[閒聊] 這兩天Audeze與Drop的抓馬

看板Headphone標題[閒聊] 這兩天Audeze與Drop的抓馬作者
時間推噓31 推:31 噓:0 →:6



圖 這兩天Audeze與Drop的抓馬



Audeze is claiming "fake" as a tactic because they're upset these units are selling for less than their MSRP. Fundamentally, this is an attempt by Audeze to price-fix using derogatory tweets, MSRP "adherence", and "minimum advertised price" policies. For context, price fixing is illegal, and these policies are fundamentally anti-competitive.
Beyond that, consider that this inventory comes from physical retailers who approached us, asking if they could sell this inventory on Drop because their stores are closed and nobody's coming in for the next two months. Some brands are engaging in buyback schemes to support their retailers through this crisis, but Audeze seems more interested in maintaining margin.

之後一位Massdrop的員工出來說這些耳機是從一個授權經銷商拿到的, Audeze會生氣是因為希望保持一致的建議售價,要不然他們網站的耳機要賣給誰? 並指出price fixing 是非法的


並且說明了有些廠商瞭解經銷商的難處 選擇將部分耳機買回去讓他們度過難關,但顯然Audeze更注重自己的獲利

Draw your own conclusions about who's being shady, but I'll add for context, Audeze is the only company in the audiophile space who entered into a collaboration with DROP, took the designs we developed, claimed they couldn't commit to a production schedule, and launched the product as their own at a higher MSRP a couple weeks later.



心得: 規定經銷商不得特價這個其實屢見不鮮啦,Sony也有類似的規定,不乖就拔經銷, 不過也要你夠大才能這樣幹,最後如果LCD-2C的事情是真的也太不厚道了吧哈哈哈但Audeze家的耳機有夠難戴是真的

Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-N975U.


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Daedolon03/30 18:02愛樂/音寶表示:

Amulet103/30 18:15抓馬到處都有耶姆咪


ayang0203/30 18:24記得當初合作的產品是後來的LCD2 Closed Back,後來Drop

ayang0203/30 18:24只好去找Mr.Speakers開發Ether CX (希望我沒記錯)

說不定其他經銷商都會開始私下聯絡massdrop請他們幫忙賣 然後特價LCD變成一種常態哈哈哈哈

daniel789403/30 18:25好抓馬,就愛這一味

※ 編輯: cokemonkey ( 美國), 03/30/2020 18:26:33

Reshiram03/30 18:31最近真熱鬧

odanaga03/30 18:34

breadf03/30 18:35噁呵呵呵呵

addy753396703/30 18:43最近不方便去電影院吃爆米花只好來這邊吃了(x

Tznami03/30 18:49有趣XD

bztfir03/30 18:51推推 先置板凳

get95175303/30 18:52Cool

※ 編輯: cokemonkey ( 美國), 03/30/2020 18:53:40

willson14903/30 19:16哇~雞排不辣

lll156k152903/30 19:46愛樂:你這什麼折數?讓我來

lf241612603/30 19:46燒起來!

jeeyi34503/30 19:48Audeze不要乖乖被打啊 戰起來戰起來

adamptt03/30 19:53聲底很厚但做生意不太厚道的Audeze 兩邊搞不好就是因為設

是喔 不過Massdrop這邊以前的爭議也不少,還記得mojo嗎?

adamptt03/30 19:53計了難戴的頭戴才結仇的啊

kloseQ03/30 20:03耳機界的紐約尼克隊

※ 編輯: cokemonkey ( 美國), 03/30/2020 20:09:35

tom282f303/30 20:26不提供保固這件事在美國法律是合法的嗎 畢竟還是自家產


tom282f303/30 20:26

arced03/30 20:29奧帝資不地道啊

Kowdan03/30 20:46Drop在搞這什麼鬼XD

※ 編輯: cokemonkey ( 美國), 03/30/2020 20:56:42

vericool03/30 21:01Drop說Audeze是圖price-fixing站不住腳啊,audeze的經

當然也很多方法可以繞過去,如標注open box,提供折扣碼, 或者加進購物車顯示折扣等等 不過這件事比較像報私仇啦ww

vericool03/30 21:01銷商常打折都沒事啊,例如Adorama.

baby1050003/30 21:07果然有中國的螂性了

DaneiLJ03/30 21:16愛樂?別鬧了,我還傻傻的去問最便宜的耳機,開音寶原價

DaneiLJ03/30 21:1618000/2給我www

jakkx03/30 21:22看頭帶部分會不會有後續

※ 編輯: cokemonkey ( 美國), 03/30/2020 21:26:51

enamelcord03/31 03:31神奇的故事XDDD

lemonsodada03/31 10:49建議沒試戴過的別下標,太重久戴脖子真的酸

breadf03/31 11:47LCD3上面金屬頭梁的部分拿個布包一下,戴起來還算滿舒服

Hazelburn03/31 13:04原來Drop還會幫忙設計啊..

Ark72703/31 14:34真嗨

zoraruru03/31 22:43好奇當Drop沒貨之後,遇到維修問題怎麼辦

baby1050004/01 06:44退錢r

keltt04/02 23:18我比較相信Drop的說法耶 XDD