[閒聊] 4/13 Daily Horoscope

看板Leo標題[閒聊] 4/13 Daily Horoscope 作者
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Although you may be seen as someone very close to being a superhero by your friends, family members, and other fans, you are still only human. While you are a powerful force to behold, Leo, you can't do everything. You may be struggling now because you don't have the resources or the influence to make a changeyou can see would be beneficial. Let yourself off the hook. There is absolutely no reason for you to feel bad or guilty about that. Just think good thoughts and send them out into the universe. A solution may take care of itself.

儘管您可能會被朋友、家人和其他粉絲視為非常接近超級英雄的人,但您仍然只是人類。 大獅們,雖然我們擁有強大的力量,但我們終究不是超人,無所不能。


不過!! 你絕對不需要為此感到難過或內疚,只需要將好的想法發送到宇宙中, 這些難題可能會自行解決。



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puraurora 04/13 01:33只希望疫情早點過去 不然很多事不能做