[音樂] Future & Metro Boomin- We Still Don’t

看板Hip-Hop標題[音樂] Future & Metro Boomin- We Still Don’t作者
時間推噓14 推:15 噓:1 →:7

Future和Metro Boomin繼上個月推出的We Don’t Trust You 跟預告的一樣再度合作推出 We Still Don’t Trust You,原先tracklist只有18首但剛剛上架似乎多了Disc 2 7首歌,目前已知的feature有Weeknd,這次還會有什麼驚喜呢。

圖 Future & Metro Boomin- We Still Don’t
圖 Future & Metro Boomin- We Still Don’t
Sent from JPTT on my iPhone


wuyixuan: 蹲04/10 00:26
EDDYYYYY: 賓哥蹲賓哥蹲 賓哥蹲完樓下蹲04/10 00:36
da871124: 樓下蹲樓下蹲 樓下蹲完春風蹲04/10 00:39


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KiDCuDi04/12 12:16有cole哥

KiDCuDi04/12 12:17Red leather

KiDCuDi04/12 12:19然後drink n dance好像有don toliver?不確定

barry071804/12 12:35有j cole 笑死

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majohnman04/12 12:47J cole笑死

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yixiang92104/12 14:42my fault

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hwer785004/12 15:11Drake: 不對欸不對欸

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