[爆卦] 美國總統拜登給各位拜年啦!

看板Gossiping標題[爆卦] 美國總統拜登給各位拜年啦!作者
時間推噓21 推:23 噓:2 →:10

For centuries, families around the world have gathered to celebrate the first moon of the new year.

It’s a time of renewal and reflection, hope and possibilities, and good over evil.

From the Biden family to yours, we wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.




圖 美國總統拜登給各位拜年啦!


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k385476916 02/11 15:20濫用爆卦

devil157 02/11 15:20拜登會連任

moy5566 02/11 15:20happy 支那new year 不是露那

industrialld 02/11 15:21不然要投川普?

tmgl 02/11 15:21想騙亞裔票喔

graduate3c 02/11 15:21

圖 美國總統拜登給各位拜年啦!

wilson3435 02/11 15:21政治生命內最後一次拜年,且看且珍惜

koxinga 02/11 15:21露那正確

noah23 02/11 15:22都初幾了??

poorcharles 02/11 15:22

圖 美國總統拜登給各位拜年啦!

bravo 02/11 15:22LUNAR綠底金邊 中國奴看到沒?

TexasFlood 02/11 15:22你這IP還敢發w

aiglas0209 02/11 15:23

圖 美國總統拜登給各位拜年啦!

graduate3c 02/11 15:23今天美國時間初一啦

graduate3c 02/11 15:23

圖 美國總統拜登給各位拜年啦!

badbadook 02/11 15:23好屌

Coffeewater 02/11 15:25且看且珍惜,明年就是川普了

devil157 02/11 15:282024拜登連贏川普二次

WWIII 02/11 15:32是拆尼斯 new year

nextpage 02/11 15:32真正接地氣應該在除夕晚上發文吧?

ramirez 02/11 15:36且看且珍惜!!!

t95912 02/11 15:37還好不是用Chinese 不然就要被出征XD

jackycheny 02/11 15:38還好拜登識相,也怕被塔綠蟑出征嘻嘻

VOLK11 02/11 15:43Happy Loong year, thanks

VOLK11 02/11 15:45I hope Bidden will bring world peace

VOLK11 02/11 15:51The God of the universe blesses those w

VOLK11 02/11 15:52ho are

VOLK11 02/11 15:52 kind-hearted.

junshinw 02/11 15:56We are family

icedata 02/11 15:572024 Happy LUNAR New Year

taiwanlaws 02/11 16:09一定要深愛深信lunar,拒絕chinese

Ceferino 02/11 16:11Chinese= Lunar ,月球是中國的,得證

LoveMakeLove 02/11 16:39送台灣紅包

ccmacker 02/11 16:46再會了!失智登!

leterg 02/11 18:13韓國也過農曆年