Re: [新聞] BNT採購達最後階段!陳時中曝關鍵:幼兒
※ 引述《SphereDavid (是碰,不是爆炸)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《xuein (脫線烏賊)》之銘言:
: 兒童真的要打新冠疫苗嗎?你會讓小朋友打感冒疫苗嗎?讓小朋友得感冒,就是讓他長大之後再次得到同一種感冒病毒可以輕症吧!
: 輝瑞針對5-11歲幼兒開發之疫苗
: *保護力只有12%
: 保護力12%是什麼概念?
: 不是只有12%有效,
: 沒會錯意的話是有打疫苗跟沒打疫苗後來有症狀感染的比例,有打疫苗只比沒打疫苗少12%。
: 採購這種東西到底要幹嘛?
: 給小朋友打疫苗只是多一次誘發副作用的機會吧。問號
Conclusions and Relevance In the Omicron era, the effectiveness against casesof BNT162b2 declined rapidly for children, particularly those 5-11 years.
However, vaccination of children 5-11 years was protective against severe
disease and is recommended. These results highlight the potential need to
study alternative vaccine dosing for children and the continued importance
layered protections, including mask wearing, to prevent infection and
-- Morning Musume Morning Musume 8K
我們來比對一下: 去年民間購買BNT一樣是四方談判 去年六月下旬民間企業組織獲得政府同意去購買BNT的四方談判 台灣民間企業組織、行政院、德國BNT、上海復星 這個四方談判在一個月內就完成 (7/11左右四方完成合約)5
事情就很簡單 買東西就兩件事情 1.價格 2.何時交貨 會說複雜需要四邊談判的4
有夢最美 台灣政府因為要買疫苗 可以叫德國公司買回股權買回代理權 可以叫上海企業賣掉手上外國公司股權、代理權 不是反串的話只能說信仰真是神奇的東西....9
別人有原廠的代理權 當然只能跟代理商買啊 想要跳過別人跟原廠買 原廠跟代理商簽約了當然不能賣你 這是商業的基本道理吧 你想跟原廠買 原廠不賣你6
兒童真的要打新冠疫苗嗎?你會讓小朋友打感冒疫苗嗎?讓小朋友得感冒,就是讓他長大之後再次得到同一種感冒病毒可以輕症吧! 輝瑞針對5-11歲幼兒開發之疫苗 *保護力只有12% 保護力12%是什麼概念?49
童施 : 打疫苗規劃與BNT採購進度,衛福部長陳時中回應,BNT疫苗採購案進入最後階段,這次 合約 : 比較複雜的關鍵在於「幼兒劑型」提供方為輝瑞而非BNT,將進行4方談判。 : 根據教育部昨天公布最新暫停實體課程實施標準,各級學校停課標準也分流,高中以下2
唷唷唷 最後劇本 應該又是我們要買 但是 因為阿共欺人太甚
[外絮] CBS記者:LBJ應該對湖人隊的失敗負全責Why LeBron James deserves full blame for Lakers' failures, and should no longer have say in solution By Bill Reiter It's LeBron James' fault.爆
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[情報] Rafael Nadal 肋骨應力性骨折 休養4-6週Rafael Nadal out for up to six weeks with rib injury Rafael Nadal will be out of action for between four and six weeks with a stress fracture of the rib. The injury occurred in Saturday's Indian Wells semi-final against Carlos Alcaraz.43
[外絮] 球評:龜龜厭倦別人侮辱他的姓氏,但卻球評:龜龜厭倦別人侮辱他的姓氏,但卻沒有打得更好 Russell Westbrook has been at the wrong end of critiques from all over the NBA f andom this season, especially from fans of the Los Angeles Lakers, the team he c urrently plays for. The hate and the criticism have gone so far that Westbrook h as spoken about how he won't bring his family to games anymore and his wife Nina48
[外絮] LBJ談被逆轉:這場比賽是我們本季的縮影LBJ談被逆轉:這場比賽是我們本季的縮影 LeBron James and the Los Angeles Lakers couldn't get the job done against the Ne w Orleans Pelicans. Playin against the Pelicans in what was a must-win game for the Lakers, the Lakers blew a 23-point lead in New Orleans. LeBron James spoke a fter the game and gave a scathing verdict on his team's performance on the night38
[爆卦] 鯊魚可以提煉對抗COVID用的特殊蛋白正式論文: 大意與原理: 研究人員表示,他們發現鯊魚特有的一種蛋白質能夠中和 COVID-19 病毒及其變種。“這些微型的抗體蛋白可以進入人類抗體無法進入的角落和縫隙。28
[爆卦] 杜蘭大學研究 covid 對靈長類腦部影響Tulane study shows COVID-19’s lingering impacts on the brain April 01, 2022 COVID-19 patients commonly report having headaches, confusion and other neurological symptoms, but doctors don’t fully understand how the disease targets the brain during infection.XX
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