[情報] 南灣湖人助教名單

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(Rich Paul)
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The South Bay Lakers have named Perry Huang, Barbara Turner and Mo Charlo as assistant coaches, joining Alex Cerda and head video coordinator Joshua Townsend on Head Coach Zach Guthrie’s staff.

Huang joins the South Bay bench following four seasons as an assistant coach for the WNBA’s Seattle Storm. The Monterey, Calif., native joined Seattle in 2018as video coordinator and was promoted to assistant during the 2021 campaign. Huang has also served as an assistant coach in the NBA G League for the BirminghamSquadron (2021-23), Erie BayHawks (2019-21) and Northern Arizona Suns (2018-19). He spent the 2017-18 campaign as an analytics coordinator for Northern Arizonaand the advance scout and video coordinator for BC Prievidza of the Slovak Basketball League. Huang’s first role on the professional level came as a coaching associate for the Santa Cruz Warriors from 2014-16. Following his playing careerat Fresno Pacific University, Huang spent time as an assistant at Monterey Peninsula College (2012-15) and Cal State San Marcos (2011-12).

Turner joins the team following three seasons as an assistant coach for the WNBA’s Atlanta Dream. Prior to the Dream, the Ohio native began her post-playing career as a player development coach for the Houston Rockets from 2021-22 and assistant coach for the Capital City Go-Go from 2022-23. Turner began coaching following 15 seasons playing overseas in Turkey (2006-21) and Israel (2006). Drafted11th overall in the 2006 WNBA Draft by the Seattle Storm, Turner played three seasons for Connecticut (2008), Houston (2007) and Seattle (2006). Collegiately, Turner attended UConn where she helped lead the Huskies to back-to-back NCAA championships in 2003 and 2004.

Charlo joins South Bay after most recently playing for the Ghost Ballers of theBig3. The Eureka, Calif., native also played seven seasons (2006-08, 2009-14) in the NBA G League. He was named to the Futures All-Star team at the 2014 NBA D-League All-Star Game after averaging 12.7 points, 7.8 rebounds, 2.3 assists, 1.3steals and 1.0 blocks in 31.9 minutes in his final season in the league for theReno Bighorns. Internationally, he played in Japan (2016-17, 2014-15), the Philippines (2015-16), Mexico (2012-13) and Belgium (2008-09). Charlo played at the University of Nevada from 2004-06 following two seasons at Diablo Valley Junior College.

南灣湖人隊已任命 Perry Huang、Barbara Turner 和 Mo Charlo 為助理教練,與 Alex Cerda 和首席影片協調員 Joshua Townsend 一起成為主教練 Zach Guthrie 的幕僚。

在擔任 WNBA 西雅圖風暴隊助理教練四個賽季後,Huang 加入南灣板凳席。 這位土生土長的加州蒙特雷人於 2018 年加入西雅圖,擔任影片協調員,並在 2021 年競選期間晉升為助理。 Huang 也曾在 NBA G 聯盟中擔任伯明罕中隊 (2021-23)、伊利灣鷹隊 (2019-21) 和北亞利桑那太陽隊 (2018-19) 的助理教練。 2017-18 賽季,他擔任北亞利桑那州的分析師以及斯洛伐克籃球聯盟 BC Prievidza 的高級球探和影片協調員。Huang在職業層面的第一個角色是在 2014-16 賽季擔任聖克魯斯勇士隊的助理教練。 在弗雷斯諾太平洋大學的職業生涯結束後,Huang 在蒙特利半島學院 (2012-15) 和加州州立大學聖馬科斯分校 (2011-12
) 擔任助理。

Turner在 WNBA 亞特蘭大夢想隊擔任助理教練三個賽季後加入南灣湖人隊。 在加盟夢想隊之前,這位來自俄亥俄州的球員開始了她的職業生涯,在2021-22 賽季擔任休士頓火箭隊的球員發展教練,並在2022-23 賽季擔任首都城Go-Go 隊的助理教練。 特納在土耳其(2006-21)和以色列(2006)海外打球球15個賽季後開始執教。 Turner 在 2006 年 WNBA 選秀中以第 11 順位被西雅圖風暴隊選中,為康涅狄格州(2008 年)、休斯頓隊(2007 年)和西雅圖隊(2006 年)效力了三個賽季。 大學期間,Turner 就讀康乃狄克大學,幫助哈士奇隊在
2003 年和 2004 年連續兩年奪得 NCAA 冠軍。

Charlo在最近效力於 Big3 的 Ghost Ballers 隊後加盟南灣。 這位土生土長的加州尤里卡人也曾在 NBA G 聯賽中效力過七個賽季(2006-08 年、2009-14 年)。 他在2014年NBA發展聯盟全明星賽上入選未來全明星隊,在為裡諾隊效力的最後一個賽季,他場均上場31.9分鐘得到12.7分、7.8個籃板、2.3次助攻、1.3次抄截和1.0次火鍋。 在國際比賽中,他曾在日本(2016-17、2014-15)、菲律賓(2015-16)、墨西哥(2012-13)和比利時(2008-09)打球。 Charlo 在暗黑破壞神谷初級學院 (Diablo Valley Junior College) 效力了兩個賽季後,於 2004-06 年間在內華達大學 (University of Nevada) 打球。


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※ 編輯: TorukMakto ( 臺灣), 10/03/2024 05:21:36

※ 編輯: TorukMakto ( 臺灣), 10/03/2024 05:44:48

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