Re: [新聞] TikTok熱傳本拉登反美信件 美議員籲封禁該平台
※ 引述《Racing5566 (RacingKing)》之銘言:
: TikTok熱傳本拉登反美信件 美議員籲封禁該平台
: 【大紀元2023年11月17日訊】(大紀元記者陳霆綜合報導)
: 最近,一封已故恐怖分子本拉登(Usama bin Laden)2002年的信件在社交平台TikTok上熱傳,這使該平台再度遭到質
: 疑。
衛報 刪除了 原文
Removed: document
Wed 15 Nov 2023 20.19 GMT
This page previously displayed a document containing, in translation, the
full text of Osama bin Laden’s “letter to the American people”, which was
reported on in the Observer on Sunday 24 November 2002. The document, which
was published here on the same day, was removed on 15 November 2023.
The transcript published on our website had been widely shared on social
media without the full context. Therefore we decided to take it down and
direct readers instead to the news article that originally contextualised it.
最有趣的是 2023.11.15
不就是因為很多沒有完整轉述 你更該保留 讓別人看原文嘛
都可以是愛你或不愛你的理由 ▕A6▏
我想你要的是愛 不是理由  ̄ ̄
我都懶的貼這類新聞了 現在沒人在乎國
[花邊] Isaiah Stewart的推特直接點名老詹來源 原文 Sunday November 28th @KingJames 翻譯 星期天十一月二十八 @KingJames25
[討論] 蘋果又配合中國政府下架一款避審輸入法BOOM, IT'S GONE A keyboard encryption app used to skirt coronavirus censorship was removed by Apple in China March 20, 2020 By Jane Li China tech reporter Apple yesterday removed Boom the Encryption Keyboard, an app that allowed Chinese internet users to bypass censorship, from the China app store, according to its developer.10
[情報] BREAKING: FIA撤銷對HAM超級駕照扣分處罰Document 54: Document 55: 被取代的Document 46:8
[討論] iPhone 12 mini 用 MagSafe 充電為 12WApple Says MagSafe Charger Limited to 12W for iPhone 12 Mini Tuesday November 3, 2020 7:55 am PST by Joe Rossignol In a recently updated support document, Apple has indicated that its new MagSafe Charger will be limited to 12W peak power delivery when used with the upcoming iPhone 12 mini, compared to up to 15W for all other iPhone 12 models. Apple says the iPhone 12 mini can achieve this 12W with a USB-C Power Delivery power adapter that is at or above 9V/2.03A. However, the support document notes that power delivered to any iPhone 12 model at any moment will vary depending on various factors, including temperature and system activity. For other iPhone 12 models, peak 15W power can be achieved with a USB-C Power Delivery power adapter at or above 9V/2.22A or 9V/2.56A, according to Apple.5
[情報] 皇家否認新球場要花政府64億美金KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Jackson County legislators react to a document released to F OX4 showing how much a new Kansas City Royals stadium could cost. The document shows the county could give anywhere from four to six billion dolla rs to the Royals over a 40 year time period.4
[問題] iCloud雲碟 刪除本區資料今天整理完手機上的資料大概7-8G 然後全部從document app 丟上iCloud 雲碟(檔案- iCloud雲碟) 並刪除documents 內的資料 但我發現這8G 還是佔我手機本區的資料 請問有辦法上傳到雲碟之後,刪除手機內的資料嗎2
Re: [新聞] 比特幣之父訴訟:被告判賠 1 億美元卻樂這篇英文之前就想 PO 在板上, 我懶得翻了, 去看原文就知道了. Craig Wright Attempts to 'Reveal the Origin' of Satoshi Nakamoto's Name- 小弟朋友今年申請UCSD Mechanical Engineering (Ms),早上收到provisional admission 但沒有寫說condition。只有提到可以先註冊第一學期課程,以及七月才會*review offic ial document*。請問會有review不過的狀況嗎? 第一次看到這種offer,想請教有沒有其他人受到相同回覆,感謝! --
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