[問卦] 「SOD」原文是什麼

看板Gossiping標題[問卦] 「SOD」原文是什麼作者
時間推噓25 推:30 噓:5 →:16




※ PTT留言評論
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cuteSquirrel 09/27 14:14Soft on demand

BILLYTHEKID 09/27 14:14Super Old Didi

ohmyya 09/27 14:15Sex or death

bill403777 09/27 14:15shoot on dick

RisingTackle 09/27 14:15Son of Dog

koromo1991 09/27 14:15我像是懂英文?

xlaws 09/27 14:15Suck Old Dick

a2364983 09/27 14:15sword of divine

ihcc 09/27 14:16Suki Onaka Dashite

cclincclin 09/27 14:16Superoxide dismutase

ketter 09/27 14:16superoxide dismutase

VB6 09/27 14:16射在裡面

lfe11 09/27 14:17問老游?

JT0624 09/27 14:17superoxide dismutase 超氧化物歧化酶

eva04 09/27 14:17strike out dagushawnpin

donation12 09/27 14:18俚語中好像是用來罵人的...

sealdoom 09/27 14:18shoot on demand

kinghtt 09/27 14:19soften dick

rhythm1217 09/27 14:19Son of D槽

tim32142000 09/27 14:20Song Oh Diaw

ls4860 09/27 14:20Suck Out my Dick

MJdavid 09/27 14:21柯文哲常常提到呀

nmchen 09/27 14:22Soft demand

rufugy 09/27 14:22shit of ddp

ivorysoap 09/27 14:23固態硬碟

milkBK 09/27 14:24不如看S1

cat5672 09/27 14:25sleep on desk 趴在桌上睡覺的意思

cat5672 09/27 14:26例句:我今天中午SOD了

cat5672 09/27 14:26意思就是今天中午趴在桌上睡覺的意思

ojmalone 09/27 14:29Sweet child O Mine

exceedMyself 09/27 14:35son of disk

ldstar 09/27 14:36SAVE OLD DADY

terry311 09/27 14:40Suck Off my Dock

yukiinsummer 09/27 14:40Swallow Oniichan Dick

maxst 09/27 14:41ShOrtdick Damage

superpaden 09/27 14:48Soft on demand 認真= =

Wtaa 09/27 14:55son of dad

Ashuya 09/27 14:56Superoxide dismutase

exrana 09/27 15:03sex or die

eric2057 09/27 15:08Soft on diamond

laplacian 09/27 15:10System Of a Down

rommel1990 09/27 15:12special operation division

lalawoo 09/27 15:31sugar old daddy

jose50203 09/27 15:38Suck out department

LSwang 09/27 15:38Squirt On Dick

Wangdy 09/27 17:13superoxide dismutase

kevinwphard 09/27 17:18Sex on desk

kilin1 09/27 18:11Speech of duration演講的期間

mimicqneb 09/27 21:59succeeded overdose

Firsss 09/28 04:54Soft on demand

godchildtw 09/28 19:47suck own dick