[問卦] 大谷翔平本來不想領薪水?
經紀人Nez Balelo專訪
When Shohei Ohtani reached free agency last month, he asked his agent, Nez
Balelo, “What if I defer all my salary so that my team has a better chance
to compete?” Balelo says he dove into collective bargaining agreement
language and found no limit on how much salary a player could defer. The onlyprovision: a player must be paid at least the minimum salary.
當大谷翔平上個月成為自由球員時,他問他的經紀人Nez Balelo:"如果我把薪資全部延遲支付,讓我的球隊有更好的機會競爭,這樣怎麼樣?"
意思是 要不是有底薪要求
翻譯: 先不要給我錢,我只要冠軍
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[情報] 大谷去道奇Breaking MLB free agency news: Shohei Ohtani is signing with the LA Dodgers. 大谷翔平宣布與洛杉磯道奇隊簽約 他是透過自己的IG直接公布了 自己的下一站是洛杉磯道奇隊爆
[情報] 大谷翔平合約 每年延期付款68MExclusive @TheAthletic: Shohei Ohtani will defer $68 million per year of his $70 million annual salary over the course of his 10-year, $700 million deal with th e Dodgers, allowing the team to keep spending, according to a person briefed on the terms.78
[情報] 天使:理解要留下大谷,需給破紀錄合約根據The Athletic的Ken Rosenthal 天使在今年春訓後段 有非正式的去接觸大谷的CAA經紀人Nez Balelo 打算要談延長合約事宜20
[外電] 行跡神秘的藍鳥總管(和大谷密會?)Circumstantial evidence points to the possibility that Shohei Ohtani, the jewel of the sport and of the offseason, might be advancing in conversations with the Blue Jays. Blue Jays GM Ross Atkins reportedly switched his scheduled in-person media avail9
[情報] Nez Balelo預計大谷需要進行手術 明年擔任DHShohei Ohtani’s agent, Nez Balelo, said that Ohtani is still exploring treatmen t possibilities. He conceded that “some type of procedure” will be necessary b ut it may not be Tommy John surgery. Also, he said Ohtani will be ready to hit “when the bell rings” in 2024.
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