Re: [新聞] 再誣林郁婷是「雙性人」 JK羅琳:無法選

看板Gossiping標題Re: [新聞] 再誣林郁婷是「雙性人」 JK羅琳:無法選作者
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pauljet 08/02 18:30有啊 不過那次的對手 比她還像男人

wmud 08/02 18:38樓上說這場嗎

wmud 08/02 18:38

圖 再誣林郁婷是「雙性人」 JK羅琳:無法選

citywanderer 08/02 18:41看起來 很像男拳擊賽

h80733 08/02 19:03At the time of their disqualific

h80733 08/02 19:03ations, the president of the Int

h80733 08/02 19:03ernational Boxing Association, w

h80733 08/02 19:03hich governs the World Boxing Ch

h80733 08/02 19:03ampionships, alleged that the bo

h80733 08/02 19:03xers’ chromosome tests came bac

h80733 08/02 19:03k as XY (women typically have tw

h80733 08/02 19:03o X chromosomes, while men typic

h80733 08/02 19:04ally have an X and a Y chromosom

h80733 08/02 19:04e).