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Vision Zero for London aims to eliminate all deaths and serious injuries on
London's transport system.

The Mayor's Transport Strategy and the Vision Zero action plan focus
particularly on reducing road danger on our road network, because people are
much more at risk of injury when travelling on our streets than they are whentravelling by rail or the Underground. These documents outline the important
first stages in a wide-ranging programme of actions that we are taking now
and over the coming years.


不過有時候要問問自己 大家真的準備好付出邁向0死亡的成本嗎

The Mayor's Transport Strategy sets out an ambition for 80 per cent of
journeys to be made by sustainable modes - public transport, walking and
cycling by 2041. This can only be achieved by tackling the dangers that
tragically result in road collisions, with lives lost, serious injuries
sustained, and the fear of these dangers discouraging walking and cycling.

目標是80%的交通負荷由大眾運輸 自行車 步行負荷 期望在2041達成


Lower speed limits on TfL's road network: TfL is proposing to make 20mph the
new speed limit on all TfL roads within the Congestion Charging Zone by 2020


低速限有個好處 這樣安全距離好遵守

但台北我覺得可能ok啦 台灣別的城市未必真的會支持這限制

Transforming dangerous junctions: After identifying 73 junctions with the
worst safety records, TfL is proceeding with a major Safer Junctions
programme that will see significant safety improvements made at these
locations to reduce road danger for people walking and cycling

特別危險的地方加強偵測 看起來台灣也在這麼幹 大家都同意沒意見

Tough safety standards for the design of HGVs: TfL's Direct Vision Standard
for Heavy Goods Vehicles will be the first initiative of its kind in the
world to categorise HGVs depending on the level of a driver's direct vision
from a cab

大學長的可怕 倫敦人也是略懂的 大卡車還是要加以限制的

不過倫敦本來就限制一堆 多限制可能還好

但台灣多加上限制可能會提高運輸成本 也就是說 你家附近的711可能要漲價了

A world-leading Bus Safety Standard: This will identify the latest safety
technologies and features to significantly reduce casualties on the bus
network. This Bus Safety Standard will be written into all new bus operator
contracts from the end of 2018

公車安全 其實這是呼應前面的 希望讓大眾交通+步行+自行車 複合80%的運輸量

那在這考慮下 公車安全自然很重要

說實在搭過倫敦公車的感覺是 是開的真慢 比自行車慢

Safer streets for walking: the Mayor is investing a record £2.2 billion in
streets across London to make them safer for walking and cycling, and improvethe environment for everyone.


不過其實倫敦大多數都有這些了 所以如果台灣要搞...



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cuteSquirrel 08/20 22:04台北市內湖 信義 可以試辦

helba 08/20 22:05阿某些路權人最近不是在吵速限太低

helba 08/20 22:06還有吹韓國沒發現他們也是限速加測算照相強

helba 08/20 22:06力執法 呵呵

julia66 08/20 22:07這台灣壓到2050年比較保險

julia66 08/20 22:07除了台北,大眾運輸遠遠不足

worshipA 08/20 22:18二輪路權仔:台灣速限太低不合理

worshipA 08/20 22:19我超支持行人路權 但就是不爽被二輪路權

worshipA 08/20 22:20仔綁來當擋箭牌帶風向

reirako 08/20 22:20你看那些罵禮讓行人規定的像是能接受低速

reirako 08/20 22:20限的嗎xd

jkhz 08/20 22:22可以低限速但能少設置紅綠燈嗎?不然一直停

jkhz 08/20 22:23誰能接受走一個停一個

不行 倫敦也是一堆紅綠燈 你不滿你就走路自行車或者搭公車

※ 編輯: wen17 ( 臺灣), 08/20/2023 22:25:38

helba 08/20 22:26還有在學校旁邊騎到扣牌的在討拍 這到底誰

helba 08/20 22:26的問題

wen17 08/20 22:27哦 我沒有說一定要學倫敦做法

wen17 08/20 22:28我想說的是 喊別人如何如何好之前

wen17 08/20 22:28可能要想想 這個"好"的代價 大家願意嗎

xaioblue 08/20 22:30科技在進步,死去的人也在進步的概念。

xaioblue 08/20 22:30

uini 08/20 22:34台灣都市規畫非常爛,特別是老城區

uini 08/20 22:35500公尺一堆紅綠燈,一個個等真的會想死

benian 08/20 22:43倫敦應該是對應到台北不是台灣,英國郊區

benian 08/20 22:43也沒說要vision zero 吧

wen17 08/20 22:44是啊 這就是另一個問題

wen17 08/20 22:44台灣很多法規太台北本位

wen17 08/20 22:44舉個例子 我無法想像南投處處人行道

wen17 08/20 22:45但新竹光復路就真的可以考慮

wen17 08/20 22:45畢竟有關新社區的需求

wen17 08/20 22:45隨著園區發展 那邊不給人行道逛街很可惜

koushimei 08/20 23:07我住中山區這 光里長擋巷弄人行道跟不

koushimei 08/20 23:07讓我們處理攤販違停 就可以知道在台灣

koushimei 08/20 23:07還是很困難 民智未開

wen17 08/20 23:27不是民智未開 更多是多數居民無此需求

lbowlbow 08/21 00:04台灣天氣不太適合腳踏車