[問卦] 聯合公園最頂的前三首是哪三首???

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 聯合公園最頂的前三首是哪三首???作者
時間推噓82 推:87 噓:5 →:40

多少七年級的青春歲月 林肯怕
最近換女主唱 新歌還不錯

之前最紅的應該是In the end



補個冷門好聽的 常駐我車上播放

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GrimmNotes 09/09 15:32不告訴你

edward198791 09/09 15:32Faded

thegreatlcx 09/09 15:32我難過 我不難過 我可能難過

lineak 09/09 15:32Heavy

SUMPO 09/09 15:32樓下都聽甚麼肛交

haves560 09/09 15:33林肯怕

Lostinthecho 09/09 15:33Lost in the echo

Stupidog5566 09/09 15:33in the end 一定排第一

qmanpig 09/09 15:33it's my life (誤)

vcooter 09/09 15:33我心中第一 Valentine’s Day

cevs 09/09 15:33禱語天光

edward198791 09/09 15:33Maps

edward198791 09/09 15:33Sugar

adios881 09/09 15:33what ve i done

Stupidog5566 09/09 15:34推個比較冷的 a place of my head

lawrencezxc 09/09 15:34Numb in the end

j31404 09/09 15:34new divid

Stupidog5566 09/09 15:34這首聽了很過癮

yu7038 09/09 15:34我難過

ImBBCALL 09/09 15:34林肯怕

csgod1325 09/09 15:34有一首 I can so hot(我烤焦了)

csgod1325 09/09 15:34很好聽

dda 09/09 15:34Helena

MrSherlock 09/09 15:34faint

q210216 09/09 15:34People=Shit

j31404 09/09 15:35便行經肛的片尾都不錯聽

manlike 09/09 15:35Somewhere I belong

Dhack5321 09/09 15:35it's my life、beli jean、now and the

dethes 09/09 15:36I believe i can fly

ayuhb 09/09 15:36機器人歌

nottell 09/09 15:36Numb,Faint,in the end

thg156yu789 09/09 15:36Numb Numb Numb

LenardLee 09/09 15:36太多很難選

zonppp 09/09 15:36new devide

piercingX 09/09 15:36Waiting for the end

※ 編輯: a1280547 ( 臺灣), 09/09/2024 15:37:32

dses 09/09 15:37Estranged

ld3067498 09/09 15:37Faint

sola01078272 09/09 15:37鹹水雞 東山鴨頭 鹹酥雞

bnm159357 09/09 15:37Leave Out All the Rest

syk1104 09/09 15:37animal

scores 09/09 15:37228公園 墾丁國家公園 太魯閣公園

samp05 09/09 15:37下一篇:228公園

SaintSeven 09/09 15:37主場被噁爛屁莖強插肛門6年,最后自殺

j31404 09/09 15:37

SaintSeven 09/09 15:38主唱

j31404 09/09 15:38樓上不要亂講

LenardLee 09/09 15:39他自殺好像是因為他朋友

F91 09/09 15:40counting star

moy5566 09/09 15:40他小時候被肛是真的啊

Peurintesa 09/09 15:40直接從第三開始問吧 前二感覺沒懸念

TsaiIngWen 09/09 15:41Papercut

moy5566 09/09 15:42breaking the habit bleed it out numb

beeboombee 09/09 15:42快樂崇拜

Khaled 09/09 15:422002年的很頂

tigerface 09/09 15:42我喜歡papercut,開車聽起來超爽

gene0411 09/09 15:43Bleed it out Faint Papercut

b2305911 09/09 15:44

SaintSeven 09/09 15:44誰跟你亂講?淋金公園主唱小時候真的

SaintSeven 09/09 15:44被噁爛死甲甲強插肛門好幾年啊~嘔噁

j31404 09/09 15:45是喔 那也要尊重死者吧 一直挖人家黑屎

ji394tb 09/09 15:46Papercut , Crawling , in the end

ninnyshadow 09/09 15:46Somewhere I belong

PCC2003 09/09 15:46我難過

blitz1991 09/09 15:46美特拉整張都屌啦

dknymaster 09/09 15:47沒有IN THE END樓下剁雞雞

BirdBook 09/09 15:47Lamb of God屌打

Julian9x9x9 09/09 15:48唐從聖那個

yowhatsupsli 09/09 15:50Numb/Encore, faint, 基本上美特拉

qwas0413 09/09 15:50In the end 唐從聖版的

yowhatsupsli 09/09 15:50都好聽

focus0120 09/09 15:50

focus0120 09/09 15:51LArJMdMwHyNR

SaintSeven 09/09 15:51喔是喔 講出他未成年時被噁甲性侵過叫

SaintSeven 09/09 15:51挖黑史喔 酵死 你慢慢聞吧 可悲w

peacebi 09/09 15:52變形金剛系列

a594020419 09/09 15:53唯一推薦台灣翻譯好笑歌名:紙會割人

Jin63916 09/09 15:53Numb, In the End, Faint

max60209 09/09 15:54倒退嚕

yukihira 09/09 15:55主唱童年遭到性侵導致性格上的陰影

yukihira 09/09 15:55朋友的事件讓負面情緒爆發

johnney 09/09 15:56耳朵自己發出音樂是正常的嗎

LiberteHoffe 09/09 16:01in pieces

j31404 09/09 16:01一直提噁甲性侵 是想表示什麼

giftim 09/09 16:02castle of glass

visviva 09/09 16:03A place for my head/Bleed it out/

YqYq5566 09/09 16:03前三2首變形金剛主題曲

visviva 09/09 16:03No more sorrow/ My December

SS913034 09/09 16:04直到世界盡頭

visviva 09/09 16:04Iridescent 變形金剛插曲

visviva 09/09 16:06我也覺得是因為朋友才自殺 所以現在都不

visviva 09/09 16:07聽Hunger Strike 馬的

pushcar0923 09/09 16:08林肯怕

cpaszx09 09/09 16:08give up

spectator1 09/09 16:10In the end

chungting806 09/09 16:11Don’t stay的刷碟很爽

dodo92165146 09/09 16:14Papercut

handofn0xus 09/09 16:16Waiting for the end

williamroot 09/09 16:18Faint, Given up, In the end

ckniening 09/09 16:19世界盡頭

xx88zz 09/09 16:23the messenger, lying from you

suja 09/09 16:24Green bird & Taipei loyal dog

candysagaboy 09/09 16:35in the end

kiduu 09/09 16:36crawling faint what I done

lewecool 09/09 16:38第一張很多經典,papercut , one step

lewecool 09/09 16:38closer , crawling 都很凶

tsaotsaogh 09/09 16:56Iridescent, new divide

gg86300 09/09 16:58快樂崇拜

eatk 09/09 16:59 Bring me to life

kuan50118 09/09 17:11what I’v done

azzx 09/09 17:25guilty all the same iridescent

Evoque 09/09 17:25唐從聖版 XD

JAvLEMcGeE 09/09 17:27in the end 編曲放到現在還是神

johnko64665 09/09 17:28經典太多 選不出來

PPPGGG 09/09 17:29Numb, In the end, faint

johnko64665 09/09 17:33Breaking the habit

Howardlin88 09/09 17:49Lying from you

sion1993 09/09 17:49這首我超愛

Feiht 09/09 17:55Numb; Hands Held High; One More Light

loveworld053 09/09 17:56陪你昂首直到世界盡頭

dkdkc8c8 09/09 18:09Faint

chunyee 09/09 18:09One step closer

chunyee 09/09 18:10Breaking the habits 很有絕路的感覺

xxx5566xxx 09/09 18:57冷風吹進我的洞

sion1993 09/09 18:58因為查斯特的故事 所以我非常非常討厭甲

sion1993 09/09 18:58

domon0525 09/09 19:09New Divide

marquelin 09/09 19:46Leave out all the rest QAQ

mashmabo 09/09 20:49papercut with you by myself

memichael 09/09 21:01Waiting for the end/leave out all t

memichael 09/09 21:01he rest/castle of glass

hoij79627 09/09 21:48Numb、In the end,其他隨便

OOQ 09/09 22:27Numb/In The End/Faint/Breaking the Habit