[情報] 4/26(日)DailyHoroscope
The tracks for a toy train dictate where it can go. Many just go around and around in an oval, and some can branch off if the track is set up that way. But neither a toy train nor a real train can go anywhere that the tracks don't go. However, you are not limited in this way. You are free from such restrictions.
You can do anything you wish with a plan you are creating for a future endeavor, Leo. You need to prepare a path to follow. You need to decide where you want to go and if you want to branch off. You are not limited now, so don't underestimate what you are capable of as you design your future.
[問題] 關於火車那兩款遊戲今天看到 steam在慶祝火車(? 兩款火車模擬遊戲 Train Simulator 2021 Train Sim World 2 在半價9
[心得] 看影片說英文-給火車迷的播放清單各位爸媽們~家裡也有個對火車著迷不已的寶寶嗎? 這是我常常給孩子看的英文影片播放清單 ---火車特輯--- 希望對各位有幫助 * Simon - The train trip7
[問題] 日亞買TAKARA TOMY 電動火車?附上日亞的網址 想請問一下如果在日亞買TAKARA TOMY的火車系列玩具的話, 不知道這系列是不是鐵軌 / 火車分開賣??6
[問卦] 火車司機不會迷路?2
Re: [爆卦] 美國火車好像出事了#BREAKING: 3 dead, multiple injured, after an Amtrak train carrying 243 passengers derailed near Mendon, Missouri after hitting a dump truck. Fatalities are the 2 on the train and the 1 truck driver 看了一下國外報導1
[問卦] 1.8公里長的火車 上坡起步一直失敗Train Sim World 3 模擬火車菜鳥司機練了一個下午 被派去開這列1.8公里的貨物列車2
[情報] 26/05/2020 Daily HoroscopeWalking through one door instead of another can make a big difference in what happens next. Catching the wrong train can result in good fortune that you would not have experienced if you caught the right train. Sometimes a mistake or a random decision can lead to something truly auspicious. If you are hoping for some kind of a miracle now, Moonchild,2
[情報] 02/13 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期六 2月 13 Gemini horoscope for 星期六 2月 13 Try to imagine that you are boarding a train for a destination you are very ex cited about. Perhaps this place you are headed to holds all sorts of wonderful , magical possibilities for you. Then you look at the sign flashing overhead,