[問卦] 「聽君一席話」的英文怎麼說?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「聽君一席話」的英文怎麼說?作者
時間推噓43 推:47 噓:4 →:26




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Owen93 03/02 01:19China taiwan

frommr 03/02 01:20Bullshit

ME13 03/02 01:21How do u turn this on

benson502 03/02 01:21Delulu

notanyone 03/02 01:22i hear u like i hear u.

kurtsgm 03/02 01:22blah blah blah blah 配上翻白眼

as222as222a 03/02 01:22What the fuck are you talking

koromo1991 03/02 01:23tin gen yi xi hua

charlieqwer 03/02 01:24Tangent easy what

charlieqwer 03/02 01:26sand go shame name su

kilmmy149 03/02 01:27Taiwanese Report

sellgd 03/02 01:27You're so full of it!

malaman 03/02 01:27台灣價值

sellgd 03/02 01:28fair enough

ajeoirgh 03/02 01:32what r u fucking talking about

Takhisis 03/02 01:32You know nothing, Jon Snow.

xkso 03/02 01:32我都念 TGECWA 給你參考

setsunabs 03/02 01:33I hear u nonsense

camerara 03/02 01:33After all of your bullshit

mikechang829 03/02 01:33Suck my dick

timcools 03/02 01:34excuse me?

puppu 03/02 01:35A load of hooey.

supahotfire 03/02 01:36Taiwan can help

cobras638 03/02 01:37we are dazn

leterg 03/02 01:39WHAT? I DON'T UNDERSTAND

leterg 03/02 01:40DO YOU SPEAK CHINESE?

atari77 03/02 01:40The all you say is just useless

daniel3658 03/02 01:41Why you speak DPP!?

bye2007 03/02 01:42you know

chandlerchen 03/02 01:45WTF U say

vaiking0120 03/02 01:46listen ur words as listen bullshit

vaiking0120 03/02 01:47聽君一席話如聽一席話

adios881 03/02 01:49OK <-- 選我正解

xc2v 03/02 01:54yes you are right

nicholassys 03/02 01:57greedyisgood

soilndger 03/02 01:59I heart what you say is what you sa

soilndger 03/02 01:59y

Cottesloe 03/02 02:09What the fucking shit are you talkin

Cottesloe 03/02 02:09g about?

wayne64001 03/02 02:10Costco

doomhammer 03/02 02:11stfu

RaiGend0519 03/02 02:17u talk a shit, I hear a shit

gulugulupp 03/02 02:21fucking listen one word

smalldata 03/02 02:48bullshit

whiteadam 03/02 02:49你中文是不是很爛阿

leon1757tw 03/02 03:24Say everything but nothing

biggian 03/02 03:40fuck DPP

Wolfgang9527 03/02 03:44Deafen a Pair of earPhones

jamal1984 03/02 04:02it's good to drink

b9513227 03/02 04:02fucking talk

st2913sbck 03/02 05:07Shit in shit out

greencapave 03/02 05:50全世界看好了 我們只示範一次

kevin31a2 03/02 06:22say my name

A98454 03/02 06:25Very funny (語氣下墜).

WoaVoa 03/02 06:56speak English

lynxcc 03/02 07:01Noted.

pov 03/02 07:23shut the funk up

machiusheng 03/02 07:28Vegetable English

icydream 03/02 07:33bullshit

Stupidog5566 03/02 07:59stfu dumbass bitch

Lowpapa 03/02 08:16Hello dude

samurai90313 03/02 08:32Ting gym eashi hua

sealdoom 03/02 08:49May show gun more 選我正解

gx9900824 03/02 08:57Fuck EE

Looouis 03/02 09:16二樓正解

VirgilAeneid 03/02 09:23EE lecture

DOOT 03/02 09:52被二樓推走了

HIRUMA 03/02 10:01     routine意思は

davian0118 03/02 10:15sit down please

luba2 03/02 10:17How are you?

garcia 03/02 10:18Hail DPP

materu 03/02 10:38huh配貓meme

KudanAkito 03/02 11:43

圖 「聽君一席話」的英文怎麼說?

sheepblue 03/02 11:52Listen you say something

newlycong 03/02 17:27I see

harryshenTHS 03/02 17:46Listen King One Sit Say

chaosgod 03/02 22:59有英文高手的正確解答嗎