[情報] 決鬥擂台 潛能解鎖 Hotfix

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圖 決鬥擂台 潛能解鎖 Hotfix

潛能解鎖 寶藏池#1->#2

Hey all,

We’ve got one small Duels change going out in a hotfix this afternoon,
moving Unlocked Potential from Treasure Pool #1 to Treasure Pool #2. This
hotfix will take place on the server side, so you will not need to download
anything if you’ve already updated to the 20.2.2 patch.

Dev Comment: We do not expect this change to completely eliminate the
possibility of meta-defining synergies that may pop up in duels for the time
being. However, we are unsatisfied with how deterministic the passive
treasures system has become after the recent change to offer more synergistictreasures. We’ll continue to listen to your feedback, and have plans to
further tune the passive treasures system to be less deterministic in the
next major patch.


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tzonren 05/20 07:05新模式,酷

PTTjoker 05/20 12:07也是該砍了, 一堆人愛用這靠賽

PTTjoker 05/20 12:07這個給戰士衝刺流選到也是高勝場起跳

rnazo 05/20 16:01這個配阿州跟釣魚哥法師跟牧師怕死了