[爆卦] 烏克蘭覺青筆桿抗俄 求分享

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“蘇聯是一個巨大的食人魔的屍體,雖然死了,但從未被埋葬。他只是躺在那裡,在俄羅斯,腐爛並散發出腐爛的氣味。你無法躲避它。好比說,你帶著鮮花和蛋糕去你女朋友漂亮的公寓,雖然窗戶關著,但你仍然可以聞到那種難聞的蘇維埃氣味。”這是10 年前弗
譯註: 弗拉基米爾·索羅金是俄羅斯當代最傑出的後現代主義文學家之一




。 “炸毀基輔或華盛頓”的點子看起來很有吸引力——因為侵略和帝國感覺起來很性感
譯註: 創意階層不是眾多工人中的一個階層,而是一個可以為國家帶來新的經濟增長的群體。






DNA 中印有沙皇和恐懼。我們擁有自由。

烏克蘭已經證明自己是一個國家和民族。我們已有 1500 年的歷史,但我們是一家初創公司。我們面前有著不可思議的未來。我們在每一次俄羅斯的威脅中變得更強大,向著我們的獨立邁出的每一步。

您不能在受孕 30 年後進行墮胎。這將被稱為謀殺。因為孩子已經長大了,會和你吵架。能回頭的那一站已經過去了。

自由是我們在 1991 年、2004 年、2014 年在烏克蘭做出的選擇。我們每天都在做這個選擇。一旦你嘗試自由地生活,你就無法以其他方式生活。


For my English speaking friends. Please share.

“USSR is a corpse of a giant ogre, who, though dead, was never buried. He’s
just lying there, in Russia, rotting and giving off a putrid odor. You can’t
hide from it. Say, you go to your girlfriend’s nice apartment, carrying
flowers and cake, and, though the windows are closed, you can still That uglysoviet smell”. This is a rough quote from Vladimir Sorokin’s interview from
10 years ago.

Now Russia has put on this corpse as a costume, looking like an ugly, stinky,toxic Frankenstein made of an old empire, Soviet ideology and corruption.

The current conflict is not a matter of land and resources. It’s also not a
matter of language and cultury. It’s a conflict of dictatorship and
democracy, of past and future, of fear and freedom.

“It’s all up to one person, his mood defines it all. He is sitting in the
Kremlin, having lost all ties with reality”, I hear these words every day,
repeated like a mantra.

The problem is that a lot of people, even among the Russian creative class,
are totally OK with this strict vertical imperial system. The Tsar seems
cool, strong, and “Crimea is ours”. The tsar is a smooth talker and he can
crack a joke. The idea of “blowing the fuck up Kyiv or Washington” looks
appealing – because aggression and empire is feels sexy. People who think
this way make up the majority!

Russia’s “recognition” of LPR and DPR yesterday wasn’t signed by Putin
alone – it was signed by tens of millions of Russian citizens.

Those who don’t agree are silent. It’s a necessary modern skill – to live
in an authoritarian aggressor state and act like you, or your family, have
nothing to do with it.
But “a restaurant to the left – and arrest to the right” (the phrase I saw
in a post by a talented Russian photographer who fled the country recently)
means that when you live in a police state, it’s only a matter of time when
it’s you who gets arrested.

Those people who are not silent get popped – like pimples. They go behind
bars or are forced to leave.

I pay enormous respect to those from Russia and Belarus who came out to
protest. Who tried to speak out and tell the truth, and faced courts,
prisons, persecution and were forced to flee. You are true heroes. And I hopethere are more of you in the future.

Being free is a choice, and we make that choice, each of us for himself, withno connection to geography, comfort, income and circumstance.
All these historical recollections and talks about fatal flaws of 1989 are a
bunch of KGB propaganda crap.

Russia cannot realize, accept and believe that we in Ukraine are, in fact,
very different. They have tsars and fear imprinted into their DNA. We have
freedom in ours.

Ukraine has already justified itself as a state and a nation. We are 1500
years old, but we are a startup. We have an incredible future ahead of us.
And we get stronger with every threat, with every step Russia takes towards
our independence.

You can’t perform an abortion 30 years after the conception. It would be
called a murder. Because the child has grown up and will fight you. The pointof no return was passed.

Freedom is a choice we made in Ukraine in 1991, in 2004, in 2014. We make
this choice daily. Once you try living free, you can’t live any other way.


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choco7 02/23 15:35ip正確

koromo1991 02/23 15:36太長 0分

deepdish 02/23 15:36END

org277 02/23 15:36烏克蘭也懂徵文比賽!?

A80211ab 02/23 15:36罵死布丁了

aaaop915 02/23 15:37血鬼有大

ePaper 02/23 15:37怎麼不是用烏克蘭語

smalltwo 02/23 15:37烏東民族自決阿

DraperyFalls 02/23 15:37

lwamp 02/23 15:37太棒了 鍵盤抗敵 有得到台灣覺青的真傳

pupudice 02/23 15:37有懶人包嗎 謝謝.

vowpool 02/23 15:38作文比賽

RanceTsai 02/23 15:38徵文比賽 臺灣又領先世界了

zero00072 02/23 15:38#烏克蘭一點都不能少 #捍衛領土完整

mimi1020b 02/23 15:40投筆從戎拿起你的阿k 47好嗎

nikewang 02/23 15:40烏克蘭也有林飛帆們?

pavaro 02/23 15:40自由可以回頭 看看香港

nikewang 02/23 15:40烏克蘭87歲老奶奶都上靶場練槍了

ig49999 02/23 15:40滾啦

takeda3234 02/23 15:41太長

chunfo 02/23 15:41為什麼俄羅斯人要反對俄羅斯得到新領土

chunfo 02/23 15:41這tm跟政府是不是獨裁有什麼關係

cat5672 02/23 15:42所以說不能讓文青腦執政就是這樣

frozenmoon 02/23 15:43你們是不知道烏克蘭有民兵嗎

frozenmoon 02/23 15:43

frozenmoon 02/23 15:44

johnko64665 02/23 15:44看看俄羅斯在烏克蘭做大外宣很成功

johnko64665 02/23 15:44 中共學著點

frozenmoon 02/23 15:45 亞速營

lababear 02/23 15:45快點加入民進黨

sasinko 02/23 15:46我覺得就算俄羅斯打到基輔,西方也只是看

sasinko 02/23 15:46戲般的制裁

richardz 02/23 15:47真的有覺青的感覺了

uhbygv45 02/23 15:47看不出想表達什麼,沒看到立論和脈絡,

uhbygv45 02/23 15:47也沒看到守護家園的決心,有點慘

hylio7754 02/23 15:48廢話一堆

lwamp 02/23 15:48快罵死普丁 抗俄保烏啦 不跟著罵的都是俄

lwamp 02/23 15:48國同路人

a7788783 02/23 15:49

圖 烏克蘭覺青筆桿抗俄 求分享

a7788783 02/23 15:49人家261都開進去了

CarisLeVert 02/23 15:50覺青沒有到美國登報嗎?

miforward 02/23 15:51文筆很好,但是通篇廢話

zangif 02/23 15:52臺灣的閩南語鄉土文學一定可以發揮抗公保

zangif 02/23 15:52台的效果

zangif 02/23 15:52讓世界看見臺灣

wulaw5566 02/23 15:55沒有蘇聯,烏克蘭還是俄羅斯帝國一部

wulaw5566 02/23 15:55分。

talesb72232 02/23 15:57有誰在乎

uiue 02/23 16:00抗俄保烏

goshfju 02/23 16:03廢話太多,直接送烏克蘭正妹比較快

Jimmywin 02/23 16:04台灣領先十幾年了啦,作文救國

wsx26997785 02/23 16:04貴國不也承認一中 支持中國吞台

joejohn 02/23 16:06跟台灣好像

winiS 02/23 16:10至少不用公關吹,也知道文筆

winiS 02/23 16:10很好,墮胎還真的是個好比喻

winiS 02/23 16:12青春痘就更傳神了,不是被擠出來就是爛在

winiS 02/23 16:12裡面

gn01993343 02/23 16:12鍵盤護國,很有台灣價值,嘴死敵軍

simata 02/23 16:12烏有挺過台灣嗎?

satosi011 02/23 16:15手牽手 護烏克蘭

olivewood 02/23 16:30文組嘴砲護國

demoham 02/23 16:37抗俄保烏!!

yirenyen 02/23 16:44

yougenmi 02/23 16:49抗俄但添中?

sonyabear 02/23 16:50我知道,接著就潛逃出國幹蘿莉了,國

sonyabear 02/23 16:50父演過

herryherry 02/23 16:51徵文比賽 學台灣的吧

Aequanimitas 02/23 16:57讚 留言 分享

jil 02/23 17:05烏克蘭覺青...

danic 02/23 17:11快去前線啦。幹,廢物

koj 02/23 17:20沒溜就可以肯定了

stonecoldii 02/23 17:31沒聽過哪篇覺青文能導致任何改變

Rundstedt 02/23 17:37簡單說就是撐烏克蘭撐民主

tayuplay 02/23 17:37烏青 科科

※ 編輯: sunkist ( 烏克蘭), 02/23/2022 18:36:51

bbflisky 02/23 19:03Go grab your AK74U。

allofme 02/23 19:04烏克蘭的廢物跟台灣的廢物一摸一樣

bbflisky 02/23 19:29最好這樣能退俄羅斯虎狼之師。

a9724145300 02/23 19:52

angel902037 02/23 20:472個不同意,烏克蘭更有力

gay7788 02/24 11:28掛個大紀元更有說服力