[情報] 8/29(六)Dailyhoroscope
Have you had a bit too much peace and quiet recently, Leo? Have things been too smooth and predictable? It isn't that you like upheaval and chaos, but you do thrive in an atmosphere that is fast-paced, challenging, and exciting.
But you can stir things up in a current matter that has become rather dreary and dull if it makes you feel better. If you are thinking about introducing a new aspect to a project that is already in progress, it might be a great idea. Give it a try!
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※ 編輯: enetorac ( 日本), 08/29/2020 20:38:05
[情報] 29/03~04/04/2021 Weekly HoroscopeYou may have the chance this week to mull over a recent conversation or situation that left you a bit baffled. It may have included some odd behavior on the part of someone you know. Give yourself some quiet time to think about it, and by repeating a conversation in your mind, some things should become clear. This will help you see things in a more positive and5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/07/31有件正在飛速發展中的事情帶來了新的冒險或計劃,阿牛。這並不是你所預期的,但這確 實是個好消息。儘管你可能還沒準備好進展的這麼快,但你需要後退一步,認知到你是多 麼幸運才能讓事情發展的如此順利。或許你覺得自己還沒準備好,但如果你準備出一種什 麼事都難不倒你和靈活的方法來迎接這件事,你就能夠走上正軌。這是件好事。 ——4
[閒聊] 01/05 Daily Horoscope獅子們,平靜不僅僅只是生活中沒有波瀾。 雖然在所有事情進展順利時,感到內心的平穩似乎很容易,但實際上,真正平靜的感覺還 要更深沉得多。 你需要對周遭的世界更加覺知,包括人與人之間的關係。 為了達到這樣的狀態,你需要為自己挺身而出:勇於表達你想要什麼,你希望得到什麼, 以及什麼正在困擾著你。 只有這樣,你才能看到進步的契機。如果你在今天這樣做,或4
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 02/02 & 02/0302/02 (三) 有人可能會分享他們自己的事情,但這比你想知道的部分還多,阿牛。也許這些細節太深 入了,又或者它們代表了太多的資訊,而你不得不也分享這麼多有關自己的訊息。但如果 這個人分享的東西在某種程度上讓你感到好奇,可能是因為他們有著某種目的。也許你是 來幫忙的,或者他們分享的這些東西也能幫助你了解自己生活的某些方面。如果你覺得自3
[閒聊] 4/18 Daily HoroscopeYou may be feeling immersed in stagnant energy. Something isn't moving along q uickly enough for you, and with your kind of powerful energy, dear Leo, you co uld be feeling restless and bored. But there are some great things you can acc omplish now while you're waiting for a process to move on. Look around and ass ess your situation. What matters can you now address while you have this quiet2
[情報] 4/19 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 19 2021 You may be wondering if you are looking at a current conflict without bias. The idea that you are willing to even consider this is a testament to your integrity, Capricorn. Although you may feel partial to one side of things, the fact that you can take a step back to do the right thing is quite noble. If you feel you can't be impartial now, give yourself some time to view the situation from a distance. Time and space will help you see things in the most balanced way possible. -- 你在想, 是不是能不帶偏見的看待一場衝突,2
[情報] 06/12~12/12/2021 Weekly Horoscope在幾週前出現的情感問題,你有話沒有說出來。 現在,月之子,你可能會不斷重複那些你只希望自己在心裡說過的話。 但這有什麼用呢? 如果你的話只是在你的腦海中循環,那麼它們永遠不會被真正需要聽到它們的人聽到。 本週,把說出這些話作為優先事項。1
[情報] 17/11/2020 Daily HoroscopeThe small details of a big project could become a point of contention today, Moonchild. You have a brilliant idea for the big picture, but for you, all those little things matter just as much. But not everyone understands why you would be so caught up in small stuff when there are bigger things to deal with. Try to explain that in the ideal expression of1
[情報] 06/02 the daily horoscopeThings may have been going along quite smoothly with an endeavor that you beli eved would eventually yield impressive financial results. At some point, thoug h, Gemini, you may have hit a bottleneck, and you gave up since you could find no way around it or through it. But things may be easing up a bit, and that b lock may soon be passable. If you still feel ambitious about this, then try ag- When someone finds themselves in a situation where they feel like they are "go ing around in circles," it is naturally very frustrating. Experiencing the sam e thing over and over doesn't feel productive. But there can be benefits to th at kind of repetition if you pay attention, Leo. You may notice helpful things you didn't see the first time around, or come to understand things that confu