[哈拉] 和 Steps of Debauchery同類型的遊戲
最近剛玩完Steps of Debauchery最新進度,由於遊戲團隊更新太慢,玩到新進度Riley都還沒正式被開發
於是我跑去玩同類型的innocence or money,沒想到玩到女主終於被房東開發後,內心竟然跟女主一樣滿滿的罪惡感,一方面是比起Steps of Debauchery 男朋友的無能跟沒用,這款的男主角在當前進度太正直善良了,也因此就暫停遊玩了
想請教除了The office 之外還有和Steps of Debauchery同類型的遊戲嗎?
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※ 編輯: ab056921 ( 臺灣), 09/11/2024 02:22:10
Steam上類似的有一款Inside Jennifer
F95最近有一款我很愛的Mila AI 圖是用AI生成的 但作者很會
用AI調校生成的圖 算是AI瑟瑟實用化目前我看到非常厲害的
Shadows of Desire感覺也合你的要求
仔細看了一下 你要找的是female protagonist + cheating
+ corruption的 那Good Girl Gone Bad跟Our Red String應
該蠻合你要求 這兩作是同一作者+F95高評分 但是是2D的
太好了,謝謝回覆 今天來去玩玩看
※ 編輯: ab056921 ( 臺灣), 09/11/2024 18:32:45爆
[Vtub] Kson 宣布把她的天賦帶到VShojoPlease welcome our newest members and the NEXT steps for VShojo!! @ksononair @AmemiyaNazuna Debut Streams:77
[情報] Mark Cuban twitter(West近況更新)Ladies & Gentlemen, I present to you, Delonte West . A long, long , long way to go, but he has taken the first steps and shared these with all of us as a thank you for the love and support.16
[花邊] WOJ:聯盟將與各團隊開會討論因應冠狀病毒The NBA has set a conference call with team owners/governors for Wednesday afternoon to discuss the escalating coronavirus crisis and next steps for teams, league sources tell ESPN. 聯盟消息人士向ESPN透漏,聯盟已經安排在禮拜三與球隊老闆以及總管進行電話會談,8
[請益] Stokke 餐椅steps、成長椅tripp trappStokke 餐椅steps、成長椅tripp trapp推薦 不到兩週就要生了,東西幾乎都買齊了,目前剩下椅子這部分還沒購入 想請問有經驗的媽咪,請問這兩個系列到底有什麼差別啊XD 看了半天看不太懂,感覺都是成長椅,從出生就可以開始使用 然後steps的搖椅可以直接放在地面輕搖或是架在椅子6
[請益] 請問DENON AVR-1800擴大機當耳擴適合嗎?請教各位前輩: 目前是使用手機或IPAD+IE80, 約有4萬元預算想升級耳機直衝HD800s水貨或HD8xx, 打算以電腦光纖接DENON AVR-1800(現有的老爺擴大機) 再以此擴大機上的6mm耳機孔接HD800s.6
[寶寶] Stokke餐椅 tripp trapp 和steps選擇寶寶滿五個月已經開始吃副食品了,想找一張可以和大人一起上餐桌的餐椅,之前看過st okke tripp trapp覺得很喜歡。 不過後來又看到stokke steps更便宜(二手),外型也蠻喜歡的。座位空間比較大適合我 們家肉腿寶(?) 想請問以下問題:1
[情報] 24/02/2021 Daily HoroscopeReaching a big goal may be taking far more steps than you had planned on or anticipated. This may be disappointing, Moonchild, but it is not a bad thing. In fact, all the extra time and extra steps may not be "extra" at all. It may have been the need all along. This may be exactly what you need to become proficient and confident, and to arrive at the right place1
[情報] 10/17 the daily horoscopeCan you gain peace of mind by ignoring a situation that is making you feel cra zy? Will it go away if you just pretend it doesn't exist? Probably not, Gemini . But if you have already taken steps - or you plan to take steps - to remedy the situation, then you must let go of it. Knowing that you have done what you can do should be enough to bring you the peace of mind you crave, as long as1
[哈拉] 推薦歐美遊戲 Step of Debauchery簡言之 現代潘金蓮武大郎的故事 目前還在開發中 劇情到 2-1 跟一般箱庭遊戲比較不一樣的是主角是女性 一個已婚正妹大學生 嫁給了經營酒吧的地味中年男 因為主角是正妹 故事中會被各種flirt 有男同學1
[情報] 09/07 the daily horoscopeA small step can be just as important as a gigantic leap - especially when it is your first step, dear Gemini. You may now be minimizing the value of a firs t step you are about to take. You wish it could be bigger and more impressive. Maybe you are not yet ready for that. That first step is the beginning of a j ourney and should be celebrated, not criticized. By moving slowly and in small