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cbssports Mock Draft

Round 1 - Pick 28 Cassius Winston PG

MICHIGAN STATE ‧ SR ‧ 6'1" / 185 LBS

The Lakers were in the bottom five among playoff teams this season in 3-pointshooting, an inexcusable deficiency for a team built around LeBron James,
Anthony Davis and the reliance of floor spacing. In Cassius Winston, the
Lakers would add a career 43% 3-point shooter and a four-year college floor
general who can step in to make smart decisions and drill open 3-pointers at
a high rate.

28 LA Lakers -Leandro Bolmaro 6-6 180 SG Argentina


28 LA Lakers - Desmond Bane

TA Vecenie 2020

28. Los Angeles Lakers

Malachi Flynn | 6-1 guard | 22 years old, junior | San Diego State

The more teams look into Flynn’s tape, the more excited they are. He was
terrific on both ends of the floor this season for San Diego State, leading
them to one of the best seasons in school history. He can knock down shots
off the bounce at a high level, defend on the ball, and his feel for the gameis remarkable. Whatever the “hooper gene” is, he’s got it. Sure, he’s
undersized, but he makes up for it with a motor and work ethic that basicallynever quits.

The Lakers got a lot out of Rajon Rondo this season, but it’s unclear if
that will continue to be the case in the future given his regular-season
inconsistency and age. They should look into finding another lead guard whosefeel for the game would mesh well with that of LeBron James. The big key hereis that he could play with James or as the lead when James is off the court,
because of that shooting ability and feel for the game

The Ringer’s 2020 NBA Mock Draft 1.0

28. Los Angeles Lakers: Theo Maledon (Guard, ASVEL)

The Lakers could use a young point guard who can develop behind their primaryball handlers. Maledon seems like a perfect investment as a guard with strongfoundational skills. He has a great feel for the game and a reliable spot-up

※ 引述《Subaru5566 (愛上速霸路)》之銘言:
: 在Youtube搜尋,看到的第一片,講到我湖現在最缺SF和替補PG,所以
: 影片中除了Cassius Winstond是PG以外,全部都是鋒線3D。
: 但這些人都有不錯的3分,這應該很合LBJ的胃口。
: 但去看,它們預測的人選Leadro Bolmaro,就更多想像(意淫)的空間。: 數據看起來不怎麼樣,但影片中真的有他老前輩Manu的樣子,看看那切入的腳步。
: 打的是SG,但空間感非常好,開放式打法時,傳球很讓人驚艷。
: 我是對NCAA沒啥研究,然後之前愛用的Draft express被收購後,也沒有再新,不方便: 意淫,還請其他大大指點一二。


※ PTT留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (臺灣)
PTT 網址

jetloading0010/24 12:44

jetloading0010/24 12:45Bane談跟湖人面試

s88030310/24 12:50不要選那些6'1的PG 要養很久而且還會被打點 多一個廚師

jetloading0010/24 13:05同意樓上

GodTone10/24 13:20選一隻側翼吧

lwei78110/24 13:38找有高度的?

coffepig10/24 13:46不知道Jush Green怎麼樣?

kkl52260810/24 13:48推樓上,千萬不要選矮PG,地雷的機率很高

kkl52260810/24 13:49樓上是在說Josh Green嗎?他原本是樂透 ,應該掉不到28

kkl52260810/24 13:49給我們選

lwei78110/24 13:50Josh Green 那種下來要秒選吧

Eonst10/24 13:52Desmond Bane 是短手一族。

justin041610/24 14:01應該選3.4號可以打 盡量有3D的

Antonywei10/24 14:05當初給水鳥的籤是那幾年的?

KKB10/24 14:07跟湖人面談就會被某隊選走

lwei78110/24 14:23這次似乎沒啥合適的大型 SF

lwei78110/24 14:23好幾隻3D 類都是 SG/SF

jimli10/24 14:27快艇沒簽,搶不了

GodTone10/24 14:30Robert Woodard II

jimli10/24 14:43Robert Woodard II 這隻可以買2輪選來養,真的喜歡他,算

jimli10/24 14:43重型3D

fauzy10/24 14:52培林卡:只要是Green我都選,哪一次不選的?

fauzy10/24 14:53我哥:我派出五個Green兵分五路,直取敵方本陣!

fauzy10/24 14:54RR:我臥薪嘗膽的紫金軍團綠化大計就在眼前啊(臥拳

ken72033110/24 15:02神羅天征

lwei78110/24 15:12Woodard II 用28 下去也不一定有啊, 當然能買二輪選更

lwei78110/24 15:12

dickenst3510/24 15:32選側翼比較有上場空間練,後衛卡一堆人

TheoEpstein10/24 15:55SG/SF的側翼3D還算不少,就是怕守不了三號。

dickenst3510/24 16:03也不用守的住,上個10分鐘黏住讓對手不順就夠了

Lattendue10/24 16:32控場我倒是看好THT明年能有點戲

LBJKO10/24 16:36其實選誰都沒差,都是要先去南灣的 不會卡時間XD

ltmps10/24 17:15沒錯,選誰都不會馬上用,所以選天賦最好的,身材矮小就跳

ltmps10/24 17:15過吧

jetloading0010/24 17:42如果單就天賦 大家有推薦的側翼嗎

Solid410/24 18:07過去放一群南灣的時候AC好像控的還可以?雖然是垃圾時間

s88030310/24 18:39天賦又順位選得到:Jordan Nwora 可是要修理一陣子

LBJKO10/24 18:40其實TH南灣也控過 他們就是不夠純熟經驗也不夠

LBJKO10/24 18:41反正沒意外應該是要挑SG SF側翼 為未來做準備

ken72033110/24 18:43籃球就是身高優勢選個適合養成防守的比較好

beckseaton10/24 19:00Bane應該選不到 前面順位對他有興趣的不少

Addressg10/24 19:20josh green防守跟很緊

jetloading0010/24 19:38josh green打球有點像Kelly oubre

gto73121610/24 20:08oubre真的是年輕又便宜

lwei78110/24 20:33SG/SF 的3D 側翼多, 但是對上大型高階 SF 怕被碾啊

lwei78110/24 20:35Nwora 算安全選擇之一吧

ken72033110/24 20:36需要一個大型的SF防守型球員

lwei78110/24 20:36Josh Green 小了一點點, 但是可能可以替換 Danny Gree

lwei78110/24 20:36n

lwei78110/24 20:40要賭的話 Achiuwa 體能好, 頭腦和進攻是要注意的

lwei78110/24 20:50Patrick Williams 買晚二輪 或是等落選秀 進南灣練

Addressg10/24 20:58這個green有像很貴沒3的green

lwei78110/24 21:54Josh Green 能拿到 的確就是當 Danny 用啊

s88030310/24 22:03還有一個福袋Jaden McDaniels

lwei78110/24 22:18兩個 Bey, 可能都 28 之前

s88030310/24 22:51兩個Bey或Jose Green Kira Lewis掉下來一定撿

lwei78110/25 01:06Kira Lewis 有那麼好??

s88030310/25 12:11Kira是這屆最快的後衛像Morant和Fox 但是最近炒很高

Addressg10/25 14:55我看KIRA切入很犀利以為是速度比較快一點

REMEMBER1310/26 08:16THT能練起來比較重要 除非今年一年對他經驗毫無幫

REMEMBER1310/26 08:16助 要不然

gm7922792210/26 12:27今年小年 只能當淘寶了

lwei78110/31 14:37Grant Riller 防守夠好嗎? 還是有二輪能賭?

lwei78111/02 02:03Lamine Diane 可以考慮??