好朋友來訪時,不想一直面對牆壁備料嗎? 來個中島吧。中島可以結合瓦斯爐、抽油煙機和水槽,主人翁不用再默默地背對朋友工作,讓廚房從早期的孤立,慢慢走入客餐廳結合的生活型態中。但需注意的是中島若有水槽,給水和排水,瓦斯爐的電源和瓦斯管線,抽油煙機的排風孔位置,這些都是考驗著設計師美感和實用性。
Kitchen planning: Nakajima
It is the dream of many people to have a beautiful and practical Nakajima. Ofcourse, there must be a certain space for the premise. From the previous
introduction of the kitchen pattern, the use of L-shaped and Galley shaped ismore likely. Nakajima is powerful and can be combined with appliances, sinks,storage and even bar tables, which are often seen abroad.
Don’t you want to face the wall all the time when your good friend is
visiting? Building a Nakajima. Nakajima can combine gas stoves, range hoods,
and sinks. The owner no longer needs to work quietly with his back to his
friends, allowing the kitchen from an isolated situation to slowly move into
the new lifestyle. However, it should be noted that if there is a sink, watersupply and drainage in Nakajima, the power supply and gas pipeline of the gasfurnace, and the location of the exhaust holes of the range hood, these are
all tests of the designer's beauty and practicality.
You can also use Nakajima to combine a bar counter or dining table. When
extending the table for mothers to cook, children can do homework and read
extending the table for mothers to cook, children can do homework and read
books to maintain parent-child interaction, or simply use Nakajima to combinedining tables to save restaurant space. It is also a way to pay attention to
the need to increase the width and depth of the countertop. In order to
accommodate the space when sitting with both feet.
Nakajima also sees great opportunities in commercial spaces, such as a
kitchen for bread making or multi-person work. Increasing storage can also
make the kitchen more efficient. You who love cooking and friends often
visit. When renovating the house, you may evaluate the beautiful and
practical Nakajima!
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[請益] 客變廚房規劃方案二選一最近要面臨客變了 建商附的廚具我們要退掉自己重做 現在要決定廚房的給排水跟線路 目前大致上有兩個方案 A. 雙一字型15
[問題] 中島的功能目前設計師幫我規劃開放式廚房 動線做一字型廚具比較順 然後有中島和餐桌 依照人數會更換餐桌所以不接在一起7
[請益] 預售屋三房格局請益Hi各位專業的房板大大 之前買了預售屋現在要做客變 可以請問一下各位覺得目前設計師的圖還有什麼可以改進的地方嗎? 之前沒住過大樓不太熟 室內大概40坪6
[問題] 請教廚房規劃和動線想麻煩大家幫我看看廚房的規劃是否可行: 灰色部分是原屋主留下來、想要繼續沿用的: 所以櫥櫃、瓦斯爐和水槽配置不變, 另外原屋主的廚房和餐廳之間有做一個門框(但沒有門XD),5
Re: [閒聊] 小中島抱歉,找不到更好的照片(誰沒事會照廚房XD) 我自己的建議是吊燈,當餐桌就好(沒多久就被雜物堆滿了) 你要裝吊廚的話,你的中島會很暗,除非你另外補投燈。3
Re: [閒聊] 小中島之前在弄房子時有想過要有, 後來房子不大加上管線問題,放棄中島的想法, 有一種彈性的傢俱選擇廚房中島櫃可以考慮一下, 如果房子不是太大可以用來增加餐廚空間檯面。2
[請益] 三房格局請益各位前輩大家好 40年老屋,室內約26坪。 原格局是三房兩廳,1.5衛, 其中一間廁所太小無法增加淋浴空間。- 很多人都想要開放式廚房、中島廚房, 但不是每個人的家都適合這樣的廚房設計, 所以我把一些常見的廚具類型整理起來, 希望大家能找到命中注定的廚房, 如果想要看更多的廚房設計重點,
- 作者: LonyIce (耀西) 看板: home-sale 標題: [請益] 客變廚房規劃方案二選一 時間: Sun Feb 20 21:00:02 2022 最近要面臨客變了 建商附的廚具我們要退掉自己重做
- 在廚房規劃中島已經是室內設計中常見的元素,無論是大空間還是小坪數,有個中島都能 讓廚房額外增添一個備餐、清洗位置,中島也可充當用餐與工作的區域,根據不同的空間 與需求可以變化出非常多種中島配置,一起來看看吧! 一字型