黑記者會的影片剪輯給我看 ,說國際拳邪(IBA)的報告在林郁婷手上,為何不拿出來自清 如何反駁? 國際拳邪(IBA)記者會影片剪輯如下2
[轉錄] 獨立觀察:外交部在英國這下丟臉丟大了1.轉錄網址︰ ※ 請附上有效原文連結或短網址 ※ 2.轉錄來源︰ ※ 推特/FB 須為 FB人物名稱、FB粉絲團名稱 ※1
Re: [轉錄] 賴清德FB:堅定支持林郁婷!與她同在蔡英文在X上挺了,請您一起幫忙加油。 蔡英文的網軍就應該這樣用,不應該用來攻擊賴清德 卸任總統不要躲起來 多用網軍做點事情好嗎 蔡英文 Tsai Ing-wen- IBA reaffirms the position and removal of boxers from all events, aims to protect female boxers, and condemns both the International Olympic Committee and World Boxing for allowing ineligible athletes to compete from-all-events/
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