Re: [情報] R: Info - One more win

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Pau Gasol

2010 <3<3 #LakeShow #tbt

圖 R: Info - One more win


"Remember how good KCP was in Game 4 of the 2020 Finals?!"

- Laker fans in 20 years

圖 R: Info - One more win

每支冠軍隊永遠會有這種人物跳出來,突然就不只能投還帶切帶傳 XDD

圖 R: Info - One more win
圖 R: Info - One more win
圖 R: Info - One more win

@KingJames' playoff resume:

Games played: 258 (2nd)
Games missed: 0
Minutes played: 10,728 (1st)
Points scored: 7,423 (1st)
Assists: 1,854 (2nd)
Closeout Win percentage: 79.2% (1st)

圖 R: Info - One more win

Asked LeBron what he's learned about being a Laker in the past 2.5 years.

"What I've learned from being a Laker is that the Laker faithful don't give adamn about what you've done before... Until you've done it as a Laker, they
don't care."

LeBron 被問到成為湖人球員的這 2.5 年間有什麼心得



AD, in pursuit of his 1st ring, said it’s absolutely been valuable for him
and his teammates to be able to take advice from LeBron, who’s in his 10th
Finals. They trust the experience he’s had to lead their approach from a
mental standpoint.

AD 正在努力掙得他的第一枚冠軍戒指。

他說有一個像 LeBron 這樣的隊友,能夠聽取他的各方建議,


One win away from a title, Anthony Davis said he’s going to approach going
to bed tonight the same way he has for previous games. Stay focused. Stay
calm. Keep doing what he’s been doing.


Frank Vogel: “To me, this series is far from over … My focus is solely on
what we have to do to get one more win."

Frank Vogel:


"Kyle Kuzma is quietly having a huge impact on this series... It's definitelya team effort what we're trying to accomplish."

「Kyle Kuzma 悄悄的在這個系列賽中產生了巨大的影響...

Anthony Davis on Rob Pelinka finishing 7th in Executive of the Year voting:

Rob Pelinka 在最佳總管的票選中僅獲得第七位:

AD 「我知道他壓根就不在意這個獎項,他只在意總冠軍。」


LeBron James just detailed how Anthony Davis blocked John Henson’s
game-winning jumper from a Kentucky-North Carolina game - that game was
played on Dec 3, 2011.

LeBron 在訪談中鉅細靡遺地描述了 Anthony Davis 在肯塔基時的關鍵火鍋,
他拍掉了 John Henson 的絕殺出手守住勝利 - 那是一場 2011年12月3日的比賽。

我找到影片了 XD

# 1 more win

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LeMelo060710/09 05:40等等 最後一段這老頭是不是誇張了一點

hanslins10/09 05:48最後一段會不會太扯?記一個十年前的大學生表現?

purification10/09 06:10而且只是場季賽

Xhocer10/09 06:18只好再推一次十年養成計畫了

L1ON10/09 06:22季後賽拿七千多分...

tonyparker1810/09 06:44等不及了 怎麼不快點到10/10封王戰XD 還要等明天QQ

funnyrain10/09 06:45噗~真的是十年養成計畫

Weikey10/09 07:05確實就像職業棋手一樣 對奕過一次 幾年後棋譜都還記得

Weikey10/09 07:06LBJ對球場空間的記憶力 大概就類似棋手那樣...

KarlTowns10/09 07:54明天一定要看,真的很期待,加油

karta199256010/09 08:26我以為是今天比賽

Eloye10/09 08:29等等,老詹不要在最後吐露自己不做人類的事實啊…

brian19952410/09 08:33M1!

s6644910/09 08:46

leo81100610/09 09:44看了影片 為啥AD對面的隊伍不犯規戰術?

matsuwu10/09 09:5510年冠軍紀錄延續

KKB10/09 09:56什麼鬼阿 十年訓練營計畫

kuoshenghsu10/09 10:17tp18 大大的靈壓 vs 曼巴聖衣?

kaorifan10/09 10:33國外鄉民: Rondo on the right side now XDDDD

cvbn791010/09 11:42Pau還選張有Rondo的XD

hotpamsko10/09 11:51Last one… 終於等到今天了

Jinx10/09 12:19最後一則??? 太誇張了

TheoEpstein10/09 14:00這記憶力太可怕

jzbobby10/09 14:07@tonyparker18 tp大再忍一場看d-Live吧 跪謝

spko10/09 14:44其實老詹昨天晚上已經做了功課擬好講稿了 (誤)

Verlander3510/09 22:03明天就看湖人怎麼破繞前+夾擊雙星 能破雙星發揮就穩