[爆卦] 美國總統拜登給各位拜年啦!
For centuries, families around the world have gathered to celebrate the first moon of the new year.
It’s a time of renewal and reflection, hope and possibilities, and good over evil.
From the Biden family to yours, we wish you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year.

Sent from JPTT on my Xiaomi 22041211AC.
happy 支那new year 不是露那


LUNAR綠底金邊 中國奴看到沒?


是拆尼斯 new year
還好不是用Chinese 不然就要被出征XD
Happy Loong year, thanks
I hope Bidden will bring world peace
The God of the universe blesses those w
ho are
We are family
2024 Happy LUNAR New Year
Chinese= Lunar ,月球是中國的,得證
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[情報] 01/07 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 07 2021 很多人早上起床想的第一件事是外面到底是不是晴天, 或許透過窗戶透進來的光線你可以判斷是否為好天氣。 但你現在最需要專注的是你的內心是不是晴天,魔魔 因為如果是,5
[情報] 01/10 Daily HoroscopeThe year has a whole new name. We recently said goodbye to 2021, and now we're getting to know 2022. Like many people though, dear Leo, you may be having a tough time thinking hopefully about what this year will offer you. Will there be anything special to make this year stand out? Will there be moments that wi ll make you smile? Yes, of course, there will be. Today, try to embrace the as4
[情報] 29/12/2021 Daily Horoscope此刻你可能並不充滿希望,月之子-儘管你可能希望你是。 事實上,這可能是你最近一直在考慮的事情。 新的一年即將開始,你可能覺得被同樣的老問題和憂慮所困擾。 雖然我們在這裡保留的時間是人為的,但這實際上是你美好事物的開始。 試著注意新的一年與你的新開始相對應的意義,並以任何能讓你微笑的方式進行慶祝。2
[情報] 12/31 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 31 2020 Many people will toast and drink tonight and celebrate the end of the year. If this year has not been all that wonderful for you, Capricorn, all the more reason to celebrate its ending. Even if you don't have any plans to celebrate, you need to at least mark this transition and say a few positive2
[情報] 01/07 the daily horoscopeYou may have started out with a vision of how great the year ahead could be fo r you, but you may be struggling now with thoughts and plans on how to bring y our plans to fruition. It seemed, at first, like all you had to do was wish fo r a happy, prosperous year, and it would somehow magically happen. But now you are feeling more realistic, and you don't know what to do to change the curre1
[情報] 27/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeThis is a magical time of the year. As we approach 2021, you may be filled with a more powerful feeling of hope and the sense that a wave of good fortune is approaching. And it is. While you may also be experiencing some challenges now, and even some sadness that this time of year sometimes brings to people born under the sign of Cancer, you have the choice to1
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