Re: [爆卦] 台灣女子在菲律賓被中國人綁架

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時間推噓21 推:22 噓:1 →:23


Metro Manila (CNN Philippines, August 21) – Police rescued a Taiwanese woman
who was kidnapped by seven Chinese nationals, the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) said Monday.

Based on the report sent to NCRPO director Brig. Gen. Jose Melencio Nartatez,victim Wang Hui-Xin, 35, was kidnapped by seven Chinese nationals and broughtto a house in Victoneta North Subdivision, Barangay Potrero in Malabon City last Aug. 14.

The victim was invited by her friend named "Axin" to meet in Malate, Manila. But the meeting did not happen as she was abducted by the Chinese nationals.

She was blindfolded and brought to Oak Street, Victoneta North, Barangay Potrero, Malabon City onboard a private vehicle.

Nartatez said the Malabon City Police received information on Aug. 18 from a concerned male Taiwanese national who refused to be identified regarding the abduction of the victim.

The Taiwanese informant shared that the victim was detained at the aforementioned place as traced through the location of the Global Positioning System of the victim's phone.

Acting on the information, Malabon police proceeded to the place which resulted in the rescue of the victim and arrest of two of the seven suspects on Sunday.

Nartatez identified the suspects as Zheng Xi Lin, 34, and Ma Pun Xin, 36.

The victim claimed she was raped twice by the suspects' leader on August 18.

She was also forced to transfer thousands of US dollars to the suspect's account in a series of transactions: $71,428 ( 4,010,825); $21,805 ( 1,224,394);$20,000 ( 1,123,040); $1,000 ( 56,152); and $10,000 ( 561,520).

The suspects are now under police custody.


馬尼拉大都會(CNN 菲律賓,8 月 21 日)——國家首都區警察局 (NCRPO) 週一表示,

根據發送給 NCRPO 主任何塞楛鰣萓頞禶納爾塔特斯準將的報告。 8月14日,,受害人王慧新,35歲,被七名中國公民綁架,並被帶到馬拉邦市波特雷羅描籠涯維克託內塔北分區的一所房子裡。

受害人受其朋友“Axin”的邀請,在馬尼拉馬拉特見面。 但由於她被中國公民綁架,會


納塔特斯說,馬拉邦市警方於 8 月 18 日收到一名有關台灣男性公民的信息,該男性拒絕透露有關受害者被綁架的信息。



納爾塔特斯確認嫌疑人為 34 歲的鄭西林和 36 歲的馬潘鑫。


她還被迫通過一系列交易將數千美元轉入嫌疑人的賬戶:71,428 美元(4,010,825 比索); 21,805 美元(1,224,394 比索); 20,000 美元(1,123,040 比索); 1,000 美元(56,152 比索); 和 10,000 美元(561,520 比索)。









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※ 編輯: cmcmisgod ( 臺灣), 08/22/2023 03:08:32

Dinenger 08/22 03:10挖 厲害了 被朋友設局

Dinenger 08/22 03:10台灣人跟中國人還是可以好好合作的嘛

CTTSAI 08/22 03:1689買賣人口政府還不抓真的屌

Takhisis 08/22 03:16被朋友……太慘了

GOD5566 08/22 03:19阿欣是菲律賓將軍嗎

Violataf 08/22 03:22中國人都不敢信中國人了 台灣人還敢去

zpeople0116 08/22 03:22在國外台灣人跟中國人最不能相信

tomshiou 08/22 03:34台灣人搞詐騙啦

panny2010 08/22 03:40就說台灣黑道都跟中國黑道合作愉快,

panny2010 08/22 03:40最愛兩岸一家親的

BIA 08/22 03:42Wang Hui-Xin, 35,

faryoo 08/22 03:42藍白柯粉還不快來幫支支護航

mangle 08/22 03:46東南亞一堆台人詐騙在坑殺台人和中國人

masks213 08/22 03:49還有人敢去東南亞

yule1224 08/22 04:19前些時候對岸網紅雅典娜也是被朋友騙去

yule1224 08/22 04:19菲律賓,被綁架,付贖金也沒用,目前仍

yule1224 08/22 04:19生死未卜

loveian16 08/22 04:20之前韓國那個女網紅不也是被朋友騙去東

loveian16 08/22 04:20南亞,後來調查還發現她死前疑似也被性

loveian16 08/22 04:21侵過,嫌犯也是中國人,現在還敢去東南

loveian16 08/22 04:21亞的真的找死

palindromes 08/22 04:22朋友設局太多了 還有員工旅遊也是

loveian16 08/22 04:22而且共通點都是被朋友騙去,韓國網紅

loveian16 08/22 04:23紅娥英當初也是被朋友騙去柬埔寨

palindromes 08/22 04:24上次就有一個女的把朋友賣過去 全拆

demon159000 08/22 04:40畢竟是中國人…還去危險的東南亞 瑞

demon159000 08/22 04:40士 北歐 加拿大 不好嗎

demon159000 08/22 04:41便宜就日本多玩幾次

diyaworld 08/22 04:52

webster1112 08/22 05:56兩岸一家親 中國人算朋友吧 ?

john11894324 08/22 05:58臺灣太安全,不要以為其他地方和台

john11894324 08/22 05:58灣一樣

john11894324 08/22 05:59台灣監視器多,認真抓一定抓的到,

john11894324 08/22 05:59一堆犯罪份子去國外犯案不意外

cerberi 08/22 06:04可怕

s880st 08/22 06:09"人無良知,富貴滿盈"

s880st 08/22 06:09「殺人放火金腰帶,修橋補路無屍骸」

s880st 08/22 06:15

圖 台灣女子在菲律賓被中國人綁架

SinPerson 08/22 06:33都市傳說不全是假的,有些只是藏起真相

rywen 08/22 07:15太恐怖了

info1994 08/22 07:41看來東南亞除非跟團都別去了

pipiayin 08/22 07:43中國最近一個網紅也被騙去 消失了

HNCB2880 08/22 08:17兩次還好吧 七個人怎麼分 一定不漂亮

HNCB2880 08/22 08:18有12萬美 活該

Hotaruinori 08/22 08:29綠共黑道早和對面一起了

reexamor 08/22 16:59中國詐騙橫行 台灣人不可輕易相信