[問卦] 有沒有哪句英文唸起來會讓人覺得英文很強

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 有沒有哪句英文唸起來會讓人覺得英文很強作者
時間推噓62 推:66 噓:4 →:31






圖 有沒有哪句英文唸起來會讓人覺得英文很強
圖 有沒有哪句英文唸起來會讓人覺得英文很強


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gay7788 05/11 23:53A man has a pen.

cuteSquirrel 05/11 23:53Thanks for your sub 77777777

xzcb2008 05/11 23:53no exception

Supasizeit 05/11 23:54A man has a pen is a man

chadmu 05/11 23:54my english good

coolrgin 05/11 23:54那個最長的單字

ko363630 05/11 23:54his grandmother

Falcona 05/11 23:54abandon

kinki5566 05/11 23:54This is a book.

a110016 05/11 23:55may show gun more

kenny1221 05/11 23:55I'm Miss Tsai, call me big lady.

ivan1994 05/11 23:55Hi everyone, this is BBC learning Eng

CCY0927 05/11 23:55Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled

ParkChanWook 05/11 23:55我喜歡冰欺凌

CCY0927 05/11 23:55peppers.

kittor 05/11 23:56不具挑戰性的語種了

hushiang 05/11 23:57beat the shit out of you

rapnose 05/11 23:57華此引噫特佛蜜?

beavis77 05/12 00:00求求 菩薩 保護我

owen777 05/12 00:01I R WINNER

QQ101 05/12 00:01Dr pepper


wang11123 05/12 00:02WTF, MILF, LOL

dbjdx 05/12 00:02can you speak English?

QQ101 05/12 00:04pretty tight

batista5566 05/12 00:04One point five doctor

vango831018 05/12 00:04I'am a boy.This is a pen.

azeroth 05/12 00:04no way~~~

Stupidog5566 05/12 00:06不是句子問題 重點是字之間的連音

kurll 05/12 00:06Dear Sir, B/R

hillchen 05/12 00:08FXXX u teddy 和 IG三小

mosw 05/12 00:08秋森萬

Dreamer48763 05/12 00:08How would like to suck my dick?

wugi 05/12 00:08Ouch

sellgd 05/12 00:09M&M

kenro 05/12 00:10發球

seastar1982 05/12 00:10May show gun more

Elydia 05/12 00:13bye good ben don

mozzan 05/12 00:15One apple a day, keeps the doctor away

Dayton 05/12 00:16supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

NotOtaku 05/12 00:18

dong80 05/12 00:20to be or not to be,that's a question

birde 05/12 00:21coming soon

Evoque 05/12 00:22Come on ~

garcia 05/12 00:23太太太

ianchen1223 05/12 00:26火山矽肺症

randykaku 05/12 00:26用意味深長的語氣講 very interesting

hidemind 05/12 00:26Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcano

hidemind 05/12 00:26coniosis

nitvx 05/12 00:29extraordinary

EXZUSIC 05/12 00:31I can can a can.

missile 05/12 00:35May I fuck You?

otter 05/12 00:35it's good to drink

winstond 05/12 00:36Yoooooooooo

sushi11 05/12 00:38Hello world

happydaysogo 05/12 00:38over my dead body

Feiht 05/12 00:40SmittyWerbenJagerManJensen

jovialguy 05/12 00:41mada mada mada

Hatewoman 05/12 00:42SIT DOWN PLZ

winiS 05/12 00:43Explooooooooooooooooooosion

pttenjk 05/12 00:43don't look up, errr good show

cc02040326 05/12 00:44一直穿插like就可以ㄌ

Padfoneman 05/12 00:48my name is responsibility

Violataf 05/12 00:58Pardon?

tim32142000 05/12 01:03business of next generation

peteryang 05/12 01:07Duckboobie

shintz 05/12 01:14How are you? I am five,yeah!!

loveorangel 05/12 01:18how's the weather

lulocke 05/12 01:25加點法文 voila

Aequanimitas 05/12 01:37No way! Thank you! TsitTsitTsit

kosoj6 05/12 01:41fuck your friend la I don't care your

kosoj6 05/12 01:41friend father mother 喜甩啊啦

bigtien6292 05/12 01:41Me Engeesh Stong. OK?

s850711s 05/12 01:51That’s dope

nostar 05/12 01:58Shut your fucking face, unclefucker

HAHAHUNG 05/12 01:58Say my name

enso 05/12 02:30Umbilicus , 這是當年還沒染紅的市長講出來

enso 05/12 02:30

Takhisis 05/12 02:39You know nothing.

kleber 05/12 02:46This is a lazy fly ball.

ciafbi007 05/12 03:37May show gun more

twhuang28 05/12 04:38Hi

watermom5566 05/12 05:09Namoguanseiyinporsha

gn01693664 05/12 06:01ohlongjonhson

deray 05/12 06:23specification

mdkn35 05/12 06:45you little bitxh

UI19472 05/12 06:52It is true for all that that that tha

UI19472 05/12 06:52t that that that refers to is not the

UI19472 05/12 06:52 same that that that that refers to.

iwinlottery 05/12 06:54蟑螂英文

jacky7744111 05/12 07:38Nonsense

DOOT 05/12 07:52垂死病中驚坐起 Responsibility

messiah0226 05/12 08:14Me show gun mo?

k1233479 05/12 09:21Who car

ausome 05/12 09:23Taiwan can help

bendu 05/12 09:59阿拉花瓜

LBruce 05/12 10:12It's like... like... like... been fu

LBruce 05/12 10:12cked.

ckd42 05/12 11:58literally, i was like

wellstart 05/12 12:04You know

sean8511 05/12 15:05this is deep shit