[問卦] 周處除三害的英文怎麼說?

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Eliminate three evils


The Pig, The Snake and The Pigeon

Sent from JPTT on my iPhone


※ PTT留言評論
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HuangJC 03/07 04:12周破處..

aggressorX 03/07 04:25The man go fuck himself

apeople 03/07 04:34Tsai kill all 89man

coolrgin 03/07 04:35處周kil you and he and heself

Iakane 03/07 04:36Itachi Uchiha

selvester 03/07 04:36Elimination of 3 selves

s9321312 03/07 04:38Mr.Chou eliminates three bad guys

TSLA5566 03/07 04:42DPP Green Monkey be killed

Stupidog5566 03/07 04:43please go fuck yourself

sm3bp078 03/07 05:11Rock and stone !! Brother!!

Aliensoul 03/07 05:12The Green Communist Party is rubbis

Aliensoul 03/07 05:12h

dio0522 03/07 05:14bad guys divide 3

marktak 03/07 05:19Chouchu divide three bad

TSLA5566 03/07 05:26How do you turn this on

LPMO 03/07 05:35Chou/3

pxndx 03/07 05:52Chou VS bad bad bad

sealdoom 03/07 06:31Soften today T.T

bill61035 03/07 06:41Chou true/3 Hi

bigcho 03/07 06:53three kills

lulocke 03/07 07:01Chuchu train

mopigou 03/07 07:02dpp

PttZF 03/07 07:16咬聖徒 TSJ

SAMON5566 03/07 07:17KMT GO TO HELL

candysagaboy 03/07 07:17say my name

ntuwalker 03/07 07:38Damn you DPP

FrienDx 03/07 07:56Jay Chou Triple Kill. 選我正解

playr52001 03/07 07:56Chou ÷ 3

avrilrock 03/07 07:58Chou wants threesome

pelier 03/07 07:58Terminator

deer097 03/07 07:58Chou triple kills

louisc123 03/07 08:04÷3bad

villagemen 03/07 08:09ee

ericthree 03/07 08:11英文不喜歡這部電影

andy6805 03/07 08:13chou chu kill three bad guy

strikecbu 03/07 08:14看到豬再想到女醫生 真合理 笑死

jacky40383 03/07 08:14ikea

holybless 03/07 08:16whosyourdaddy

MrJB 03/07 08:22Taiwan can help

dovepacket 03/07 08:22A Kill B C

sjr500 03/07 09:08Road to Redemption

jay905035 03/07 09:59Nah, I'd win

dangercat5 03/07 10:28除以三很北爛 笑死

yameide 03/07 11:54teacher parents pay money

b0920075 03/07 14:15周處除三害應該是 三害÷周處

e76000 03/07 15:53Taiwan number one

chingoops 03/07 17:18推 playr52001: Chou 3,笑死