Re: [新聞] 台人淪柬埔寨豬仔 柯文哲:這就是幸福台
腦海裡浮現的是星際效應這部電影中布蘭德教授(Dr. Brand)引用英國詩人狄倫湯瑪斯(Dylon Thomas)的詩句:
《Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night》
Do not go gentle into that good night; Old age should burn and rave at close of day. Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
機器人 Case:It’s not possible.
Cooper:No, it’s necessary.
Sent from MeowPtt on my iPhone
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台灣作為抵抗中共的最前線 平常已經焦頭爛額 還要平反228 白色恐怖 實行轉型正義 推廣台語文(母語)教育 成立網路小組應付網路不實謠言 對亂說話的網友提告並進行處罰 還要推廣被中共打壓禁止進口的農產品X
先不要講那些去酒店嗨房賣淫包養的, 其他開出來的薪資大概是USD1,500-2,500, 你要說很高嗎?以外派來說根本不高, 那什麼樣的人會被這種薪資吸引呢?那就不多說了。 結果藍白抓著說要是台灣安居樂業,誰會想出國打拼。7
外 : ,並加緊國際合作,結合國內外公、私部門報案資訊,配合駐外館處指導援救在境外遭 困 : 國人。但台北市長柯文哲今(15)晚透過臉書批評中央,如果人人都能安居樂業,誰想 冒2
有什麼好笑的 同樣是動用警力打擊人口販賣 反觀美國加州今年二月初 展開了大範圍的掃蕩特別行動 Operation Reclaim and Rebuild
[外絮] 湖人Monk講湖人的團隊互動來源: FadeAwayWorld 網址: Malik Monk Opens Up On Lakers Team Dynamics: "Older Guys Yelling At The Rookies Because It's Their Fault. Everything They Do, It's Our Fault Out There Because They Know Everything And You Don't And When You Mess Up, You爆
[分享] 美退休上校談到了烏克蘭與俄羅斯的戰爭美退休上校:美國應該“停止運送武器並停止鼓勵烏克蘭人死於無望的努力” 退休的道格·麥格雷戈上校2/27在福克斯新聞上談到了烏克蘭與俄羅斯的戰爭: Retired Col. Doug MacGregor said Sunday on FOX News about the Ukraine-Russia war:爆
[花邊] Jermaine O'Neal談因為OREO餅乾離開熱火來源: Jermaine O'Neal: Listen, I'm going to be honest. I'm going to start with Miaimi. They wanted me to re-sign. I knew that Bron and them was coming, and this is the realest thing I could tell y'all: 當初熱火想要跟他重新簽約,他也知道LBJ等會到來。XX
[花邊] Kerr:球員受傷多久,犯規者就要禁多久Kerr:球員受傷多久,犯規者就要禁多久 記者:Tim Kawakami I always feel like on a play like that, a player who commits the action should b e out as long as the player he injured is out. That would make a lot of sense to me. But it's not going to work that way, we know that. It's up to the league to爆
[外絮] 嘴綠:我討厭贏球攬功、輸球甩鍋的行為嘴綠:我討厭贏球攬功、輸球甩鍋的行為 “I think accountability in life is important in anything, not just basketball, ” Green said, via NBA on Twitter. “As a leader, one thing I hate is leaders wh o when everything is good, it’s all up… And when stuff hits the fan, it’s eve rybody else fault. For me, I understand that ultimately, if I play well, we win.90
[花邊] 對球迷比中指 KI:我以同樣的能量回應他們面對賽爾提克球迷的嘘聲,Kl没有打算平白挨噓,而是在比賽中不斷地 對球迷比中指,為什麼他選擇這樣回應球迷呢? "Where I'm from, I'm used to all these antics and people being close nearby. It's nothing new when I come into this building of what it's going to be like." "我一直都習慣這些滑稽動作和這裡的人們,當我進入這間球場時這不是什麼新鮮事。 "It's the same energy they have for me, and I'm gonna have the same energy for them. And it's not every fan. I don't want to attack every Boston fan. But when people start yelling, 'p---y' or 'b---h' and 'f--- you' and all that stuff, there's only so much you can take as a competitor."89
[花邊] Curry:我的球技女生也可以學Warriors’ Steph Curry puts gender equity at center of his elite high school camp Curry在自己舉辦的訓練營中,加入了"性別平等"這一主題。 "We’re just trying to normalize that basketball is basketball, and celebrate the game," Curry said Thursday. "My hope is to give the girls coming through the ranks something potentially to look forward to, being part of this experience and having access to me and our squad and what we do." "And, also, for the boys, to give them the perspective that it’s not just them hooping. Girls can do this, too. And they should encourage, celebrate it and support it. And hopefully that carries throughout their careers as well."43
[外絮] 球評:龜龜厭倦別人侮辱他的姓氏,但卻球評:龜龜厭倦別人侮辱他的姓氏,但卻沒有打得更好 Russell Westbrook has been at the wrong end of critiques from all over the NBA f andom this season, especially from fans of the Los Angeles Lakers, the team he c urrently plays for. The hate and the criticism have gone so far that Westbrook h as spoken about how he won't bring his family to games anymore and his wife Nina6
[音樂] JUSTHIS 新EP 別輕柔地步入良夜IIcr.indigo music Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night II EP 01. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night(Feat. KWAII, DON MALIK, GongGongGoo0 09)(Prod.Humbert)1
[問卦] 各位碩博士們會走上街頭嗎?這兩天 論文抄襲事件越燒越烈 看起來已經不是單純的選舉互咬了 而是整個台灣教育體制的問題了 各位當年在實驗室的角落
[問卦] 科技業有什麼必學的英文單字?爆
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[問卦] 川普第一個政策是廢除變性法案爆
[爆卦] 江坤宇炸裂68
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[問卦] 覺青:許效舜狗蛋大兵罵人那段很難笑?48
[問卦] 波波醫生有比較婉轉的說法嗎?45
[問卦] 未來醫院是不是都要掛「本院未使用波波」44
[問卦] 為什麼今年的高雄這麼受颱風歡迎?37
[問卦] 雞排妹告館長輸了?35
[問卦] 原來LGBTQ+有97種性別喔,太誇張了吧??32
[問卦] 一堆1元怎麼花比較快?31
[問卦] 康橋或台北美國學校有比建中或實中強嗎31
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[問卦] 震撼 中颱天兔17:30發陸警!又要放假嗎?爆
[問卦] 數位部又浪費了3億稅金 你真的ok?39
Re: [新聞] 獨/柯文哲「木可金庫」遭封!北檢再出29
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[問卦] 現在用電量94%了欸 台電行不行27
[問卦] 原來不是每個牙醫都會拔智齒27
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[問卦] 工程業有什麼必學的單字?21
[問卦] 生育率低要怪台女還是台男?爆
[問卦] 有沒有其他國家犯法我國合法的東西