[爆卦] 英國研究發現蜂鳥熱愛在微醺狀態下飛行

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食果動物和食蜜動物都可能接觸由代謝糖的發酵酵母產生的原生乙醇。與卡路里含量相當的對照相比,一些食蜜哺乳動物表現出對低濃度乙醇溶液的偏好,但食花蜜鳥類對乙醇的行為反應尚不清楚。我們調查了安娜蜂鳥(Calypte anna)的飲食偏好)用於乙醇增強蔗糖溶液。通過重複的二元選擇實驗,將三隻成年雄性蜂鳥暴露於含有0%、1%或2%乙醇的蔗糖溶液中;每隔 3 小時測量一次有意識的花蜜消耗率。蜂鳥不區分 0% 和 1% 乙醇溶液,但表現出 2% 乙醇溶液的消耗率顯著降低。對蜂鳥餵食器內乙醇濃度的機會測量顯示其峰值約為 0.05%。低濃度(即高達 1%)的乙醇不會令安娜蜂鳥感到厭惡,並且可能是它們賴以生存的天然和人為花蜜的特徵。鑑於蜂鳥每天消耗大量的花蜜,因此長期生理接觸乙醇可能是大量的。

Both frugivores and nectarivores are potentially exposed to dietary ethanol
produced by fermentative yeasts which metabolize sugars. Some nectarivorous
mammals exhibit a preference for low-concentration ethanol solutions comparedto controls of comparable caloric content, but behavioural responses to
ethanol by nectar-feeding birds are unknown. We investigated dietary
preference by Anna's Hummingbirds (Calypte anna) for ethanol-enhanced sucrosesolutions. Via repeated binary-choice experiments, three adult male
hummingbirds were exposed to sucrose solutions containing 0%, 1% or 2%
ethanol; rates of volitional nectar consumption were measured over a 3 h
interval. Hummingbirds did not discriminate between 0% and 1% ethanol
solutions, but exhibited significantly reduced rates of consumption of a 2%
ethanol solution. Opportunistic measurements of ethanol concentrations withinhummingbird feeders registered values peaking at about 0.05%. Ethanol at low
concentrations (i.e. up to 1%) is not aversive to Anna's Hummingbirds and maybe characteristic of both natural and anthropogenic nectars upon which they
feed. Given high daily amounts of nectar consumption by hummingbirds, chronicphysiological exposure to ethanol can thus be substantial, although naturallyoccurring concentrations within floral nectar are unknown.

餵食器內的乙醇濃度雖然看似很低,但考慮到蜂鳥花蜜消耗的高體積率,其濃度並非微不足道。安娜蜂鳥每天必須消耗約 10 克 20% 的蔗糖溶液才能滿足能量需求。即使餵食器中典型的乙醇濃度僅為 0.02%,這樣的消耗率仍相當於每日 2 毫克乙醇劑量(或約體重的 0.04%)。相比之下,假設體重為 80 公斤,人類每天飲用一份常規啤酒(含 12 克
乙醇)相當於攝入體重的約 0.015%。

Ethanol concentrations within feeders, although seemingly low, were however
non-trivial given high volumetric rates of nectar consumption by
hummingbirds. Anna's Hummingbirds must consume about 10 g of 20% sucrose
solution daily to meet energetic needs [21]. Even if typical ethanol
concentrations in feeders are only 0.02%, such a rate of consumption would
still correspond to a daily dosage of 2 mg of ethanol (or about 0.04% of bodymass). By contrast, human consumption of one standard drink daily (containing12 g of ethanol) corresponds to a exposure of about 0.015% of body mass,
assuming the latter to be 80 kg.


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jgjisnew 08/07 15:05酒駕

kang127 08/07 15:05酒駕0容忍

greensaru 08/07 15:05酒駕慣犯?

loverxa 08/07 15:05喜歡酒駕 好可以入黨了

jma306 08/07 15:05 開罰單

InfinitySA 08/07 15:05嗯嗯 好喔所以人類熱愛在微醺狀態開車

geminitea 08/07 15:06好的,優先錄用為行政院發言人

aggressorX 08/07 15:06喝了酒還敢飛行啊

ha0118 08/07 15:06連鳥也會酒駕

jma306 08/07 15:06 警察: 過來 吹一下

fertalizer 08/07 15:06酒駕

WeGoStyle 08/07 15:06酒駕了啦

uranuss 08/07 15:07可以做為某黨的黨鳥了

ab4daa 08/07 15:07無罪

alcpeon911 08/07 15:07DPP党鳥

nextpage 08/07 15:07酒駕仔

jack91315 08/07 15:07某黨黨鳥認證!

gyaoqwas 08/07 15:08民進黨鳥 蜂鳥

DudeFromMars 08/07 15:08聖母蜂

buke 08/07 15:08原來是酒駕仔

su4vu6 08/07 15:08喜歡酒駕

isaa 08/07 15:09總統府發言人徽章圖案

a0913 08/07 15:10來人啊 這機師喝酒了

dragonmester 08/07 15:10濫用爆掛

emissary 08/07 15:11酒駕仔

STAV72 08/07 15:11你找中文報導給我 連中港澳星馬都沒報導過

fg008kimo 08/07 15:12哥布林鳥

lala8520 08/07 15:13酒駕鳥 給他一份入黨申請書

finzaghi 08/07 15:14酒駕鳥

andy199113 08/07 15:16#小英女孩 #谷辣斯 #聖母峰#LUCY#小三

coffee112 08/07 15:17酒駕

ericthree 08/07 15:17欸欸欸 酒駕啊

mnb1234 08/07 15:18學名 :古拉斯?

mapleleaf052 08/07 15:18可加入哥布林

jbdada 08/07 15:25haha this is cool

xfaw4d35t 08/07 15:25算酒後散步而已吧

ohya111326 08/07 15:28酒駕鳥

s4511981 08/07 15:37原來是酒駕仔 懂了

TyuzuChou 08/07 15:39行政院發言人

AirO0264400 08/07 15:47酒駕

PTTakatsuki 08/07 16:02酒駕、蜂……咦?

reil 08/07 16:03酒空

pov 08/07 16:07高升

Kenalex 08/07 16:19蜂鳥:用...用翅膀飛行的事...能算酒駕嗎?

godchildtw 08/07 16:33酒駕

godchildtw 08/07 16:33機長酒駕

newyanew 08/07 16:35看成飯島愛

shitboy 08/07 16:37哥布林黨黨鳥:蜂鳥

Ycosmos 08/07 16:38酒駕啦 警察來喔 這裡有人酒駕

olalo 08/07 16:55查了一下蜂鳥壽命3-5年,這麼短命,喝酒度

olalo 08/07 16:55過一生也還好啦...

Freeven 08/07 16:57連鳥也會酒駕

SALEENS7LM 08/07 17:02酒駕零容忍,蜂鳥一律撲殺

xu3m4zp 08/07 17:37喝酒走路不行嗎 舒服

DarenR 08/07 17:48震驚!英國放任蜂鳥酒駕!

fuhu66 08/07 17:55蜂鳥酒駕

htyintaiwan 08/07 18:19DPP党鳥

drmactt 08/07 18:20抓到 酒駕仔

tcypost 08/07 18:51和長榮機師八次酒測差不多

koexe 08/07 18:56蜂鳥很懂喔

aa2425 08/07 21:03蜂鳥 又名哥布林鳥 整天幹鳥事

porkonrice 08/07 21:35酒駕