[問卦] Linkin Park最神的歌是哪首 Numb?

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] Linkin Park最神的歌是哪首 Numb?作者
時間推噓39 推:41 噓:2 →:15

Linkin park美國知名搖滾樂團



Numb 嗎



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jack020408 11/29 10:02in the end

vV070413 11/29 10:03不跟你縮

Kmer 11/29 10:03New divide

bill403777 11/29 10:03林肯怕?

obov5116 11/29 10:03It’s my life

anper 11/29 10:04New decode

ji394tb 11/29 10:04Papercut

noah23 11/29 10:05Waiting for the end

Ashuya 11/29 10:05Meteora整張都神

yowhatsupsli 11/29 10:05Numb/Encore

needeng 11/29 10:05Numb 真的神 音樂一下超有fu

yiyin330 11/29 10:06紙會割人

NUMB43 11/29 10:064

LenardLee 11/29 10:06Waiting For The End

binshin 11/29 10:09FAINT

kisweet999 11/29 10:12美特拉整張都不錯吧

addressv125 11/29 10:13Faint

vancepeng 11/29 10:13in the end

wahaha130 11/29 10:16in the end神到ktv都點得到

ralfeistein 11/29 10:16直到世界盡頭

copybrown 11/29 10:17Faint in the end

turndown4wat 11/29 10:17in the end

asd81359 11/29 10:19直到世界盡頭

bass17 11/29 10:20faint

gameking16 11/29 10:21萬幸唉東諾壞

PPPGGG 11/29 10:21Faint

lrfelix 11/29 10:23I’ve become so numb~!

doveplus 11/29 10:37what we’ve done?

ALLENIVERS0N 11/29 10:42Faint

Hsu1025 11/29 10:42Numb, Faint, In The End, New Divide,

Hsu1025 11/29 10:42What I’ve Done

tobbiam 11/29 10:44leave out all the rest

Lowpapa 11/29 10:46one step

pigmai5207 11/29 10:48leave out all the rest

cc02040326 11/29 10:49Don’t look back in anger

ghgn 11/29 10:50Faint吧 除了Faint其他我覺得都還好

ginsengwolf 11/29 10:51dirt off your shoulder/ lying from

ginsengwolf 11/29 10:52 you

chalon 11/29 10:54breaking the habit

jackson517 11/29 10:58最神是in the end

coolrock 11/29 11:05Meteora

f051372 11/29 11:06

Usaria 11/29 11:09in the end

annboy 11/29 11:10我最喜歡new divide 配變形金剛2 童年回

annboy 11/29 11:10

gilingking 11/29 11:13faint 第一首入坑的歌

GBDog 11/29 11:52Numb

leborn315 11/29 12:10沒人推point of authority嗎

aa955260 11/29 12:17推個given up超鬼

ZB12 11/29 13:20given up, papercut

fufugirl 11/29 13:20太多了 美特拉那張專輯是巔峰

MM79979 11/29 13:35In the end

SkY86888 11/29 13:37張杰:完了又要cue我了

Fiore 11/29 13:39Shadow of the day

e86117934 11/29 14:00in the end remix

atfield17 11/29 14:17沒人推somewhere i belong嗎

fujimoto 11/29 15:03我覺得很多比numb好聽

NIKEN 11/29 16:40bleed it out