Re: [爆卦] Juan Soto去大都會 15y/765M
如果Soto 像Trout在天使一樣
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[分享] Juan Soto 今天賽後坐在板凳席看道奇慶祝Juan Soto was the last player sitting on the #Yankees bench in their dugout, watching with his helmet on and a bat in his hands as the Dodgers celebrated their World Series win on the field. 隨著洋基隊今天在世界大賽第五戰以六比七不敵道奇隊爆
[情報] Soto確定超過600M並開始淘汰隊伍Juan Soto bidding reaches $600M, sources say; process of eliminating teams underway. With @EvanDrellich and爆
[情報] 大聯盟官網提出七個Soto交易包裹Here are 7 potential Juan Soto trade proposals 大都會 Mets get: OF Juan Soto Nationals get: LHP David Peterson, C Francisco Álvarez (MLB No. 2 prospect), 3B爆
[情報] 洋基、大都會探詢交易Juan SotoBoth Yankees and Mets will look into a trade for Juan Soto, sources tell The P ost. That said it won’t be easy for anyone to make a quick deal for the young superstar. “Like a Kevin Durant trade, says one rival exec 根據Jon Heyman的消息,洋基和大都會都將探詢交易Juan Soto,但要很快得到他很難,93
[情報] Juan Soto會在冬季會議開始前做出決定All five Juan Soto contenders are still in, and the expectation is Soto will hav e meetings this weekend and will decide where he’s going by the time the Winter Meetings start (per @JeffPassan)70
[情報] Soto:大谷是我最想並肩作戰的球員之一After being asked about Steph Curry and LeBron James playing on the same team wi th Team USA, Juan Soto is asked about an MLB player he'd like to play on the sam e team with: "[Shohei] Ohtani would be one of them - he went to the NL and I went to the AL, so it's tricky"55
[情報] Jeff Passan:道奇會去追Soto這事不是真Michael Kay: "There were reports today, Jeff that the Dodgers will go hard after Juan Soto, do you believe that to be true?" Jeff Passan: "Nope." 被問到Jon Heyman說的道奇會去積極追求Juan Soto這事32
[情報] MLB全壘打大賽冠軍 Juan Soto目前效力於國民隊的強打少年Juan Soto 在最後一輪擊敗水手隊Julio Rodriguez 獲得職業生涯的第一座全壘打大賽冠軍 恭喜Juan Soto -----8
[分享] 歷史上的今天—Juan Soto世界大賽首轟On this day in 2019, Juan Soto CRUSHED a homer off Gerrit Cole in his World Series debut 5 years later, they’re teammates as the Yankees take on the Dodgers in the 20 24 Fall Classic
[問卦] 八炯新影片影射小草都是社會底層學歷低爆
[問卦] 十幾萬人上街 政府繼續當作沒看到會怎樣爆
Re: [新聞] 快訊/柯文哲抗告失敗!4人看守所過年86
Re: [問卦] 十幾萬人上街 政府繼續當作沒看到會怎樣77
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[問卦] 以前的台灣 上街抗議怎麼都有用?67
Re: [新聞] 快訊/柯文哲4人提抗告 高院裁定抗告駁4
[問卦] 史書華現身111遊行:想看還有多少人被騙爆
Re: [問卦] 八炯新影片影射小草都是社會底層學歷55
[問卦] 洛杉磯大火災拍成電影片名要怎麼取?42
Re: [新聞] 不後悔加入民眾黨 黃國昌:今天起要讓賴38
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[爆卦] 111釘孤枝感想14-16某人被嗆,辣個男人37
[問卦] 高院駁回抗告代表甚麼= =65
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[問卦] 聽說中國經濟蕭條超級慘,是不是真的?爆
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[問卦] 為什麼王剛都敢把餐廳食譜全部公開?3X
Re: [新聞] 快訊/柯文哲抗告失敗!4人看守所過年23
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[問卦] 祝緒丹和虞書欣 虞比較紅 正常?19
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[問卦] 現在90後是不是職場不爽沒在忍的18
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[問卦] 中國怎麼2025年了 還在甄環傳啊?