[爆卦] 耶路撒冷旁出土用於死靈術的骷髏頭與油燈

看板Gossiping標題[爆卦] 耶路撒冷旁出土用於死靈術的骷髏頭與油燈作者
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Te'omim 洞穴是耶路撒冷山西邊緣的一個大型複雜洞穴(見下圖 )。十九世紀,當地居民將其命名為 Mhâret Umm et Tûeimîn(“雙胞胎母親的洞穴”)。1873 年 10 月
17 日,西巴勒斯坦勘測局的 CR Conder 和 HH Kitchener對該洞穴進行了首次全面研究。他們繪製了該洞穴的地圖,並在其北端發現了一個深坑。


在主室及其附屬部分中發現了大量羅馬晚期的油燈和硬幣,以及拜占庭時期的陶器和其他物品。從洞穴的空洞和縫隙中收集到了大約 120 盞保存完好的油燈,其歷史可以追溯到羅馬晚期和拜占庭早期(公元二世紀末至四世紀)。

類骨頭和頭蓋骨。由於其中兩個頭蓋骨是在裂縫中發現的,並且附近沒有其他發現,因此我們最初認為它們最初被放置在其他地方後被老鼠搬到了那裡。第三個頭蓋骨是在一個難以到達的縫隙中現場發現的(L. 3049),裡面覆蓋著四盞公元三世紀和四世紀典型的當地類型的陶瓷油燈。






波斯魔術師奧斯坦尼斯 (Osthanes),他在公元前 5 世紀隨薛西斯入侵希臘,並向希臘

有趣的是,普林尼提到了魔法中斧頭和燈的使用。事實上,在 Te 內部靠近軸的深裂縫
(L. 3004) 中發現了一把中青銅時代的斧頭,以及一個雜耍、兩個矛頭和羅馬晚期的陶瓷油燈。奧米姆洞穴。

匕首和劍也與死靈術和占卜有關,例如在 3004 號和 3064 號地點與晚期羅馬油燈一起發現的中青銅時代的青銅匕首。它們的主要作用是保護信徒免受邪靈的侵害,並確保向被召喚的特定邪靈提供的祭品不會被其他邪靈奪走。這些祭品可能包括古代葬禮上通常送給神靈的物品。腳註67因此,當奧德修斯將祭品放入泰瑞西阿斯的豎井中時,他必須揮舞他的劍對抗其他靈魂。這一場景出現在幾幅罐畫中。



The Te’omim Cave in the Jerusalem hills has all the cultic and physical
elements necessary to serve as a possible portal to the underworld. It is a
subterranean space with a deep shaft at one end; a spring flows in the cave,
and its waters are collected in a rock-cut pool; and there are traditions
attributing powers of fertility and healing to the cave. Based on the
discovery of oil lamps deposited in crevices throughout the cave, including
near the spring pool and the deep shaft, we suggested previously that
chthonic deities associated with the cycles of nature, life, and death were
worshiped in the cave in the Late Roman period. We also showed that evidence
of such a cult from the Late Roman period is found at several additional
sites throughout Judea.Footnote75 In this context, it is worth noting that a
cultic site seems to have existed in the Grotto of the Nativity in Bethlehem
from the time of Hadrian to the reign of Constantine.Footnote76 As the site
was consecrated to the local god Tammuz-Adonis, it seems that the cultic
traditions and ceremonies practiced there were those of the eastern part of
the empire and the Levant.


在這種情況下,值得注意的是,從哈德良時代到君士坦丁統治時期,伯利恆的聖誕石窟中似乎存在一個祭祀場所。由於該遺址是供奉當地神塔木茲-阿多尼斯 (Tammuz-Adonis),因此那裡的祭祀傳統和儀式似乎屬於帝國東部和黎凡特地區的傳統和儀式。

Most of the objects discovered in hard-to-reach crevices in the Te’omim
Cave, including the oil lamps, the ceramic and glass bowls and vessels, the
axe head, and the daggers, were used in one way or another for sorcery and
magic in caves perceived as possible portals to the underworld. Their purposewas to predict the future and conjure up the spirits of the dead. Because
more than 100 ceramic oil lamps but only three human skulls have been found
so far in the Te’omim Cave, we hypothesize that the primary cultic ceremony
focused on depositing oil lamps for chthonic forces, perhaps as part of
rituals conducted in the cave to raise the dead and predict the future.
Nevertheless, the human skulls suggest another element of the cultic
ceremonies held there. Although most archaeological finds related to the
worship of human skulls in the Roman Empire are in Britain (see above), we
cannot conclude that Britons brought the practice to Palestine from the far
end of the empire. Rather, from the variety of aforementioned sources
(classical, Christian, and rabbinic) from the Late Roman period and beginningof the Byzantine period (the time of the cultic practices in the Te’omim
Cave), it is clear that human skulls were used throughout the Roman Empire,
including in Palestine and the vicinity, in necromancy ceremonies and
communication with the dead. These ceremonies were conducted primarily in
burial caves and caves with possible portals to the underworld. Apparently,
the large number of human skulls deposited in Britain attests to the frequentuse of magic and necromancy in that region of the empire. This is reinforced
by Pliny’s comments about the spread of sorcery and magic throughout the
Roman Empire, especially to the Gallic provinces and Britain.Footnote77

在特奧米姆洞穴難以到達的裂縫中發現的大多數物品,包括油燈、陶瓷和玻璃碗和器皿、斧頭和匕首,都以某種方式用於巫術和洞穴中的魔法被認為是通往地下世界的可能門戶。他們的目的是預測未來並召喚死者的靈魂。由於迄今為止在 Te'omim 洞穴中發現了 100 多盞陶瓷油燈,但只發現了 3 個人類頭骨,我們推測主要的祭祀儀式集中於為冥府力量存放油燈,這可能是在洞穴中進行的宗教儀式的一部分。復活死者並預測未來。然而,人類頭骨暗示了那裡舉行的祭祀儀式的另一個元素。儘管大多數與羅馬帝國人類頭骨崇拜有關的考古發現都在英國(見上文),但我們不能斷定英國人將這種習俗從帝國的遠端帶到了巴勒斯坦。相反,從羅馬晚期和拜占庭時期初期(特奧米姆洞穴的崇拜活動時期)的上述各種來源(古典、基督教和拉比)來看,很明顯,使用了人類頭骨在整個羅馬帝國,包括巴勒斯坦及其周邊地區,用於死靈儀式和與死者的交流。這些儀式主要在埋葬洞穴和可能有通往地下世界的入口的洞穴中進行。顯然,存放的大量人類頭骨證明了帝國該地區經常使用魔法和死靈術。

In light of all this, we can propose with due caution that necromancy
ceremonies took place in the Te’omim Cave in the Late Roman period, and that
the cave may have served as a local oracle (nekyomanteion) for this purpose.
The Te’omim Cave is located approximately midway between the city of Aelia
Capitolina and Eleutheropolis, near the geographical boundary between the
Jerusalem hills and the Judean Shephelah. This location is in the heart of
the region populated by gentiles in the Late Roman period, after the failure
of the Bar Kokhba revolt.Footnote78 Consequently, and despite hints that the
practice existed to a limited extent even among the Jewish population, we
suggest that the participants in the cult in the cave were mainly non-Jewish
residents of the area.

鑑於這一切,我們可以謹慎地提出,死靈儀式在羅馬晚期的特奧米姆洞穴中舉行,並且該洞穴可能為此目的充當了當地的神諭(nekyomanteion )。特奧米姆洞穴 (Te'omim
Cave) 大約位於埃利亞卡皮托利納 (Aelia Capitolina) 市和埃柳塞羅波利斯
(Eleutheropolis) 之間的中間位置,靠近耶路撒冷山和朱迪亞謝菲拉 (Judean
Shephelah) 之間的地理邊界。該地點位於羅馬晚期巴爾科赫巴起義失敗後外邦人居住地區的中心。


To sum up, the identification of the Te’omim Cave as a local oracle
(nekyomanteion) and the analysis of the archaeological assemblage is in our
opinion an outstanding test case worth examining within the developing
discipline of the “archaeology of magic.” The findings and their specific
archaeological contexts provide a better understanding of divination rites
that were probably held in the cave and shed a more tangible light over the
spells of the Greek and Demotic Magical Papyri.



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rwr 07/19 01:43喪屍出現在來爆

aggressorX 07/19 01:43死靈法師

s999132 07/19 01:45太長 有請張阿月

avigale 07/19 01:45死靈法師: 還有你死去的弟弟!

e34l892 07/19 01:46死靈召喚流站出來!

estupid 07/19 01:46就在剛剛被nerf了

puretruthson 07/19 01:49搜尋「想入霏霏 出道大尺度」靈學女

CODDDD 07/19 01:52耶路撒冷在古早就是猶太的形狀了

CODDDD 07/19 01:53但這不代表該城信仰就是猶太教一言堂

CODDDD 07/19 01:53很明顯異教徒地下化可以得知猶太教極其排

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lesbian5566T 07/19 01:54講那麼多, 結果挖出死神的化石了沒

Crios 07/19 01:57莉莉絲要現世了嗎?

aigame 07/19 01:59有掉遠古裝備嗎

s9151169 07/19 02:03穢土轉生

MakeAWash 07/19 02:04骨矛掰

Kazetachinu 07/19 02:06這部我看過 惡靈已經被放出來

santiago148 07/19 02:12酷!

herculus6502 07/19 06:25D4打起來

NEDYA 07/19 09:430.0