Re: [閒聊] 《暴風城》終場新卡發布會有可能推遲

看板Hearthstone標題Re: [閒聊] 《暴風城》終場新卡發布會有可能推遲作者
時間推噓 4 推:4 噓:0 →:3


Our focus has been on supporting each other and planning action for how we
can make our work a better place for everyone. Something we've clearly failedat in the past.

Having any celebration is a hard sell right now. I can assure you the only
hesitation we have with moving forward with things like streams or card
reveals is out of the respect for our co-workers. This is an incredibly
important time to reflect and make sure we chart the best path forward. Thereis no gag order, no legal team telling us what we can and can't say. Our
focus is simply on each other right now.

All that said, we still care about our work and are still passionate about
delivering a great game. It's the whole reason most of us are here in the
first place. We don't have plans to delay our launch or push back further
developments. We are just taking time to make sure we get this moment right.





※ PTT留言評論
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※ 編輯: Jotarun ( 美國), 07/27/2021 16:16:30

mukuro 07/27 17:00什麼時候改版,8/1嗎?

mas1995 07/27 17:008/4

kevin46833 07/27 17:10可以搶先開包了嗎

kevin46833 07/27 17:10可以搶先開包了嗎

mas1995 07/27 17:22應該要週末爐邊聚會才能開

jackshadow 07/27 18:23雖然我在你們對盜賊動刀的時候很氣亂噴可是爐石真

jackshadow 07/27 18:23的很好玩 team5加油