[問卦] 請DeMarcus Cousins吃炸湯圓 有搞頭嗎?
表弟DeMarcus Cousins剛才來台灣了
雖然在NBA 成績跟魔獸DH沒得比
之前台灣人沒請DH吃炸湯圓 可惜了
這次表弟來 應該要請他吃屬於台灣人的驕傲--炸湯圓吧
2.要認真努力 帶美紀到處嘗美食
3.好好守護美紀的笑容 ^_^
※ PTT留言評論
[情報] 湖人裁掉表弟Lakers are waiving DeMarcus Cousins, league sources tell@Ramonashelburne and m e. Yahoo Sources: DeMarcus Cousins was informed yesterday by the Lakers that he w ould be waived. He plans to continue rehabbing ACL injury into the offseason.爆
[花邊] 表弟很想知道真正的理由為啥他現在不在DeMarcus Cousins said he "would love to get a real answer" as to why he isn't pl aying in the league at the moment 表弟表示他非常想要知道真正的答案關於為啥他現在無法在聯盟打球 (via @SiriusXMNBA )爆
[外絮] Stein:甜瓜、表弟及矮湯皆無意來台灣打球Stein:甜瓜、表弟及矮湯皆無意來台灣打球 After being unable to find a home with an NBA team, former All-Star and future H all of Famer Dwight Howard recently made his debut with the Taoyuan Leopards of Taiwan’s T1 League. He starred, accumulating 38 points, 25 rebounds, and nine a ssists, and was named the player of the game.爆
[討論] DeMarcus Cousins是不是很沒存在感?如題 DeMarcus Cousins 肯塔基大學出品的明星中鋒 打上NBA之後再國王隊大放異彩 明星級的身手 四次入選NBA明星賽 到後來轉隊到紐奧良鵜鶘與AD組雙星 還配藤真豆總98
[情報] DeMarcus Cousins上場23分鐘得31分 創隊史消息來源: DeMarcus Cousins scored 31 points in 23:33 of action tonight, the fewest minutes played in a 30-point game in Nuggets NBA history. That is his 3rd-fewest minutes played in a 30-point game in his career.66
[情報] Cousins因推Booker被追加了賽後技術犯規來源:NBA Official & 不同視角的影片 NBA announces DeMarcus Cousins has been hit with a postgame technical foul for shoving Devin Booker last night.42
[情報] DeMarcus Cousins完成讓渡 可自由簽約加盟消息來源: DeMarcus Cousins clears waivers, free to sign with any NBA team DeMarcus Cousins 已經完成讓渡程序,最終並未被聯盟其他球隊給撿走 現在正式成為自由球員,能夠自行尋找新東家簽約加盟- 2018年7月3日 DeMarcus Cousins 加盟了金州勇士隊 心得:
[高光] DeMarcus Cousins 19 Pts 11 Rebs(頻道: Nba Highlights) DeMarcus Cousins 19 Pts 4 Threes 11 Rebs 5 Stls 2 Asts Highlights vs Wizards | NBA 20/21 Season 表弟在今天單場投進四記三分球
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