Re: [問卦] 打了高端的人真的會到了美國才被趕回來嗎
※ 引述《emuless (emuless)》之銘言:
: 是這樣啦
: 美國只讓完整接種WHO認可疫苗的人入境
: 高端沒有在認可名單內
: 所以打了高端的人真的會買了機票
: 坐飛機到了美國
: 拿打疫苗報告給美國海關看了才被趕回來嗎
: 說到了美國拿出報告的才被趕回來的人是不是怪怪的
: 應該登機前就要檢查了吧
: 有掛?
台灣的就....要嘛沒找到 不然就是只有數月前的檔案 誰知道是不是最新的 嘻嘻
Updated Nov. 19, 2021
對非公民、非移民的規則 (美國CDC)
required to show proof of being fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before
boarding a flight to the United States from a foreign country.
下面是提供的例外 例如公務之類的 我懶得翻
-Persons on diplomatic or official foreign government travel
-Children under 18 years of age
-Persons with documented medical contraindications to receiving a COVID-19
-Participants in certain COVID-19 vaccine trials
-Persons issued a humanitarian or emergency exception
-Persons with valid visas [excluding B-1 (business) or B-2 (tourism) visas]
who are citizens of a foreign country with limited COVID-19 vaccine
-Members of the U.S. Armed Forces or their spouses or children (under 18 yearsof age)
-Sea crew members traveling with to a C-1 and D nonimmigrant visa
-Persons whose entry would be in the national interest, as determined by the
-Secretary of State, Secretary of Transportation, or Secretary of Homeland
-Security (or their designees)
如果是上述例外 入境依然要做檢測 隔離
Based on the category of the exception, you may further be required to attestthat:
-You will be tested with a COVID-19 viral test 3–5 days after arrival in the
United States, unless you have documentation of having recovered from
COVID-19 in the past 90 days;
-You will self-quarantine for a full 7 days, even if the test result to the
post-arrival viral test is negative, unless you have documentation of having
recovered from COVID-19 in the past 90 days; and
-You will self-isolate if the result of the post-arrival test is positive or
if you develop COVID-19 symptoms.
如果要待超過六十天 那你基本上就得在美國打疫苗
Based on the category of the exception, if you intend to stay in the United
States for longer than 60 days you may additionally be required to attest that
You agree to be vaccinated against COVID-19; and
You have arranged to become fully vaccinated against COVID-19 within 60 days of arriving in the United States, or as soon thereafter as is medically
說實話我是想看高端的去說自己參加COVID臨床試驗 看會不會給過
幹這也太蠢 不發簽證不就好了
Re: [爆卦] 紐西蘭CDC承認高端疫苗!紐西蘭CDC有「承認」高端疫苗嗎? 國內有部分新聞記者不用功,網民跟政客在帶風向 自己稍微做點查證還是可以知道,這個說法不正確 1.紐西蘭官方「承認」誰? 答案是,官方「承認」輝瑞疫苗:爆
[爆卦] 美國公布入境許可疫苗美國 CDC公布 11/8日 入境新規 詳細政策 所有旅客需要完整接種才可入境 少了最頂的疫苗?!53
[情報] SEVP modifies temporary exemptionsNonimmigrant F-1 and M-1 students attending schools operating entirely online may not take a full online course load and remain in the United States. The U.S. Department of State will not issue visas to students enrolled in schools and/or programs that are fully online for the fall semester nor will U.S.42
[外絮] NBA球員不會被要求接種疫苗原文: NBA players will not be mandated to get vaccinated against COVID-19, league sources tell ESPN. 聯盟消息人士告訴 ESPN,NBA 球員不會被強制接種 COVID-19 疫苗。 The NBA and NBPA continue to negotiate aspects of COVID-related protocols and procedures for the upcoming 2021-22 campaign, but the NBPA has refused to budge on its demand that players not be required to take the vaccine, sources say, and any proposal that mandates vaccination remains a "non-starter." 消息人士稱,NBA 和 NBPA(球員工會) 繼續就即將到來的 2021-22 賽季與 COVID 相關的協議和程序進行談判,但 NBPA 拒絕就其不強制球員接種疫苗的要求做出讓步,以及任何建議 強制接種疫苗仍然是“非啟動項”。23
Re: [新聞] 認了「知道確診還受訪」喬科維奇:旅遊史CNN的報導另外提到國際網球作家協會(ITWA)對冏確診卻未告知任何人感到「非常憂心」 「身為記者,我們很努力配合所有武肺的相關規定,並且預期所有球員都如此」 「此外,所有記者若要前往墨爾本報導今年的澳網,都必須要完整接種疫苗」 Simon Cambers, who is co-president of the International Tennis Writers Association (ITWA), said it was "deeply concerning" that Djokovic hadn't told20
美國廣灑英雄帖對抗武漢肺炎了...Update on H and J Visas for Medical Professionals Last Updated: March 26, 2020 We encourage medical professionals seeking to work in the United States on a work or exchange visitor, particularly those working to treat or mitigate the7
[情報] ACPP+ 國外可以超過三年【情報來源】 原網址: 【情報內容】 APPLE 開始准許特定國家的 Mac 或是 iDevice 可以超過三年保固
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